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Almost "cut off" from Sonlight....


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Well, I'm having turmoil over Sonlight!:tongue_smilie:

I have ordered and returned quite a bit in the past because I've been so extremely unsure about going the lit route. I placed an order a week ago and finally get a message saying that if I return this order, I can no longer place future orders!


I understand that this is my fault because of being too wish washy, but now I'm not sure to continue:confused: I had decided on using the B&C combined core for my recently turned 11 DS. He is behind a bit in the history/science area, but he really wants to do this core for this year. I think we can go really fast with this and could get into D&E before the year is over, but now I'm really upset that I can basically not change my mind and use the return policy at all.:tongue_smilie: What if d&e doesn't work or we find that we really do not like b&c after it's all said and done.:confused:



I also feel embarrassed that I've been "branded" a repeat returner:( What says the hive?

Should I embrace this year of SL o go another way? Thanks, and please be understanding,I have been thru a lot!



(who needs to update her signature)

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If they have a return policy, you should get to use it no matter what.

What they are doing is shady in my book. If it's really a problem for them, they need to charge a restocking fee or something.


There are lots of lit based curriculum- check out the classical house of learning, or maybe moving beyond the page?

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If this year doesn't work for you, sell it elsewhere and recoup your losses.


To be frank it doesn't sound like Sonlight is for you. You've returned quite a bit but keep ordering out of the hopes that it would fit. Find a new path to walk and look for something that fits your teaching style and your dc's learning style - something you can be confident in. If your order DOES work for you, then you can decide whether to continue the relationship or not.

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I kind of agree with both of you. I posted this to try to figure out my dilemma. In the past Sonlight has been super supportive, but I guess this just kind of threw me for a loop!


I'm thinking I should pray over this and keep an open mind. I appreciate the suggestions, I will check it all out.:001_smile:



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Most businesses do the same. People have been cut off from Amazon for repeatedly ordering and returning electronics. Long ago I worked for a wholesale business, and I think I remember them having a break up talk with one customer. ("We would love to be able to serve you effectively, but it seems that we are unable to provide what you are seeking, and you would be better off finding a supplier who can meet your needs.")


I say, check it out, if you don't like it, return it. If you've looked at Sonlight many times, and it's not for you, then it's not for you, and you're out nothing if you can't order from them anymore. If, years down the road, something changes, you can always call them and try to work something out.

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I don't totally get the returning sonlight thing. I mean, you can see everything included in the core in the catalog. You can check out books listed from the library to get a feel for it. You've seen an IG before... and they don't really include much more than a reading schedule. What do people change their mind about when they get a core? And, I've seen this on here before, so it's not totally directed at the op.

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I think it may not be for you if you've gotten to the point that they're threatening to cut you off. For some reason, SL appeals to a lot of people who it just won't work for. I'd look elsewhere.



It's like you're at the curriculum bar and it is way past happy hour! We're cutting you off missy and calling you a cab. :lol: Do we need to take your keys, (keyboard that is? ):D


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I don't totally get the returning sonlight thing. I mean, you can see everything included in the core in the catalog. You can check out books listed from the library to get a feel for it. You've seen an IG before... and they don't really include much more than a reading schedule. What do people change their mind about when they get a core? And, I've seen this on here before, so it's not totally directed at the op.



Well, I have used SL and I have survived a switch to TOG. I get it. For me anyway, there is just something about holding it in your hands and flipping through it that allows you to truly understand what you have gotten yourself into. I have never needed to return, I just muddle through, but I do get it.


OP: I don't know how many returns you have to do to get banned like that, but I would say it might be time to take a deep breath and do a little more research before jumping again. My guess is that you might benefit more more from separate pieces as opposed to an all in one. Maybe SOTW with the AG and make it heavy with library resources. Then pick a separate science etc. :grouphug: I hope you find the perfect fit.

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I agree with what ever else is saying. I'm not sure how many returns one has to do before being cut-off, but on the other hand,having seen one Core, or two, or three, one probably could get the idea of how Sonlight works. And if it's a matter of seeing the books, well, you can see those same books at Amazon (often several pages of samples) or at real book stores.


Now, I am sitting here thinking that Core B+C sounds awfully young for an 11 year old...so it sounds like another "return" waiting to happen. I get wanting to do Ancient History with him, but there's other curriculums out there, to do Ancients at a level that is more appropriate for him, unless he has significant delays. I'm doing Core B with DS9, and even that is a bit young for him...but I'm doing it to combine DS9 and DS6, and DS9 struggles a bit.

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For an 11 yr old, I would skip right to D+E, and hit world history afterward with the next core (F? W?)


