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Can I whine & complain & throw a little fit.....ok, a BIG one??

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:glare: For weeks I've been working on my huge Rainbow Resource order. I decided tonight to put in all the item numbers I had written down to double check that I wrote them correctly. Well....big surprise to me: 30 of my items have gone up in price!! 30!!! THIR.....TY!!! :eek: The worst is History Odyssey Middle Ages Level 1. It was $28.95 and now it's.............drum roll....$37.95!!! :svengo:

:banghead: :cursing: :banghead:

:crying: Waaaaaaaaaaaaa.......................

I DO NOT feel better after this tantrum. :glare:

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I am a math guy, and I have often had the feeling that home schoolers are being exploited by publishers who target them with books that are actually not ones we mathematicians have ever heard of or would ever use.


These books seem universally used in the home school community but not among either the math community or the closely related math ed community.


When a set of books are targeted in that way, they naturally are priced accordingly to a captive audience.


Of course the higher priced books are the ones that have been found to be popular by their audience. So it may be that these books are easier to use, easier to learn from and so on. But I myself would not home school from any of them. In the area of history or social studies I would use traditional sources of history, or maybe 19th century books written for children, I am not experienced here so much.


Of course even the math books I like that used to be cheap have gone up. The Harold Jacobs books on elementary algebra and geometry that were under $20 new when I bought them are now over $60 used, but it may be possible to find other copies or to share!


Why doesn't this community set up a rotating system of sharing books that have been finished with by the youngest child in the family. That certainly beats used books buy back prices..


It is a lot of work but if we just write in and order whole sets of canned presentations designed for us we are essentially, pardon the expression, letting them treat us as "suckers". I realize my naivete is painfully obvious to those of you teaching multiple subjects to multiple students, as to the need for prepared curricula.



here is a used book site where i typed in rainbow resource. is that a christian organization? these books are under $5.



Edited by mathwonk
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Am I the only one who is now very suspicious of their various 'Free Shipping' promotions? :glare:


Why would it make you suspicious? Prices go up at Amazon all the time - for that matter, prices are increasing everywhere. Their new catalog came out - that's why there is new pricing.

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They've had the free shipping promo before without raising the prices. Though if they knew they were going to be doing that, I can totally understand them doin it before/with the free ship promo.


That really sucks to have to do all that research on prices again. I had a few things do that, in general. (TOG prices went way up this year!) This thread makes me very glad I placed my RR order already!

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Why would it make you suspicious? Prices go up at Amazon all the time - for that matter, prices are increasing everywhere. Their new catalog came out - that's why there is new pricing.



Maybe I'm just being cynical? It makes me suspicious because the free shipping deals were going to make it cheapest to buy my stuff from RR. But, now when I factor in the higher prices (even with free shipping), my order will be about the same as other sites-maybe even a little higher.


I'm just complaining....it's nothing personal. :lol:

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Why would it make you suspicious? Prices go up at Amazon all the time - for that matter, prices are increasing everywhere. Their new catalog came out - that's why there is new pricing.


I agree with this statement. Their prices go up every year in June when their new catalog comes out. It is not some sort of conspiracy. Alot of other homeschool companies operate the same way. IMO, a once a year price hike is not unreasonable, especially in this economy.



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I agree with this statement. Their prices go up every year in June when their new catalog comes out. It is not some sort of conspiracy. Alot of other homeschool companies operate the same way. IMO, a once a year price hike is not unreasonable, especially in this economy.




But, seriously Joy....you have to admit that they could have waited until *after* I placed my order this month. Right? JAWM. :001_smile:

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RR has been announcing price increases for a while now. I've seen it twice in the newsletter and once or twice on the home page of their website. They told everyone to buy in June to lock in the prices because prices would be increasing with the release of the new catalog. So while it really stinks, it was something they had planned and told their customers about. Sorry you missed out on the cheaper prices. I know how it feels, I had something on my wish list a couple months back and it increased $10 before I could buy it. But I noticed that the publisher increased the pricing on their website too, so I assume that's why RR increased their price for that particular item.

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They told everyone to buy in June to lock in the prices because prices would be increasing with the release of the new catalog.


:iagree: I was a happy camper when the new catalog arrived. I placed my just-over-$50 order today. (I ended up ordering another $50 worth of stuff from Amazon because it was cheaper there.)


But, AprilMay, I totally feel your pain. Who woulda thunk that the new catalog would have such huge price increases for some items?? :glare:


RR bit me several years back on some ArtPacs that I had priced out MUCH cheaper than the price increase that kicked in with the new catalog. (And this is before I ever received one of their catalogs.)


So, :grouphug: and feel free to :rant:.

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I'm sorry. That stinks. Totally. Big Time.

I've been boycotting RR for years now.

They refuse to ship here without charging me MORE then the items cost.

It's unreal, unexceptable, & mean spirited.

I KNOW they can ship here for MUCH less then they charge. I refuse to even recommend them to anyone local.

Now I'm debating the possibility of an order from them while I'm in the states, but I'm doubtful.

