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If we go ahead and legalize same-sex marriage,

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will that mean it's accepted enough that we don't have to have continual announcements of famous people's homosexuality? Keep in mind that although I'm in the minority, I am a conservative Christian who doesn't have a problem with the legalization of it. Consenting adults should be able to do what they want. Just don't tell me what I have to do or think or teach my kids.


I just get tired of the announcements and am starting to think that being gay is almost a becoming a requirement or gives you an advantage in the media realm.


Am I the only one who feels this way?

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I don't think the media hype as all that much to do with being gay, really. We are apparently completely fascinated with who's dating who, who's divorcing, who's having a baby, how much are they spending on dinner, how much are they spending on clothes, etc. I get tired of so-called news outlets having these kinds of things as headlines. I always wonder, "Who the heck cares?", but obviously many do.

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I don't think the media hype as all that much to do with being gay, really. We are apparently completely fascinated with who's dating who, who's divorcing, who's having a baby, how much are they spending on dinner, how much are they spending on clothes, etc. I get tired of so-called news outlets having these kinds of things as headlines. I always wonder, "Who the heck cares?", but obviously many do.


I don't really care either, I just like looking at AC cause he is so pretty. :lol:


He is doing less correspondence now and it is less likely to be endangering his life. People talk about "who is gay" but AC has reported from areas where just *being* gay is illegal. I think releasing that information, even though he may be in those areas again at some point is rather brave of him. Most actors will never be in those areas, that isn't the case for AC.

Edited by Sis
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I don't really care either, I just like looking at AC cause he is so pretty. :lol:


I agree about him being so pretty! I usually get suckered into staring at his pic for a minute when it's posted online everywhere - I think it's the eyes. :D

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I don't think the media hype as all that much to do with being gay, really. We are apparently completely fascinated with who's dating who, who's divorcing, who's having a baby, how much are they spending on dinner, how much are they spending on clothes, etc. I get tired of so-called news outlets having these kinds of things as headlines. I always wonder, "Who the heck cares?", but obviously many do.


:iagree: It's no different then all the hoopla over Tom Cruise and Katie what's-her-name that's going on and on. Celebrity gossip evidently sells to someone, even if it isn't me.

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You know, given how many kids commit suicide because they're tormented for being gay- or even for being suspected of being gay- I'd much rather see too many respected public figures come out than none at all. And it's not like anyone is holding my eyeballs to the computer screen and making me read the articles about it.

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You know, given how many kids commit suicide because they're tormented for being gay- or even for being suspected of being gay- I'd much rather see too many respected public figures come out than none at all. And it's not like anyone is holding my eyeballs to the computer screen and making me read the articles about it.



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How is it any different than movie stars or tv personalities announcing their non gay marriages :confused::confused::confused:


Those crazy folk are in the magazines all the time.....on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th marriage etc.


I am totally not star struck. Those people interest me about as much as anyone passing on the street.

Edited by 425lisamarie
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For me, I just wish that what someone's orientation is would be considered a private matter...in all walks of life. Including bullying.


It's nobody's flipping business what consenting adults do in their bedrooms.


It's called 'private life' for a reason. And I really wish ppl would embrace the idea.

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You know, given how many kids commit suicide because they're tormented for being gay- or even for being suspected of being gay- I'd much rather see too many respected public figures come out than none at all. And it's not like anyone is holding my eyeballs to the computer screen and making me read the articles about it.


That's true.


His reticence make sense in light of his mother's very public life. He would know how that sort of thing impacts a family. I don't blame him for wanting to keep it private, he is now the most prominent openly gay journalist. I hope that helps someone.

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For me, I just wish that what someone's orientation is would be considered a private matter...in all walks of life. Including bullying.


It's nobody's flipping business what consenting adults do in their bedrooms.


It's called 'private life' for a reason. And I really wish ppl would embrace the idea.


Is letting people know you are in it. If my DH tried to hide that he was married or keep it "private" I would feel threatened. Wealthy successful men have women throwing themselves at them. I would think AC's announcent of his preference and that he is in a relationaship serves a purpose - just like my DH talking about me at work does.

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will that mean it's accepted enough that we don't have to have continual announcements of famous people's homosexuality? Keep in mind that although I'm in the minority, I am a conservative Christian who doesn't have a problem with the legalization of it. Consenting adults should be able to do what they want. Just don't tell me what I have to do or think or teach my kids.


I just get tired of the announcements and am starting to think that being gay is almost a becoming a requirement or gives you an advantage in the media realm.


Am I the only one who feels this way?


I think it is great that you, as a conservative Christian, can be okay with the legalization of gay marriage, and wish that more people would feel that way. Since who someone else marries has no effect on them.