But, first you really do have to settle whether you want to do a literature approach or not. It works great for us, but I was an English major...I'm a little biased in that direction, lol. What do you think would be a more typical approach? What kind of an approach appeals to you more?


Would you be happier with something like a history textbook/workbook? Maybe pair that with an actual literature course?


Would you rather a hands-on history approach? Something like Homeschool In the Woods: Time Travellers CD-Roms that give a bunch of projects and suggested nonfiction library books (I think)?


What exactly concerns you regarding the literature approach of Sonlight? If you can answer that, you can be on your way to figuring out what direction to go. ;)


(Another related question...what exactly have you returned, and why? :p That might shed some light, too, on what your real style is, and whether the problem is just with specific cores or Sonlight overall.)

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Most businesses do the same.


Yes, I remember years ago a friend was told by Target that she was returning too many items. I think they told her that they would not be able to take any more returns from her.


If you really want to try out another core, just pretend you're me. I live in the UK, and returning anything is just not feasible because of shipping costs. Once I've got it, it's mine to keep.

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I agree that B+C sounds awfully young for an 11 year old. D+E would be more appropriate. G+H is the world history core for older kids. If we continue with Sonlight, my oldest will do core G when he's 11, though if you want to be on the older range of the core, I'd do D+E first.


But yeah, if you've bought and returned multiple times, I'd guess it's probably not a good fit for you. If you really want to try it, get a used core and use the library as much as possible. That's how I tried Core D for this year. I paid about $100 for the IG and many of the books.


I don't see a problem with their policy. At some point, when you buy and return enough times, you really need to reevaluate why you're buying there in the first place.

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You do know you can get their 3 week samples off their website to actually try & see if it will work for you, right?


I'm also curious, why do you return it?

If your son is really excited about doing core B/C give him ownership! Let HIM do it. Lots of SL Mamma's hand their child the IG & let them read through the items listed for the day & ONLY do the read aloud with them. I haven't reached that point with my family yet, but it does work for some.


If your son is excited about it, go with it, you may find that you have a MUCH more eager learner on your hands. If it's YOU who's against it does it matter as much? Don't get me wrong if there's stuff in there that doesn't sit well with you content wise then yes it TOTALLY matters, but if it's just that it's not YOUR learning style, but it is your son's....


I know it can be hard to choose curriculum at times. I have to do it from overseas & oh my goodness it can be rough! I agree, if you've all ready purchased it use it. If you REALLY can't use it, sell it & count your loses. ;)

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I don't totally get the returning sonlight thing. I mean, you can see everything included in the core in the catalog. You can check out books listed from the library to get a feel for it. You've seen an IG before... and they don't really include much more than a reading schedule. What do people change their mind about when they get a core? And, I've seen this on here before, so it's not totally directed at the op.

It's because the IDEA of SL is excellent and they know how to sell it. You look at the samples and think WOW. So you order and 6 weeks into it you are wondering where the love went and all the problems are magnified. Send it back and the following year you hear of all the changes they have made. New IG's, better maps, blah, blah, blah. The idea is still great and you figure surely they have got the bugs worked out. You buy it again only to see the changes are looks only but the meat is the same. Send it back...only to go through the cycle again. You WANT it to work, you do, and hope is eternal.


Personally I think they infuse their catalogs with a love potion and somewhere around week 6 it wears off. You wake up and wonder why am I using THAT:confused:

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It's because the IDEA of SL is excellent and they know how to sell it. You look at the samples and think WOW. So you order and 6 weeks into it you are wondering where the love went and all the problems are magnified. Send it back and the following year you hear of all the changes they have made. New IG's, better maps, blah, blah, blah. The idea is still great and you figure surely they have got the bugs worked out. You buy it again only to see the changes are looks only but the meat is the same. Send it back...only to go through the cycle again. You WANT it to work, you do, and hope is eternal.






Personally I think it's because it's a package of books - I mean how does a book lover not love at least the idea of something when a they see this great pile of books to read :drool5:


I just know Sonlight won't be a fit for our family and yet I am drawn to it over and over and over. Right now we just use it as a book list and I pick and choose what books I want to read. But I still drool when people post their pics of the big box of books they got in the mail - I mean who here doesn't want that to arrive on their doorstep :D


I ended up going with Moving Beyond the Page -again -another big pile of books package :lol: I'm not totally in love with it - I'm pretty sure I don't want to do it again next year but I find myself thinking "Well maybe next level it will be more what I am looking for" ---- :o


It's the books I tell you -I am so weak when it comes to curriculums that involve big piles of books. :001_smile:

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I get why SL would do this. The business relationship between you is obviously not working.


OTOH they should state somewhere in that LtL guarantee that there is a limit of X number of returns per lifetime.


