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So when is everyone starting school at full speed?


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Sometime in August. We just added in spelling this week. So far she is doing math, spelling, Latin, SOTW and her lapbooks. By August, she will have grammar, and McCall-Harby test lessons in Reading added in too.


We are working on composition right now through lapbooking.:001_smile:

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This is our first year and my DH convinced me to start earlier than the PS does (his reasoning was that if we fall behind or if it doesn't go well, we'll still have plenty of time to catch up). My original plan was to start on July 21, but my boys have begged and begged every day since the last day of school and so I've moved our start date up to July 14. Monday! I'm excited, nervous and scared to death, lol.

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We start up with school again Monday, We were at a weeklong bible camp last week and this week the kids have been at church camp, but I know come Monday they will be crying about how "bored" they are, plus they need the structure our school routine gives. They will do school for 5 weeks, then go to another summer camp followed by a trip to Disney land with uncle. SO school will start a second time Sept 8. By fitting 5 weeks in this summer, I can completely take from Dec 1 until mid January off of school for our christmas break.

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We were going to start after Labor Day, but I think I'm going to move it up a week and start August 25th. We have continued school through the summer though, taking breaks here and there. We will take the first 3 weeks of August completely off, and I'll do my planning for the fall during that time.

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Yes, I know it is a Friday, but ds has a church trip he wants to take on August 7th, so that messed us up on starting August 4th as I had originally planned.


I'm slowing ramping up to the time involved, and really working on reading (one day despair, the next day laughing with joy) to get him up to speed. Also, trying to wean him from prehistoric creatures to hunter-gatherers to move into farmers. When do they lose interest in dinosaurs?


Our Grow-a-Frog tadpole is growing like mad, our mummified fish will hopefully be done in time for the Egyptians, there are birds at the new feeder, the hummer feeder is out, the sunflowers and peas and beans are growing, and the butterfly bush is going to bloom soon (attracts them like mad). We're going to see a bee hive tomorrow.


First grade here I come....and Miss Rose, now long dead, I want to thank you for putting a huge, red frowny face on *every* *single* page of work I did all year (my handwriting was messy), turning an innocent 6 year old into a school-hater in 9 short months and starting me on the road to homeschooling.

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stick right with the public school schedule. I just find it easier to use their schedule and that way all of our holidays fall at the same time as the other kids in the neighborhood and church and sports teams.

So that means we start on August 4th this year.



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I thought it would be the middle of July, but we are here and I'm not feeling ready or relaxed enough, so I think we will start full force sometime in August...probably the second week. I'm definitely extending 'MY' vacation. :D:D:D




Dee in Sunny FL!

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We've always done some school during the summer, but I am just mean and cranky with no paitence when I am pregnant. So this year we are taking off my whole third trimester. The baby should be here by the middle or end of August, and we will start school 3 or 4 weeks later. My oldest's birthday is Sept. 21 and I have been telling them we will start after that.


I know that I am a lot better at parenting and teaching with a newborn then very pregnant.

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My oldest starts back at the community college on the 25th of August, so I'm waiting until the next week, September 1st, to resume homeschooling -- but my youngest *adores* school, so we've been stretching out Kindergarten all summer -- if I told her that she couldn't do school for 3 months, she'd run away from home! :D

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