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I'm sorry. That stinks. Totally. Big Time.

I've been boycotting RR for years now.

They refuse to ship here without charging me MORE then the items cost.

It's unreal, unexceptable, & mean spirited.

I KNOW they can ship here for MUCH less then they charge. I refuse to even recommend them to anyone local.

Now I'm debating the possibility of an order from them while I'm in the states, but I'm doubtful.


I am not in Australia but they charge a lot for Canadians too and then we have to pay duty on top of that, so my shipping charges end up being essentially doubled. I still buy from them because it is the cheapest american source for some stuff (that I can't get here in Canada from my regular homeschool suppliers) but it is extremely hard on the wallet.


That stinks about the price jump. I think everyone understands that prices change but it sounds like some of those jumps were rather substantial. I mean a $16 price hike on 1 book is crazy.

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That stinks about the price jump. I think everyone understands that prices change but it sounds like some of those jumps were rather substantial. I mean a $16 price hike on 1 book is crazy.


:iagree: It sounds like some of the price increases were huge! That really stinks when you have a budget to work with and are expecting to pay much less for an item.


I usually shop early. I have to use our tax return for our homeschool budget so I shop in the spring. It guess I don't have to worry as much about price increases then, but a lot of items either update in the summer/fall or the newest curriculum isn't available until that time. So I miss some of that.


Another place I have purchased from in the past is Rock Solid, Inc. Sometimes they have cheaper prices than RR and free shipping over $95. I think they ship Media Mail, so my orders have taken longer to receive than when I order from RR, but I've never had a problem with them. So perhaps you can check them out. They don't have near as much inventory as RR, but maybe they have some things you need.

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I usually shop early. I have to use our tax return for our homeschool budget so I shop in the spring. It guess I don't have to worry as much about price increases then, but a lot of items either update in the summer/fall or the newest curriculum isn't available until that time. So I miss some of that.


I always shop RR with tax monies in Spring as well. I also double check some things at Amazon. Sometimes the shipping is cheaper, especially if I order a few books, than what it would be if I ordered at RR. That shipping is what kills.


And I also try to search through Amazon and a few forums to see if I could find it used before I buy new.


If there's a program that I love that I'm pretty sure I'll use again the next year, I'll buy the next level up. It leaves some room in the next year's budget for extra stuff.


I try to support RR in some way each year though. I love the idea of supporting a homeschooling family business and a local state business at the same time.

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I went to the Pandia Press page, the publisher of History Odyssey (it seemed a reasonable place to check on the base price of the example curriculum named in the earlier post).




Yes, folks, this is not a RR price hike, it is a publisher price hike. The e-books directly from Pandia, billed as less expensive than the printed books available from other sources, are now $44.


I'm glad I bought way ahead of time. When my existing stuff runs out, I think we'll be switching to the Creek Edge Press task cards . . .

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Guest mamadance

i took a look a few weeks ago and thouh it was a good deal for the price bevause you have to print...now the ebook cost plus printing is alot...

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If you have an ipad or something, you really only have to print the maps. It's interactive, so you can check things off on the computer, if you feel a need to physically check off boxes.


But there are only about 20 pages or so that absolutely must be printed, really. If you put it in a dropbox folder, you can access it from any computer, ipad, ipod, android phone, or whatever electronic gizmo you have.


That helps with the e-price if you don't have a cost-effective laser like Brother :)


But that is a pretty horrific price hike from previously!

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Standing in agreement with AprilMay. :lol:



Thank you.




RR has been announcing price increases for a while now. I've seen it twice in the newsletter and once or twice on the home page of their website. They told everyone to buy in June to lock in the prices because prices would be increasing with the release of the new catalog. So while it really stinks, it was something they had planned and told their customers about. Sorry you missed out on the cheaper prices. I know how it feels, I had something on my wish list a couple months back and it increased $10 before I could buy it. But I noticed that the publisher increased the pricing on their website too, so I assume that's why RR increased their price for that particular item.


Oh poo. Why do you have to be the voice of reason in the middle of my tantrum, Kelli??




I never caught the heads up on the website, and I don't get their newsletter. I know that with each catalog prices went up a little on some things. But this was a real shocker! I'll probably always miss out on the lower prices before each new catalog comes out because my school won't order anything before July. :sad:


:nopity:....yeah, I'm still complaining about it. I'll probably get over it......some day.

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Oh poo. Why do you have to be the voice of reason in the middle of my tantrum, Kelli??




I never caught the heads up on the website, and I don't get their newsletter. I know that with each catalog prices went up a little on some things. But this was a real shocker! I'll probably always miss out on the lower prices before each new catalog comes out because my school won't order anything before July. :sad:


:nopity:....yeah, I'm still complaining about it. I'll probably get over it......some day.


Sorry about that. :D I do sympathize with you though. I understand your rant... go ahead and complain all you want. :) I agree that those increases were huge, I was shocked at some of those price increases too. It looks like some might be due to the publisher increasing the prices and I guess that would be beyond RR's control but it certainly still stinks for us!

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