However, I don't get tired of the celebrity coming outs, and even when it does become legal, I think they still need to continue announcing it, just as loudly and just a publicly. There are so many people out there, especially teens, struggling to come to terms with who they are. These teens often feel isolated, and like they are the only ones in the world who are "different." For a famous celebrity to come forward and say "I am one of you" can make all the difference.


I'll gladly watch a celebrity come out every week if it means saving the lives of our teens.

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I think as long as there are preachers advocating putting gay and lesbian people behind electric fences and beating boys for not being masculine enough, there will be proud gay and lesbian people proclaiming their identity. I am pretty sure the side advocating violence is going to have to stand down first.


I read Anderson Cooper's letter. He only 'came out' because he was concerned that people thought he felt he had something to hide. He doesn't. He just didn't want to be the story. I don't think it was ever a secret he is gay. He has always said it isn't his job to be on the other side of the story.


He realized his reticence was being mistaken for secrecy and he wanted to clear up the mistake.


Plus, I have always assumed that the Silver Fox is shy.

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Is letting people know you are in it. If my DH tried to hide that he was married or keep it "private" I would feel threatened. Wealthy successful men have women throwing themselves at them. I would think AC's announcent of his preference and that he is in a relationaship serves a purpose - just like my DH talking about me at work does.

I understand what you're saying.


I'm talking about general announcements that so and so is gay.


Being in a relationship, is a lovely thing. I just wish it wasn't a big whoop what kind of relationship it is, kwim?


I'm happy for ppl that are in happy relationships. It shouldn't matter if they're same sex.


I look forward to the day when it's no longer considered newsworthy, if that makes sense. When it's just someone whose found happiness w/another person.

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Dating, partying, and wearing clothes designed by Super Expensive Designer X have all been legal for a long time, yet we still get to hear WAY too much about who is dating whom, who went to which party, and what they wore.


That said, one's sexual orientation is not a part of their private life, and shouldn't have to be private information. That's not sensible at all, since most folks talk about their spouses. When I meet a new group of people I tend to end up "coming out" in the first 5 minutes or so, usually because someone says "what does your husband do?" or "Did the kids get the blonde hair from your husband?". It is always awkward and I sometimes wish I didn't feel like I needed to "announce" my marriage, but that obviously doesn't work. There's no reasonable way to keep my spouse's gender private unless I don't talk about ANYTHING personal at all.


It's pretty funny, really. There was a whole conversation on here a couple of months ago where I was worried about going to a convention because I didn't want to freak people out by "coming out" in a place where I'm not likely welcome. Everyone assured me that no one would ask or care. I went to the GHC in Hartford, which was awesome, but yes, my sexual orientation came up at least 3 times, in discussions with different vendors (like the above "what does your husband do" stuff).


It was fine, two of them handled it great and one just looked confused, but the notion that it is ever possible to do much of anything without telling people I'm gay seems to be a fantasy, lol.

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When the supreme court decided Loving v Virginia in 1967 and overturned that state's that interracial marriage ban it didn't suddenly make it acceptable for many people. There are still lots of people who think it is wrong for people of different races to marry. There are still many people who wouldn't want their child to marry someone of a different race.


So, just because marriage equality is achieved doesn't mean that everything 'gets better'.


And you know, someone's sexual orientation, just like someone's race or religion is part of who they are. It makes them the person they are, it shapes their experience with the world. People who are celebrities are usually asked to share who they are and what makes them who they are with the rest of us. So, I doubt that is going to go away any time soon.

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I don't think it will change it. It will probably be more towards marriage than dating, instead. "Robert is marrying Fred....who will wear the dress?" and that sort of ridiculous thing.


As a society, we seem to be obssessed with celebrities and "famous" people. I stopped being interested at all about 10 years ago. :tongue_smilie:


Who/what they are shouldn't matter, but we love, apparently, to stereotype, and fit people into our "neat" little groups.


I, myself, am attracted to the "person" someone is inside, not what they look like, what their background is, etc. Although I ended up marrying my wonderful, loving hubby, I could of easily enough ended up with a female 20 years older then me. I think two consenting adults should be free to be happy.


I think as long as it is not really "hurting" others, one should be free to do what they want with their life. If the world was different and "most" were homosexual, and it was opposite-sex marriage to be legalized and that was shunned in a lot of circles, would that change your relationship with your partner? Or would you still love them for them?


I'm pretty much preaching to a brick wall though :tongue_smilie: Society at large probably won't change for a very long time, and until it does, tabloids will still provide "sustenance" :tongue_smilie:


True Fact: DID you know DH came up to me the other day gushing about Tom/Kat Divorce?


DH: "gush, gush, gush Tom & Kat are getting divorced"

Me: "Kat??? *thinks* ........ I Have no idea what you are talking about"

DH: "Katie Holmes!!!!! They are getting divorced!!!!"

Me: *gapes, mouth hangs open* "um......k?" *wide eyed look*

DH: "I know!!!!!!" *runs back inside*

Me: *Continues to stare at door he went through for 20 minutes*

Me: What THE???????????


