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Those who had a baby later in life

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and no I am not pregnant that I know of. But as I sat with my 18 yo at college orientation the other day, it hit me that I didn't see any pregnant moms there and I wondered how weird it would be to have a 19 yo and 18 yo and be pregnant.


I know a few of you have had babies at 40 and I am curious if any of you have/had a baby and adult children at the same time?

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I have a few friends (about 6) who have children the same age or older than their brothers and sisters. I think it's really awesome. My bf was pregnant at the same time her mom was and she says it was such a special bonding time for the two of them. They grew closer than they had ever been before. She speaks of the 2 pregnancies they shared quite often and wishes that her mom would have gone on to have a few more.


I guess this isn't what you were asking, but your question reminded me of this. My brothers and sisters are all close to my age and my mom was done having kids YEARS ago so I'll have to take my friend's word for it. :tongue_smilie:

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Not me, but my oldest sister drove my mom to the hospital when she had my youngest sister (my dad was out of the country on business). The nurses asked my sister's boyfriend if he was the father!

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I had one at 40, but my oldest was by no means an adult, she was only 7 1/2.


My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and I had to spend one night in hospital. I was placed in a room with a very young pregnant girl (around 15 years old). Well, her mother came to see her the following morning, and it turned out she was also pregnant at the time, I think they were just one month apart from each other's dates!

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and no I am not pregnant that I know of. But as I sat with my 18 yo at college orientation the other day, it hit me that I didn't see any pregnant moms there and I wondered how weird it would be to have a 19 yo and 18 yo and be pregnant.


I know a few of you have had babies at 40 and I am curious if any of you have/had a baby and adult children at the same time?

I fit this category. I had my 7th baby right after my oldest turned 19. I had just turned 41. All my kids thought it was great and still do. Lily is the star of the family right now and every one of the kids adores her. I pretty much feel like my life is like a revolving door with some getting ready to leave the nest, and others just getting here. In some ways it feels like I have 2 little families. By the time my little girls are leaving home, I hope that I will have a number of little grandchildren to go and visit and play with. I can't imagine a time in my life without little ones now. I can't think of a better way to spend my life!

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where the graduate was often seen holding his 7 month old baby sister. I thought it was rather sweet. There is 9 in that family.


I think having a baby when you have olders just adds an interesting dynamic and has its blessings and challenges. I mean, my oldest is only 10, and none of his peers parents have had a baby in many moons. When I go to my younger kids events- b-day parties, t-ball games, etc. I am the old mom. Most of them are under 30. So, if you still want to have more, go for it. I am currently feeling like I am running out of steam and wondering how I could have more than 7.

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I have a friend who was pregnant at the same time as her mom. She loved it! My mom and dad adopted a baby when I was away at college. We are 18 years apart. That sister just graduated from high school. (There are six of us in between!)


While I think it's great, I do see challenges it presents too. My mom and dad rarely were able to travel the 2 1/2 hours to see us and our kids in their events because they still had small children at home. My mom, in particular, feels sad about that. Now that my sister is older, they'll come more often. But I know it was very hard for her to feel "stuck" at home with littles when she really wanted to travel and see her other grandkids (there are 7 so far).


I go back and forth. I'm 37 and I think I'm done. I had a very hard time with my last pregnancy, physically and emotionally. I just don't want to do that again. But, I would love another baby! But, then I start to think of all the things we're able to do now that the kids are getting older. We love to travel and we're making plans for an extended stay in Europe in 3 years. I don't think I'd want to do that with a very young child. But, I really love the idea of a bigger family!


So, I'm confused for myself. But, I think it's wonderful when I hear of other women having babies in their 40s!


I just remembered another friend of mine. She's a doctor who has an 18 yo son, a 6 yo dd, and 2 yo twins and she's 52!!! I just love her family!!!

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and no I am not pregnant that I know of. But as I sat with my 18 yo at college orientation the other day, it hit me that I didn't see any pregnant moms there and I wondered how weird it would be to have a 19 yo and 18 yo and be pregnant.


I know a few of you have had babies at 40 and I am curious if any of you have/had a baby and adult children at the same time?


My dd stroller always gets in the way when I go to ds highschool. No one expects to watch out fora stroller. My kids would love to have another sibling but we are finished I think, maybe, no of course we are, sure. um....

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I agree with what you said in a later post- you (we) are weird anyhow! How many of the entering freshman in your sons class have 9 sibs?:001_smile:

Our oldest was 16 when our yougest was born (I was 40). I sure wish we had a couple of more! Seems like once you've gone down a certain path you just redefine normal.