We even had a guy like this at our church. He kept coming and then stating all his needs that were not met and having repeated meetings with friends and elders, stating all the needs that were not met. They kept trying and he kept leaving and coming back and finally after TEN years of this, the guys finally said, "hey...we tried but we are obviously not what you are looking for. You will probably be happier somewhere else. See you later."


And it worked! He is doing better at his new church. ?


Sometimes ya gotta move on.

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Ok, so what kind of improvements do you want? Better maps? Better questions? Would you be happier if you hadn't spent so much money on it? What do you end up using after you send it back?


We do the library approach here to obtaining the Sonlight list of books, but for books that we can't find, we usually place an order with a used bookseller or Amazon. I got a used IG for cheap. I use it a little more than half the time....sometimes I just wing it with read alouds by asking my own questions as we go, and sometimes I skip the occassional book for lack of interest, or add interesting-looking extras from what my library carries. Sometimes we ignore the schedule and read quickly through the easier novels, or slow down to one book at a time for the harder ones or busier seasons. I don't really care about following it exactly because I barely paid anything for it, and I still get to use lots and lots of books. <3

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Wow, thanks for all the ideas. As far as the core pick, we already had B&C on hand and we had planned too go thru swiftly since DS is older, plus he really was into the book picks. It was gonna be more of "one last try" at Sonlight.:001_smile:


So light is great, but after prayer and thought, I think we'll look elsewhere. I like parts of it, but after actually using it some, I think I will feel guilty about not getting to everything. I know that is not a problem for some, but it is for me!:tongue_smilie: Guess I'm type A or something.:lol:


:iagree: that looking at a curriculum and actually spending some time with it are two different things.;) We need to move on and I appreciate all the suggestions on what to ponder before embarking upon another curriculum. ;)



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Wow, thanks for all the ideas. As far as the core pick, we already had B&C on hand and we had planned too go thru swiftly since DS is older, plus he really was into the book picks. It was gonna be more of "one last try" at Sonlight.:001_smile:


So light is great, but after prayer and thought, I think we'll look elsewhere. I like parts of it, but after actually using it some, I think I will feel guilty about not getting to everything. I know that is not a problem for some, but it is for me!:tongue_smilie: Guess I'm type A or something.:lol:


:iagree: that looking at a curriculum and actually spending some time with it are two different things.;) We need to move on and I appreciate all the suggestions on what to ponder before embarking upon another curriculum. ;)





The bolded is a hard one for me too. It took me a while to make my resources work for me and not the other way around. :tongue_smilie: I am a box checker by nature. But I think you are doing the right thing by moving on. You'll find something. There's a whole wide curriculum board at your finger tips! Have fun. :D

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Down the rabbit hole and sewingmama, :iagree::iagree: That big pkg. of books is so alluring!:lol:


I don't remember who compared it to the late night bar analogy,but that is too:lol: I think we'll just keep whatever appeals to us book wise and maybe add it on to something else.:001_smile::001_smile:


Thanks all! You've helped me think this out.:001_smile:



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I think if you have so much doubt then maybe God is trying to tell you something. When we embarked on homeschooling Sonlight is what I wanted. I love reading and books but after buying some of the books in advance off of Amazon I felt a resounding feeling to stop and not to use Sonlight. I've never looked at them again.

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That big pkg. of books is so alluring!:lol:



So, is it the schedule that crams too much in that makes it undoable? Books divided up too much? What makes it unworkable?


We don't keep pace with SL (I did 4 cores that way, and 4 half pace). I love SL half pace, sometimes choosing my own spine, having the freedom to go on rabbit trails or introduce other books I'm interested in. And we really like most of the books SL chooses for read-alouds and readers. So I adapt and make it work for us, and still get to drool over that big package of books! :lol:


It's pretty easy to come up with your own workable schedule (I don't do a "daily" one as that's too easy to feel stifled by in my opinion. ) I make up my own one-page guide like SL had at the beginning of their IG, listing the books in order they are introduced with the week number. I do that but consider it "optional" (I don't worry if we need to drop a book, and if we get ahead, I have a list of optional books I choose from). Order the books, loosely make connections (lit-based curriculum doesn't "match" perfectly anyway, but you can make things roughly line up fairly easily)...


Merry :-)

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So, is it the schedule that crams too much in that makes it undoable? Books divided up too much? What makes it unworkable?


Not OP, but for us in most cores I just don't like the books chosen. Too many of the books at the younger ages IMO were picked to evoke a reaction, not because they were considered the best lit. or most interesting stories for the age. I wanted more control over the book choices. So once I realized how SL worked, I went off and basically did the same thing, but on my own.

