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Okay, where were we ....

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I did get a lot of housework done.


FYI, if this happens again, take a peek at Peace Hill Press on facebook. They'll give you the skinney, and Sean Connery as well.


How cool is the contents of their emergency box!


Going there got me looking at the A Mighty Girl website which is fantastic!

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We need an emergency evacuation plan. Where will we all meet next time? You know, during school fire drills we always met on the football fields or the playground.... where is our virtual playground going to be?!?! :lol:


I said it in the other thread, but it figures that the boards would be down today. DD was out of town with her Nana, so I was alone all day with nothing to do. (Okay, theoretically I *could* have done laundry or finished unpacking the last couple boxes still left from the move last month but.... :D)

Instead I read. And refreshed my geography on Sheppard Software. and watched some old episodes of Jeopardy. and spent loads of time playing with and loving on my dog. :D Good day, but I surely missed the Hive!!


Someday we'll reminisce about the shutdown of 2012, and how productive some of us were that day.

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I put together the baby's toy shelf, but I severely strained my lower ab muscles coughing this morning. Once I finished the shelf (for which I sat on the floor, no lifting or.moving!!) I could not stand straight or walk all day. I sat in my chair and watched Make ot or Break it all day! I sat in the pool for an hour, started dinner...but dh had to finish and he thoroughly cleaned the kitchen afterward. I went to bed early for the second night in a row, but woke up coughing my head off and moved to my chair and was happy to find the forums working again :) now I have a distraction since Netflix is.not working now!!

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I chased down a coup fairy. Made bread. Studied & taught about birds, suffrage, readings, oh and the supreme court and the election of Barak Obama, some genealogy. Some Women's History, some notebooking on how to organize those figures into one spot and create the cards from.


Tomorrow is house cleaning day though. Bleh.

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Someday we'll reminisce about the shutdown of 2012, and how productive some of us were that day.


My DH called it the Great Crash of 2012, a reference to a Britcom we like.


I spent the day playing video games and watching some video game recordings. Oh, and I cleaned the shower. :tongue_smilie:

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We need an emergency evacuation plan. Where will we all meet next time? You know, during school fire drills we always met on the football fields or the playground.... where is our virtual playground going to be?!?! :lol:

Well, I found this totally rockin' Camaro forum while WTM was down. :D

DH couldn't decide which forum would be the cheapest place for me to hang out -- sport cars or homeschool books? :lol:

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