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A Sunday Chat

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How was your weekend?


It's been pretty good but busy. Dh and ds are off having an adventure at a teen Bible camp so dd10 and I are "baching" it this week. I'm having a bit of trouble with cellulitis but it's not so bad. Dd and I enjoyed watching the new AG movie "McKenna" last night on NBC.


Anything special going on tomorrow?


This is where I get to brag that dd and I are going to see Joannqn and her family tomorrow for a field trip near her house. She was very gracious when I called her up and invited myself over.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?


A leopard. I always wanted one for a pet. (Not really. I don't like what I read about people who keep exotic animals. But in a fantasy "Bringing up Baby" way, yes.)

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1. My weekend has been pretty good. We have relaxed, cleaned, swam, and went to a baseball game. I have timed contractions, sucked down as much water as possible, and craved homemade icecream.


2. This week we start a two week musical theatre camp for Cinderella.


3. I like elephants!

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My weekend was great, thank you! We cleaned house top to bottom yesterday and watched Phantom of the Opera.


Tomorrow? Just a regular summer Monday...but of course I will probably think it's Tuesday because I've been doing that all summer, it's getting very confusing.


My favorite zoo animals are the lions! Our zoo has a fairly recent new habitat for them, and you can pretty upclose. Roar. The polar bears are great too.

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How was your weekend?

It was good! We stayed home most of the weekend, played lots of backyard ultimate frisbee and barbecued last night. I spent some time today having the kids do math placement tests, which they loved for some reason. Strange kids. :tongue_smilie:


Anything special going on tomorrow?

Four have camp, one has soccer twice and one is going to work with Dh to help clean out a storage room. He's getting $15 for about five hours of work and is really excited. :D


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?

I love any kind of monkey or ape. They're always entertaining.

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How was your weekend?

Good I did not get as much done as I planned. Did get another ac so now I am nice and cool.


Anything special going on tomorrow?

Am going to the dr. with my dad to find out if the growth by his eye is cancer or not.

Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?

I really like baby tigers. I think they are adorable. wonder if I could get one as a pet? Just til he grew up.

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I'll bring some popcorn and some adult lemonade!


How was your weekend?

Pretty good. I'm a bit miffed that the neighbor girl that thought my son was good enough to hang around with yesterday afternoon, thought he wasn't good enough to invite to the huge boy/girl birthday bash she had last night. Kids have been friends for years and neighbor usually gives us a heads up on stuff he's not included in. :glare: She and her brother hung out here for a couple hours without even mentioning it up to minutes before the party started. Nice. The girl and my son are 3 months apart so there's not a huge age difference or something there and other boys were included.


Hubby started building a retaining wall today with some help. Has been on the to-do list forever and I'm very excited because it will enable us to have a patio space to entertain and hang out outside! Guess I won't be inviting the neighbors! :lol:

Anything special going on tomorrow?

Swim lessons! It's supposed to hit 100 degrees (again). Boo!


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?


Baby anything. :D


Off to read other responses ...

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How was your weekend?

It's been great. Very productive, good workout today, got rain that we desperately need.

Anything special going on tomorrow?

Some crazy plumbing work and more demo in the upstairs bath.

Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?


I love the otters at our local zoo.

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We went to PetCo and looked at dogs up for adoption. The only group there was the local German Shepherd Rescue. We are hopeful that we will get to adopt a dog we met. She kind of picked us. I am nervous and yet hopeful that she will be a good fit for us.


Tomorrow we have a field trip to the local ice cream plant. We are all excited about that!


I love chimps & otters. I could watch them for hours!

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How was your weekend?


Ok, I'm usually ready for settling down after the wknd. This wknd is no different.



Anything special going on tomorrow?


Nope, my step daughter starts her next rotation with her mom. We are back to summer activities. (She goes back and forth every two weeks; we live in the same town.)


I need to get cleaning house more if what we did last week is going to hold on.


I also dream of making money... but Monday starts and nothing really materializes... (I have enough art supplies I always think about the fact that I could advertise to do a "Mom's Day Out" or something...)



Today's totally random question: I like the Monkeys, but my son is enough like one that I don't need a real one!



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How was your weekend?


Very nice. After a loooooong week of running back and forth to camp I was glad to just be home. The in-laws came to visit today and we had a nice lunch and then watched the movie that DS13 shot at camp.


Anything special going on tomorrow?


Dentist appointments for DS13 and I. We may go out to lunch afterward and then to the pool. It's supposed to be REALLY hot.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?


I love them all but my favorites would be the wolves. Coming in close behind would be cougars, servals and fox.

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Busy but fun weekend. We worked a local homeschool fair manning a booth part of Friday and Saturday. Then we helped break down the vendors' booths for them and cleaned up for a couple of hours.


Then we all went to dinner.


I am recovering today! Our pool is finally clear so we went swimming today.


Watched the National Guardsmen fly in formation overhead in honor of the airmen who died in the wildfires last week.



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How was your weekend? Awesome- our group of highschool homeschoolers performed The Tempest last night- it was terrific!!