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Not OP, but for us in most cores I just don't like the books chosen. Too many of the books at the younger ages IMO were picked to evoke a reaction, not because they were considered the best lit. or most interesting stories for the age. I wanted more control over the book choices. So once I realized how SL worked, I went off and basically did the same thing, but on my own.


You know what? I never verbalized it, but you are exactly right (and I used the first three cores).


Wasn't there another post awhile back from someone who was about to be banned by SL? Does SL do that a lot or is this the same person??


I remember that too.

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If you really want to try out another core, just pretend you're me. I live in the UK, and returning anything is just not feasible because of shipping costs. Once I've got it, it's mine to keep.


:iagree:Ditto! Just not an option to return things from Australia even if they have a great return policy, I have to pay the shipping. On top of the shipping I paid to get it here in the first place. Definitely makes me double- and triple-think my orders.


It's because the IDEA of SL is excellent and they know how to sell it. You look at the samples and think WOW. So you order and 6 weeks into it you are wondering where the love went and all the problems are magnified. Send it back and the following year you hear of all the changes they have made. New IG's, better maps, blah, blah, blah. The idea is still great and you figure surely they have got the bugs worked out. You buy it again only to see the changes are looks only but the meat is the same. Send it back...only to go through the cycle again. You WANT it to work, you do, and hope is eternal.


Personally I think they infuse their catalogs with a love potion and somewhere around week 6 it wears off. You wake up and wonder why am I using THAT:confused:



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skeeterbug and Megan, I think I'm going to pretend that I live outside the U.S. from now on!:lol: This will help me tremendously!

I feel for ya'll that have to pay the huge shipping charges. :tongue_smilie: I have no idea how you all decide and then deal with whatever curriculum you get if it proves to not work.:confused



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I totally think it's shady of Sonlight to do this. I guess I can see them saying, "We won't accept any more returns from you," although if they have a return policy, they need to utilize it and not selectively weed people out, but banning you from ordering at all? I mean, are they running their own little duchy or something?


I have seen a lot of shady things happen with SL over the years. I once considered ordering from them ... long ago.


I'd put a positive spin on it and say you are a repeat attempter. YOU keep trying to benefit THEM by using their stuff.



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I feel for you, i had just had rounds with another curriculum that decided any mailed products of hers was now considered used. and she does not take returns on used product.


your not branded. just keep smiling.




It would be nice to know who this is so we could have fair warning.

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I totally think it's shady of Sonlight to do this. I guess I can see them saying, "We won't accept any more returns from you," although if they have a return policy, they need to utilize it and not selectively weed people out, but banning you from ordering at all? I mean, are they running their own little duchy or something?


I have seen a lot of shady things happen with SL over the years. I once considered ordering from them ... long ago.


I'd put a positive spin on it and say you are a repeat attempter. YOU keep trying to benefit THEM by using their stuff.




I don't think it is shady at all. There is a point where the customer is taking advantage. It would be really easy for someone to order, scan the guide, and return everything each year and just use the library or used books. So I can see why they would put a stop to people who repeatedly order and return.

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I don't think it is shady at all. There is a point where the customer is taking advantage. It would be really easy for someone to order, scan the guide, and return everything each year and just use the library or used books. So I can see why they would put a stop to people who repeatedly order and return.


But they didn't tell her she can't return any more. They told that if she returns any more, she can't BUY from them.


It's easy to solve the return problem without barring someone from ever being a customer again. I think that's weird and shady.



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I suppose there are people out there that might copy or scan their material, but I'm clean!:lol: I would hate to put that much work into one of those big guides! That would be alot of material to reproduce.:tongue_smilie:



As far as returning, I'm o.k. with it all! I only have one kid, I can spend my money elsewhere.Thanks all



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It's not shady. They're not saying she can't use the return policy; they're saying that if she returns this order, she can't order from them anymore. It makes sense.if the business relationship is benefitting neither of them, there's no reason to continue it.




I'd say stay with Sonlight if it works for you. If you feel a need to continually order and send orders back, maybe that is a sign that something else would be a better fit.

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I suppose there are people out there that might copy or scan their material, but I'm clean!:lol: I would hate to put that much work into one of those big guides! That would be alot of material to reproduce.:tongue_smilie:



As far as returning, I'm o.k. with it all! I only have one kid, I can spend my money elsewhere.Thanks all




oh no! :blushing: Please don't think that I thought you were doing that. Just that it might be their justification for the cut-off. ;) But they probably don't want to advertise that as a reason because it will give people the idea. (and with today's duplexing scanners, it wouldn't be that hard!) We all know those type of people though that go way out of their way to save a buck. :lol:

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