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Do you/dh 'manscape'?  

  1. 1. Do you/dh 'manscape'?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Doesn't everyone?
    • My lips are sealed!
    • Cupcakes for all!

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Dh asked if I would post this as a poll. Apparently there have been some... discussions... at work that have ranged far and wide.:lol:


So. "Manscaping". Who does, who doesn't, why, how, how widespread is this? Discuss:D.




ETA: Poll should be anonymous


ETA (again) definition in title now.

Edited by Aunty Social
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People are voting, but no one is discussing. We need details, people! How is he supposed to go back to work and dazzle them with his knowledge?


Perhaps he should just go to work and dazzle them with his pejazzle (the manly version of a vajazzle.) :D


Edited to add that, for once in my life, I do not want to see the photos. :ack2:

Edited by Catwoman
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Just so I know for his privacy's sake just in case let me double verify that these polls are completely and utterly anonymous, right? :) I do not want to go about giving any very private info that belongs to him without asking an obvious question.


To me, that's why I wouldn't discuss this here. That's extremely private information that belongs to him. :) If I discuss myself that's my choice, you know? ;)


For the record for my opinion, I think it's a great, thoughtful thing to do in many cases of teA. ;)

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A professional waxer I met called it a "back, crack, and sack wax".


I've seen some patients with it, and it is odd. But then, I don't shave anything either.


I think he'll fare quite well when he drops the "technical" term. :lol:


No, sorry, I prefer my men low maintence.

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Just so I know for his privacy's sake just in case let me double verify that these polls are completely and utterly anonymous, right? :) I do not want to go about giving any very private info that belongs to him without asking an obvious question.


To me, that's why I wouldn't discuss this here. That's extremely private information that belongs to him. :) If I discuss myself that's my choice, you know? ;)


For the record for my opinion, I think it's a great, thoughtful thing to do in many cases of teA. ;)


I completely get this. As far as I know, it's all private - I only see the number and percentages of votes. No names or anything. And since I only know a one person on here IRL, your secrets are safe with me. :bigear:


Generalities, anecdotal experiences, and funny stories are all welcome!

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Can you imagine anything grosser than a bedazzled..... man area?? Talk about putting lipstick on a pig :lol::lol::lol:

:lol: Sooooo true!



No waxing! Just...hmmm...general "lawn care?" You know, trim the hedges? Edging the boundaries? I can't think of men as tearooms so I'm going with lawns. It seems more manly that way.

I have to agree with this. Nothing too crazy.

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Absolutely not. My spouse and I both agree that it would weird us out for either one of use to remove pubic hair. It makes people look...pre-adolescent. We are grown married peeps. I am kinda wigged out that hairless is considered attractive. I blame porn.


I don't think it means completely gone but...tidy. Tidy is ok.

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While I agree...there is a small part of me that is now verrrrrry curious. Must.Not.Google.


Don't do it.




I am trying to figure out how to wash my brain out with soap after seeing the sparkly, pejazzled man-part of a very well-endowed gentleman.


And of course, I didn't click away immediately, because I'm wondering what good it would be to anyone like that. I mean, what's he going to do with it, and how could it be of any possible benefit to a... special friend? And if he's really happy to see someone, will the little mirror thingies fall off, or will he just be incredibly uncomfortable?


Clearly, the man will never be able to wear a pair of jeans again.


I don't want to see the looks of the other guys at the urinals in the men's room, either.


"Hey, buddy, you wanna put that thing away? It's reflecting the sunlight from the window and I'm going half blind over here."

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Manscaping...think of the guys who do lawns. When the mowers arrive, do they rip out all of the grass? Of course not. They just clip here and there and get everything looking nice.


Manscaping does not = ripping the lawn out.


Oh, I LIKE this analogy. Makes much more sense to me now.


Do they make the pretty designs too?:leaving:

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Don't do it.




I am trying to figure out how to wash my brain out with soap after seeing the sparkly, pejazzled man-part of a very well-endowed gentleman.


And of course, I didn't click away immediately, because I'm wondering what good it would be to anyone like that. I mean, what's he going to do with it, and how could it be of any possible benefit to a... special friend? And if he's really happy to see someone, will the little mirror thingies fall off, or will he just be incredibly uncomfortable?


Clearly, the man will never be able to wear a pair of jeans again.


I don't want to see the looks of the other guys at the urinals in the men's room, either.


"Hey, buddy, you wanna put that thing away? It's reflecting the sunlight from the window and I'm going half blind over here."


I am dying!:lol::lol:


Thanks for taking one for the team!

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Don't do it.




I am trying to figure out how to wash my brain out with soap after seeing the sparkly, pejazzled man-part of a very well-endowed gentleman.


And of course, I didn't click away immediately, because I'm wondering what good it would be to anyone like that. I mean, what's he going to do with it, and how could it be of any possible benefit to a... special friend? And if he's really happy to see someone, will the little mirror thingies fall off, or will he just be incredibly uncomfortable?


