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So what is your vote for the worst movie?

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:lol: Why y'all hatin' on Kevin?


We've actually all been pm-ing each other for weeks, trying to come up with a way to get your goat, Elaine! Did it work? It was very hard planning out all the delicate intricacies of this operation.























And because he sucks. :w00t:

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We've actually all been pm-ing each other for weeks, trying to come up with a way to get your goat, Elaine! Did it work? It was very hard planning out all the delicate intricacies of this operation.





And because he sucks. :w00t:



Ooooohhhhh, time for sumo-035.gif




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Darkman (1990) starring Liam Neeson.


Originally film director Sam Raimi had wanted to film a movie about the pulp character The Shadow, but when he was unable to secure the rights he created his own character. Darkman has a lot of pulp and comic book elements - the tale of scientist Peyton Westlake who gets attacked and is burned beyond recognition. Undergoing experimental medical procedures, Westlake gains superior strength and with his knowledge of synthetic skin creation, can assume the identity of anyone for 99 minutes. After that time the synthetic skin dissolves and Westlake's scarred features reappear. Covering his burned features in bandages and wearing a dark overcoat and fedora, Westlake roams the night as Darkman.

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Dances with Wolves and Field of Dreams, Bull Durham makes me want to hit something or someone. Hard. I absolutely hated that script. It felt so completely artificial. I liked Waterworld more than Bull Durham! And yet BD is not even close to the worst movie I've ever seen....


Worst movies ever:


Basically anything with Rob Schneider in it--he makes my skin crawl

Wild at Heart (BLECH to the fifth power)

All Austin Powers movies

Bill & Ted #2 movie (only because B&T #1 was a MASTERPIECE)

and drumroll for the worst movie I've ever seen:


King Solomon's Mines, with Richard Chamberlain. I wanted to take the movie theater to small claims court to get my money back! ;)


Layla McB

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We just went and saw the new Indiana Jones movie and Both Harrison Ford and Karen Black looked old and tried. Some people can pull off old in a distinguished manner with energy in action films very well, thinking of Sean Connery but Harrison Ford and Karen Allen just had no energy :sad: and certainly neither one were distinguished. Dh was kicking himself after seeing it saying we should have waited until netflixs had it. It was a very poor reflection of the first movie.

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We are no longer friends.:glare:




:lol: Why y'all hatin' on Kevin? I loved him in Field of Dreams and The Upside of Anger.



Kevin is just so ickky. Although there are others who stink just as badly if not worse. It is just that I actually thought I might like those and watched them. He wasn't awful in Robin Hood, I guess. :001_huh: maybe. :glare: sorta...


People I hate more... in other words I don't even attempt to see their movies: Tom Cruise, Vin Deisel, The Rock (does he have a name?), Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Adam Sandler, Jack Black (although, I have not yet seen Nacho Libre) hmmm... oh! Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller.

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Kevin is just so ickky.
Uh huh.


Kevin Costner... Billy Bob Thornton... Kevin Costner .... Billy Bob Thornton.


I'd take Billy Bob over Kevin.

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People I hate more... in other words I don't even attempt to see their movies: Tom Cruise, Vin Deisel, The Rock (does he have a name?), Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Adam Sandler, Jack Black (although, I have not yet seen Nacho Libre) hmmm... oh! Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller.



You had me until your oh! Can't stand any of the ones you listed before. But Cameron and Ben are okay. :)

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I always find it interesting what folks like and really hate. There are a few mentioned so far that I like, but not too many this time. Some on last time said they hated Mr Brooks, that one kind of redeemed Mr Costner for me a bit; yes I'm totally weird... I liked it. Also liked Field of Dream (more for James Earl Jones though) and Bull Durham. I also have a love hate thing with Nick Cage. Loved Lord of War, hated Ghost Rider. Dh who can watch really awful grade d movies, could not even finish it. And Se7en (loved, loved, loved that movie except for Brad Pitt and whiny Ms. Paltrow. I think I can watch just about anything with Morgan Freeman. Just saw Gone Baby Gone. He was in it for maybe 15 mins and stole the whole picture. Just an amazing actor.


