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I'm 1/2 way to my goal weight!

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As of today, I have lost 35 lbs., which is exactly 1/2 way to my goal weight! It is so encouraging to see how far I've come, and sobering to realize I have the same road still ahead.


The last time I was at this weight 10 years ago, I decided I weighed much too much and had to do something about it :tongue_smilie:. I watched my portion sizes and exercised, losing 35 pounds then, and kept it off until we moved out of state (stress/upheaval).


I gained 30 lbs. back, and once again was determined to take it off. The weight was a bit more stubborn, so I committed to a vegan diet, strictly counted calories, and exercises 60-90 min. daily, in addition to counting daily steps. I lost 50 pounds, and ended up weighing less than I had since middle school! That was 7 years ago. But, the strictness of calorie counting and intense exercise became difficult to maintain, and I gained a bit back, about 15 pounds, but stayed there for a good year or two with moderate diet and exercise.


Then we moved a couple of times out of the country, had no home base for a while, then got established again but found ourselves in a situation of extended financial uncertainty that we had not experienced before (much more stress/upheaval).


Over the course of 4 years, I gained 75 pounds. Mainly due to not exercising, stress, and emotional eating. I knew I needed to get back into exercising, but I had no energy because I was overweight, felt I had no time anyway, my size and lack of energy were depressing but eating made me feel better...a vicious cycle.


In March, something finally clicked. I was sick of my lack of energy, motivation, enthusiasm for much of anything, sick of being embarrassed by my size and drowning those feelings in more food. My BIL and SIL came to visit, and I agonized over what to wear during their visit that wouldn't make me look huge, but I didn't have many options. While we were out shopping, SIL asked if I was pregnant again (I'm pretty sure she knew I wasn't :glare:). The day after they left I started exercising again, only 15 min. at a time, but I started.


I moved up to 30 min., and have recently started exercising 50 min. nearly every day. I do workout DVDs in my basement, which is what has always worked for me. I started out counting calories, but not as strictly as before. Now I am aware of what I can eat at each meal to be within my limit, so I almost never count calories anymore. I am not strictly vegan, but focus on eating plenty of vegetables and some fruit, and avoiding refined grains and added sugar, oh and drinking at least 3 qts. of water per day.


My daily meal plan is generally as follows:




1/2 banana

2 prunes or 2 tbsp. berries

1/2 cup soy milk

1 stevia packet (all cooked together)



8-10 oz. healthy, low-fat entree (about 250-300 cal.)

4 cups steamed vegetables with fat-free dressing

1 whole bag of pre-washed salad greens with fat-free dressing



Protein bar - 160 cal. (satisfies my chocolate cravings)




2 cups vegetarian soup - about 200 cal. (1 large can)

sometimes I add a small piece of fruit


Hopefully my story will inspire someone who has been where I was, and needs a kick start. You can do it! And once you stop eating junk and overeating, you start to get control of your life back and don't even crave the stuff anymore!


To all of you who are on the same quest for health and fitness, keep on keepin' on!

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