Clearly, the man will never be able to wear a pair of jeans again.


I don't want to see the looks of the other guys at the urinals in the men's room, either.


"Hey, buddy, you wanna put that thing away? It's reflecting the sunlight from the window and I'm going half blind over here."



Thanks for taking one for the team, Cat.

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Don't do it.




I am trying to figure out how to wash my brain out with soap after seeing the sparkly, pejazzled man-part of a very well-endowed gentleman.


And of course, I didn't click away immediately, because I'm wondering what good it would be to anyone like that. I mean, what's he going to do with it, and how could it be of any possible benefit to a... special friend? And if he's really happy to see someone, will the little mirror thingies fall off, or will he just be incredibly uncomfortable?


Clearly, the man will never be able to wear a pair of jeans again.


I don't want to see the looks of the other guys at the urinals in the men's room, either.


"Hey, buddy, you wanna put that thing away? It's reflecting the sunlight from the window and I'm going half blind over here."




Funniest post ever.

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I am dying!:lol::lol:


Thanks for taking one for the team!


You're quite welcome.


As I was looking at the photo and sort of tilting my head from side to side, trying to figure out the logistics of how that poor misguided sparkly man was ever going to pee again, my husband said, "What are you looking at?"


I said, "Nothing, just some homeschool stuff."

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You're quite welcome.


As I was looking at the photo and sort of tilting my head from side to side, trying to figure out the logistics of how that poor misguided sparkly man was ever going to pee again, my husband said, "What are you looking at?"


I said, "Nothing, just some homeschool stuff."




Research! (at least, that's what I'm telling my dd)

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Perhaps he should just go to work and dazzle them with his pejazzle (the manly version of a vajazzle.) :D


Edited to add that, for once in my life, I do not want to see the photos. :ack2:


Can you imagine anything grosser than a bedazzled..... man area?? Talk about putting lipstick on a pig :lol::lol::lol:


No waxing! Just...hmmm...general "lawn care?" You know, trim the hedges? Edging the boundaries? I can't think of men as tearooms so I'm going with lawns. It seems more manly that way.


Is this a pubic, er, public poll?


Don't do it.




I am trying to figure out how to wash my brain out with soap after seeing the sparkly, pejazzled man-part of a very well-endowed gentleman.


And of course, I didn't click away immediately, because I'm wondering what good it would be to anyone like that. I mean, what's he going to do with it, and how could it be of any possible benefit to a... special friend? And if he's really happy to see someone, will the little mirror thingies fall off, or will he just be incredibly uncomfortable?


Clearly, the man will never be able to wear a pair of jeans again.


I don't want to see the looks of the other guys at the urinals in the men's room, either.


"Hey, buddy, you wanna put that thing away? It's reflecting the sunlight from the window and I'm going half blind over here."


You're quite welcome.


As I was looking at the photo and sort of tilting my head from side to side, trying to figure out the logistics of how that poor misguided sparkly man was ever going to pee again, my husband said, "What are you looking at?"


I said, "Nothing, just some homeschool stuff."


Cannot. Stop. Laughing!!!!!


I think I snorted with each of these posts!


I vote this thread the funniest thread ever.

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I think I have posted on here about an old man in his Speedo whom I saw as a young teen; he had large tufts of graying hair protruding out of the sides of his suit. Traumatic. The young male swim teacher in his "underwear" (my kids' term) I see at the pool is definitely, definitely a friend of wax. There isn't much that's not visible.


So let me just plead that whatever one, or one's man does, or does not do, let it not be exposed in public.


Please. I don't want to have to see for myself.

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I don't think it means completely gone but...tidy. Tidy is ok.


I suppose that is less creepy to me. Whatever floats your boat. But those that I have heard discuss it are talking more about the waxed hairless look. Again, whatever floats their boat...but that would certainly sink my boat. The whole idea is gross to me.

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We finally have a man (acablue) reading this thread and I, for one, am waiting for him to chime in.


Come on Sean, we know you're here... :D


(No, people, I'm not psychic -- he posted on the cupcake thread that he was coming here. Of course, he probably clicked away in horror within about 30 seconds, but if he didn't, maybe he'll post something from a guy's point of view.)

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Can you imagine anything grosser than a bedazzled..... man area?? Talk about putting lipstick on a pig :lol::lol::lol:


:lol::lol: So true!!!! It's so bizarre how men think looking at one (an unlandscaped one at that) will turn us on (at least it certainly doesn't for me!)



Thanks for taking one for the team, Cat.



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Sean popped to the cupcake kerfuffle and said he was coming over here... I don't see any man wisdom being shared. toetap.gif


Maybe he googled and got traumatized by the bedazzled pejazzle. He's probably catatonic now. Someone will have to tube-feed him his cupcakes.

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:lol::lol: So true!!!! It's so bizarre how men think looking at one (an unlandscaped one at that) will turn us on (at least it certainly doesn't for me!)



I have a feeling that women aren't the most likely targets of these particular gentlemen. :tongue_smilie:

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