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was M Night's latest, The Happening. Really, truly, awful. I know there are probably mixed feelings here about his other work, but I really liked Signs and enjoy watching films with a twist to the plot. The Happening was such a let down. Ridiculous plot, terrible acting, no good twists along the way... I felt robbed of my time and money.


Now if you want another actor to add to the list of "I can't watch anything with XXXX in it," here's my vote: Jim Carrey. Can't stand him. Can't stand the thought of him. I like The Truman Show, but I can't bear to watch him in anything else. Can't watch him on a talk show. Ick.

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Worst in what way? Acting? Plot? Writing? Just generally yuck?


Off the top of my head:


Se7en (Perhaps there was good acting, good plot, good writing. I don't know because it was so absolutely creepy that dh and I had to shut it off on about the fourth deadly sin and wished we had sooner.)


Pulp Fiction - Just all around BAD, IMO. I don't like Quentin Tarantino movies and I don't much care for John Travolta. I wish we had walked out of the theater.


Napoleon Dynamite - There's over an hour of my life I'll never get back. I wish I had been doing something more productive, like, say, surfing the net. Stupid, stupid, stupid, and not the least bit funny.


Dumb and Dumber - See above and add gross to it.


Gosh, there are just so many. Perhaps we should also have a thread about actors/actresses and directors/producers we avoid. That's a huge list in itself. My family thinks I'm waaaaay too opinionated about actors and actresses in particular.


ACK...LOL... I love all those movies....well, except Dumb and Dumber....I haven't even bothered to watch that one...but the other 3...those are good movies! LOL

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I always find it interesting what folks like and really hate. There are a few mentioned so far that I like, but not too many this time. Some on last time said they hated Mr Brooks, that one kind of redeemed Mr Costner for me a bit; yes I'm totally weird... I liked it. Also liked Field of Dream (more for James Earl Jones though) and Bull Durham. I also have a love hate thing with Nick Cage. Loved Lord of War, hated Ghost Rider. Dh who can watch really awful grade d movies, could not even finish it. And Se7en (loved, loved, loved that movie except for Brad Pitt and whiny Ms. Paltrow. I think I can watch just about anything with Morgan Freeman. Just saw Gone Baby Gone. He was in it for maybe 15 mins and stole the whole picture. Just an amazing actor.



I liked the idea of se7en, but hated the movie. However, I think Morgan Freeman should narrate everything, I vote for him for President, like in the meteor movie, Deep Impact, that's it. I could listen to him for hours. I even like his version of God.

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was M Night's latest, The Happening. Really, truly, awful. I know there are probably mixed feelings here about his other work, but I really liked Signs and enjoy watching films with a twist to the plot. The Happening was such a let down. Ridiculous plot, terrible acting, no good twists along the way... I felt robbed of my time and money.



I am soooo with you! I love MNS's movies....so was excited to see this one....and it sucked! I mean...I was ready to walk out...had I not just given my left kidney to see it... :glare:

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was M Night's latest, The Happening. Really, truly, awful. I know there are probably mixed feelings here about his other work, but I really liked Signs and enjoy watching films with a twist to the plot. The Happening was such a let down. Ridiculous plot, terrible acting, no good twists along the way... I felt robbed of my time and money.


Ya, you know, I feel like his movies have been nothing but downhill since The Sixth Sense, Signs was good, even The Village was O.K., but Lady in the Water and The Happening are dreadful.

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The worst movie of all time is: Ghost Dad.


Bill Cosby. Dead. Family comedy.


You haven't heard of it. Be very very glad. This is actually the only movie in my life I've walked out of halfway through-- and I saw Dungeons & Dragons in the theatre.


Actually, I like most of the movies you guys mention, and even those I didn't (Pan's Labyrinth--way too violent for me) are, admittedly, good movies. I think there is a difference between a "bad" movie and one that I just personally don't enjoy.