Anything special going on tomorrow? History of the Horse study with 9 3/4th grade girls. We ususally have a full house on Mondays- the girls do horse stuff, the boys do latin, the Mom's chat, with lots of swimming thrown in. I love Mondays.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal? As a kid I was totally jazzed by the African animals- zebra, giraffe and elephants. But honestly, I like aquariums better :001_smile:.

But most currently, I am digging following around our guinea fowl. They are very fun to hang with.

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This weekend? I can't seem to remember much about it. I listed and sold some books--finally! Took some to Goodwill too. So, a little bit of decluttering got done.


Tomorrow kids are working on getting 4h project books up to date. Ds has a teen naturalist's hike. I am grooming dogs :crying: Both kids have skating tomorrow afternoon. Not exactly 'special', just busy.



Zoo animals? Humm I like so many. I really enjoy watching the hippos at the aquarium.

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Hi everyone. I'm exhausted so it is BYOB and BYO(snack) tonight.


I have New Orleans snowballs


How was your weekend?


Really good, we went to the circus yesterday and have done the potty train in a day thing today. DD went to the potty probably half a dozen time or more today.


Anything special going on tomorrow?


Nothing much, we will continue potty training and probably swim for some exercise if the weather holds out.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?



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How was your weekend? Pretty good. We got two new dogs, a 2 yr old female Great Dane who needs some serious training and a very big almost 3 yr old 140 lb German Shepherd that belongs to my parents and brother. We'll be taking him up to Georgia later next month when my sis gets married. So we are now up to 6 dogs here. I feel like I'm running a kennel only no one is paying me, :tongue_smilie:.

Hubby tried to take me out for dinner Saturday night, but I said that he might want to rethink it because I had planned to make for dinner what he was going to order out at the restaurant he was planning to take me, lol. It was inspired :001_smile:. We then watched one of our Netflix movies in our jammies instead of going to a theater and called it a great evening, lol!

Sunday found us at church and then I made General Tso's chicken for dinner with fresh picked (frenched) beans for dinner. YUM!


Anything special going on tomorrow?


Our DD has her first 'real' Midterm tomorrow for Spanish down at the college. She is taking it through BYU. She is sitting here rubbing my back when she probably should be studying ;). I'm not sure what else I'll be doing that day...

Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?

Hmmmm...dd says I like all sorts, lol. I think that otters are fun to watch, but the large cats are so majestic. The elephants always make me sad to see them in such small enclosures. I think that the most fun the elephants at the New Orleans zoo ever had was helping to move large fallen trees from around the zoo when hurricane Katrina hit.



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How was your weekend?


Pretty relaxing, actually. Bordering on lazy.


Anything special going on tomorrow?


Tomorrow night's our first dress rehearsal for a musical I'm in. It's going to be a big week.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?


That's hard to answer, because I love all of them. But I'd have to say tiger.



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How was your weekend?

Ok. Yesterday was a birthday get together for my FIL, which then left me feeling bad about missing another birthday get together for a friend of the boys... :glare: Everything with the ILs is usually planned last minute, so I had rsvp'd to this other party, oh... a week ago? and got called by MIL on Thursday. I thought we would be able to do both, but the way the timing and everything worked out... not so much. But, it was FILs 60th and he seemed to really have a good time with everyone, so that's good.

Would have liked to go see the new Spider Man this afternoon/evening but couldn't get a babysitter. Hopefully this week sometime. :) (And then Batman next lol)

Anything special going on tomorrow?

Tomorrow, not really- just our weekly summer reading program at the library. Officially one week from tomorrow we start our new school year. :D But we have to get through this week first... busy week again.

Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?

camels. :)

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How was your weekend? Busier than usual, but still good. I didn't have to make lunch or supper today, so I should call it GREAT. :)


Anything special going on tomorrow?


If it doesn't rain, we'll be picking buckets of fresh blueberries in the morning.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?

Giraffes impress me. Long tongue, amazing height, beautiful patterns.

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How was your weekend?

Weekend has been good. Lots of cleaning and getting ready to go on vacation, which leads me to...


Anything special going on tomorrow?

We are leaving for vacation! We haven't taken a real family vacation in five years, so we are sooo very excited. We will be vacationing at the beach, so lots of lying around and being lazy is in my near future. My dh works out of town, so we are looking forward to just having "family time". It happens so rarely anymore.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?

When we lived near the Columbus Zoo, my ds's favorite animal was the okapi. I really liked it too, so I will go with that. :)

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I made coconut macaroons tonight, so I'll bring those!



How was your weekend?


Busy! I have my son and grandson here, and I am getting my baby fix! Also got my 15yo dd ready for her trip to Guatamala, where her group will build a second story on an orphanage. She has never been away from home for two weeks before. She left this morning. :sad:


Anything special going on tomorrow?


Taking my son and grandson home to his wife, who really misses them! She is Marine Corp and had to work, so she missed this trip.


Today's totally random question: What is your favorite zoo animal?


Orangutans :001_smile:

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