This was the weirdest conversation I have ever had. My DH, Manly-man, Mechanical Engineer,World "serious" news reader.........was babbling about some celebs life. And I wasn't even aware of who he was talking about at first.


I've been thinking and its entirely possible I hit my head and was hallucinating on the floor. That or he took too many of his allergy tablets. :confused: ;)

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As a society, we seem to be obssessed with celebrities and "famous" people. I stopped being interested at all about 10 years ago. :tongue_smilie:


Who/what they are shouldn't matter, but we love, apparently, to stereotype, and fit people into our "neat" little groups.


I, myself, am attracted to the "person" someone is inside, not what they look like, what their background is, etc. Although I ended up marrying my wonderful, loving hubby, I could of easily enough ended up with a female 20 years older then me. I think two consenting adults should be free to be happy.


I think as long as it is not really "hurting" others, one should be free to do what they want with their life. If the world was different and "most" were homosexual, and it was opposite-sex marriage to be legalized and that was shunned in a lot of circles, would that change your relationship with your partner? Or would you still love them for them?


I find the fame-centered culture really... interesting. I could never, ever live a life like that! I would be batty in less time that it would take one photo of me to be printed in a gossip mag. :lol: But I'm also not interested in celebrities just for fame's sake either... the only celebrities I've ever been interested in are those who I find interesting because of the lives they've led. (Ellen is interesting because of what she did, I read both of Kendra Wilkinson's books and now pay a little bit of attention to news about her because she isn't at all what I expected, etc.)


I am also attracted to the person. It doesn't make sense to many people, but I don't really see the outside. If I could post pictures of all the people I've been in serious relationships with, there is no physical "type" (except perhaps older than me- that is the one constant. :D) Gender is one of the things that doesn't come into play at all for me in whether I'm attracted to someone or not. I've been in relationships with both, and in the end I could settle down with either.


I love your last question, and wish that more people would consider it and others along the same lines.

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OK, since this seems to be the thread for it, I'm coming out of my own closet here to admit I have no idea who Anderson Cooper is.


Please try not to judge me too harshly...


He is the guy with white hair on CNN


Edited by Susan Wise Bauer
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You know, given how many kids commit suicide because they're tormented for being gay- or even for being suspected of being gay- I'd much rather see too many respected public figures come out than none at all. And it's not like anyone is holding my eyeballs to the computer screen and making me read the articles about it.

I'd rather see people keep their private business private, whatever that private business is. I'm so tired of this being a major topic on every program, a major lead news story, and half the stories in the local paper. Enough, already.

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You know, given how many kids commit suicide because they're tormented for being gay- or even for being suspected of being gay- I'd much rather see too many respected public figures come out than none at all. And it's not like anyone is holding my eyeballs to the computer screen and making me read the articles about it.
This. And personally I wonder more about the people who feel the need to keep professing they're straight. :tongue_smilie:


I look forward to the day when a person's sexual orientation isn't newsworthy, but that won't happen if people stop coming out. We need more of it, not less.

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This is one reason I'm glad I don't watch TV. I don't want to know who does what with their clothes off. Nobody knows what I do in my bedroom, so why do I need to know what they do in theirs?

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Is letting people know you are in it. If my DH tried to hide that he was married or keep it "private" I would feel threatened. .


See, I totally disagree with you.


I just started a Facebook account because the school parent organization communicates this way. My husband sent me a relationship request. I told him I didn't want to accept it because why should we include even more personal information for Facebook to sell?


He totally gets me.


He talks about me casually at work, but is not careful to point out all the time that I am HIS WIFE and that we are SEXUALLY INVOLVED with each other. That's what gets me. Who gives a rip.


Tell me that you and Sue went white water rafting. Or you and Joe (say Joe is your husband). That's interesting. I don't care who you are or who you sleep with. That's just not my business.

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I look forward to the day when a person's sexual orientation isn't newsworthy, but that won't happen if people stop coming out. We need more of it, not less.


That makes no sense. People should focus more on sexual orientation so that it isn't newsworthy?


How about on things that matter? Contributions to society? Important things.

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I think it already is widely accepted. My dh taught public high school here, and I have a friend who teaches in a nearby county. Both schools have had a huge increase in the number of homosexual couples over the last few years, especially lesbians. If kids are accepting it in the middle of Georgia, then I think they've come a long way on acceptance.


I'm horrified that there are pastors out there who would preach the things you all have said, but I guess there are radical muslims who would kill homosexuals. There will always be radicals and haters, though, regardless of laws or what the majority accepts.

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That makes no sense. People should focus more on sexual orientation so that it isn't newsworthy?
I don't think we should focus more on the sexual orientation of others, but rather that we'll be better off when no one feels the need to hide theirs. Things that are matter-of-fact are not newsworthy.
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