Ghost Dad. Bad bad bad.

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I don't watch horror and excessive language is plenty enough to make me leave or turn off a movie. So, outside of those obvious ones for me I'd say The Toy with Robin Williams, AI, and American Beauty. We started watching Blade Runner last night but didn't finish it. I hope it gets better because what I've seen so far is boring and borderline dumb. ;)


Gotta add Moulin Rouge and The Time Machine. Also, anything with extreme fighting and violence (ie, Fight Club and Pulp Fiction).


One more edit: I can't stand any of what I call 'stupid humor'. Dumb and Dumber, Napoleon Dynamite, etc. Basically nothing with Jim Carrey in it except The Majestic and Truman Show. Any other of those "comedy" actors that love to do stupid humor. I love a great, true comedy though. :)

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Wild at Heart -- hated it


The Bee Movie -- stupid imo -- just a waste of time for me


Summer Heat (?not sure of the title) -- Really boring -- best line -- "It's hot. Yeah, sure is." repeatedly. Just not an interesting movie at all.


Hmm, there are more, but those stand out at the moment.

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"The Sign of the Beaver." We read the book and listened to the audio book in the last year. Someone loaned the movie and we all declared it "The Worst Movie Ever Made!"


I couldn't believe how they would take a great, classic book and change the whole theme. I was terribly disappointed.

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I also have a love hate thing with Nick Cage.



:iagree: YES!! I have this, too! I LOVED Nick Cage in Raising Arizona and Moonstruck. Brilliant. And he was the only thing that kept the National Treasure movies from turning totally ridiculous--perfect blend of gravity and camp. But I absolutely abhored Wild at Heart--and almost everything else he's ever done. Mostly I can't stand him. And yet....



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I agree that it depends on how you define bad.


For my dad, the threshold for measuring bad movies is Howard's End which we all saw together in the theater when I was in high school or college. So far, he has yet to find a movie worse than Howard's End, but I think a few have been judged as bad as. It's become something of a family joke.


The equivalent movie for DH and I is The Royal Tennenbaums. (sp?)




I absolutely love Howard's End, but totally agree on The Royal Tennenbaums. I wanted to dope slap every single actor in it and throttle the pretentious Washington Post movie critic who gave it a glowing review. Urg. That's two hours of my life that I could've spent cleaning toilets!


Also dreadful: Americans with bad accents. Pick a movie. ;)

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I always find it interesting what folks like and really hate. There are a few mentioned so far that I like, but not too many this time. Some on last time said they hated Mr Brooks, that one kind of redeemed Mr Costner for me a bit; yes I'm totally weird... I liked it. Also liked Field of Dream (more for James Earl Jones though) and Bull Durham. I also have a love hate thing with Nick Cage. Loved Lord of War, hated Ghost Rider. Dh who can watch really awful grade d movies, could not even finish it. And Se7en (loved, loved, loved that movie except for Brad Pitt and whiny Ms. Paltrow. I think I can watch just about anything with Morgan Freeman. Just saw Gone Baby Gone. He was in it for maybe 15 mins and stole the whole picture. Just an amazing actor.



I agree about Morgan Freeman, I love the sound of his voice. I also agree about Gwyneth Paltrow. I can't stand her!

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Oh, and I'll add to the chorus of those who hated Borat. Now there was a movie that did what it intended to do, I guess, "well", but... (shudder) (cringe) (retch)


I didn't make it through much of that one. Not surprisingly, it appears that it's a biggie with teenage boys.


Tops on my list today is "Marie Antoinette." I just got a chance to watch it yesterday and it was horrible. I went back and read some of the reviews on it, and it looks like it's a "love it" or "hate it" kind of thing. It put me to sleep.

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Anything with J.A. is bad. I loved her on Friends, but I can't sit through her movies.


I thought The Breakup was pretty awful. Horrible and depressing. Do people really act that way? I agree that her movies (the ones I have seen) were fairly bad.