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and as each of their little sisters were born, they would groan. But later on they loved it. They discovered being with a baby out in public is a "babe magnet" LOL. We have a 25 year difference between our youngest and oldest, and I had my last baby at 43.


My daughters *adore* their older brothers. I don't even think adore is a strong enough word. They worship them. ;)


Now if the three sisters would just get along better with each other!

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I have friends who have adult married children and had a baby a year ago. My friend was pregnant at the same time as her dil. I have another friend who has a 14 year old son who is an uncle to his 13 yo cousin. My friend says it has been great because her grandchildren LOVE to go to grandma's to play with her son.:)


This isn't quite the spread in age, but I have a 12yo dd with a 24yo brother. My ds has a 1 year old who loves coming to my house to see my dd. I wish I would have know about this trick before. I would have been pregnant having more children so my grown children would HAVE to come and see me because their kids would be driving them nuts to play with grandma's kids.;) Live and learn, I guess.:lol:

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Right there - the big 4-0 in November.


I'm not in any shape to have another - and i don't have a pull to have another. i think the kids would like another - but they don't count right now! LOL!


I swore i'd not have kids past 30 (My mom was 30 when my brother was born, and they were ready to "move on" and he was still in high school - i think that was more we were 7 years apart), but there i was, preggo at 30.... then 35..... i'm not doing 40 :D


BUT, i'll love to see pictures of yours ;)

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Our late in life surprise was actually adopted. I was 45 when she was born and was already a grandmother at the time. Dh and I felt "called" to become her parents, even though our youngest son was 19 yo at the time. Dd is actually a blood relative of mine, and she has always felt like mine from the start. We are Mommy and Daddy and we love it.


The rest of the family loves it that we have our little girl too. They are extremely supportive. At 9 yo she is an aunt to all of our grandchildren, and she gets a hoot out of telling people so.


Having a split family is truly awesome. I happen to think there will be special rewards in Heaven for this, although to tell you the truth there are some amazing rewards here on earth too.




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Mine are so far apart that when my older son goes to college, the younger one still won't be a teen yet, so it feels a little weird for me. It also feels weird that the younger one has finally started to grow a little (which we were beginning to wonder about) and now we don't feel like we have a "baby" anymore. And we miss that. Wish we could have had more (but I will be 60 by the time the youngest gets out of college)....

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My 2 are adopted, but I was 36 and 39 when they were born (and 37 & 40 when they came home). And I would LOVE another one, at 43. DESPITE the fact that last ngiht I was asked if I was grandma or mom, and then it was assumed that she was the youngest of, um, several, to say the least. NOIPE, she's the OLDEST. Coulda knocked that old lady over with a feather. (And I would have LOVED to, also!!)

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I am over 40 with a 17 yr old senior, a 8 yr old and a 5 year old. I know I may not be around when my youngest are adults but my peace is with the Lord and my son will be. My older son is an example to all his peers with the relationship he has with his siblings. and we have been trying for 3 years for another child. pray for me, my whole family wants more children. The age gap doesn't matter when the parent makes a concerted effort to form bonds between the children. My son has been away at Scout functions for 3 weeks now, he is Lodge Chief, ArrowCorp5 coordinator and a new Eagle Scout, but the girls are missing him terribly. they text and call him all the time, he calls at nights to tell them good night and share his day. I am sure it will always be like that. They are looking forward to his wife and children and talk about it all the time. Babysitting, staying with his wife to help her, etc....

For you fertil ladies that can, and if you are good, involved mothers, please, have children, if only I were able...............icon9.gif


Sunshine to 3


17 Eagle

8 yr old Angel

5 yr old Handful

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I was 38 and 40 having my children. Several of my friends have many children with a large age span. It seems to work fine. My brother is 20 years younger than I am. My Mom just said she was missing the bunch in between.

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now that we register with a user name forever, you can't have any more babies! ;)


Can we even change our names here? Won't you be Quiverof10 forever? I've enjoyed seeing your name reflect your growing family. . . I trust the WTM gurus will allow you to change your name if you are blessed again! It just wouldn't be right any other way!


It wouldn't seem right here w/o your ever growing name/family! I always smile when I see your username and I get a thrill when I've noticed it going up a click! I remember being in awe of you back when you were Quiverof7(or8?) when I first found the WTM boards. And now, 10!!


When I wishfor/wonderabout/worryabout a dc#4, I still sit in awe of your 10! Wow, you must just be so strong. 10, 11, or more, I'm quite sure you'll thrive! (I think you must be superwoman!)

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My oldest and youngest are 20 1/2 years apart to the day.


So, when my little one was born, I had a 20 year old and an almost 18 year old, just to name a couple.


It was pretty much like any other time. Although, it is really neat to see how they interact with babies when they are a bit older.

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