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I didn't make it through much of that one. Not surprisingly, it appears that it's a biggie with teenage boys.


Tops on my list today is "Marie Antoinette." I just got a chance to watch it yesterday and it was horrible. I went back and read some of the reviews on it, and it looks like it's a "love it" or "hate it" kind of thing. It put me to sleep.


I could not even sit through it. Dd12 made it through and went YUCK! Panned it big time. And she loves over the top movies.

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Solaris. We made is 1/4 way through and shut it off LOL


Dh and I watched the whole *&$# thing. Can you imagine? What was wrong with us?!? I think we were just so amazed and kept thinking, "It *has* to get better." I'll save you the trouble: It doesn't.

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Oh, I have to add "Cold Mountain". Man, I hated that movie. Everything about it. The casting, the alleged "acting", the direction, the writing, even the setting that managed never, ever to look like the country they were trying to represent. I just wanted those characters -- all of 'em -- to *die* already and put me out of my misery. (Shudder) Yuck!


(I guess, to be fair, I liked the Alison Krauss song.)

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It may not be your cup of tea, but that doesn't make it a bad movie, IMHO. I would argue that there IS such a thing as an objectively (at least, pretty darn close) bad movie. The cinema version of velvet Elvis art, etc.


But besides from being an artistically good movie... I happen to love LOTR!:001_tt2:

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It may not be your cup of tea, but that doesn't make it a bad movie, IMHO. I would argue that there IS such a thing as an objectively (at least, pretty darn close) bad movie. The cinema version of velvet Elvis art, etc.


But besides from being an artistically good movie... I happen to love LOTR!:001_tt2:


I wanted to like it. I REALLY did! I tried, for what, three hours, I tried! And go ahead and scold me, because I didn't read the book(s) first. I'm sure that would have helped. But the movie made me NOT want to read the books! Okay, that's not completely true. I do want to and will read the books. But I had expected to come out of the movie just dying to read the books, and it did NOT have that effect on me. I'm sorry. I know I'm not worthy.


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I wanted to like it. I REALLY did! I tried, for what, three hours, I tried! And go ahead and scold me, because I didn't read the book(s) first. I'm sure that would have helped. But the movie made me NOT want to read the books! Okay, that's not completely true. I do want to and will read the books. But I had expected to come out of the movie just dying to read the books, and it did NOT have that effect on me. I'm sorry. I know I'm not worthy.



My dh loves the bks so much he refused to see the movies. He did not want to tarnish his childhood memories. To this day, he will leave the room if they come on. I'm not kidding!

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I am embarssed to say, "Jumper." I thought maybe Hayden Christensen (did I spell his name right) would do better in this movie than in Star Wars. I was wrong. The idea was great! But this movie bombed within the first ten minutes of the movie and the credits did not start. Sadly, the plan on doing two more sequels to a movie that the producers just assumed everybody wanted to see again. :w00t::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:


Also, I agree "It's Pat" was bad too.:lurk5:





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...but I loved the movies. There was for me, however, one GLARING weak point: Arwen. Oh. My. Gawsh. She drove me insane. I plan to read the books, and I'm hoping against hope that her character isn't as cloying and insipid as she was in the movies. Every time they cut to her in any of the movies, I just have to fast forward. ACK!! :tongue_smilie:

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I recently saw Magnolia. It was over 3 hours long and filled with actors who are throughout the movie at the edge of hysterics. Toss in terminally ill people, Tom Cruise in his sleaziest role ever, a part where all of a sudden one of the songs of the soundtrack is lip-synched by all the characters, and a rainstorm of frogs (yes, FROGS), and you get what I knew in all of my heart to be the worst movie ever made. I couldn't wait to jump on imdb.com to make fun of it only to find it ranked in the top 250 movies of all time (????!!!!)

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...but I loved the movies. There was for me, however, one GLARING weak point: Arwen. Oh. My. Gawsh. She drove me insane. I plan to read the books, and I'm hoping against hope that her character isn't as cloying and insipid as she was in the movies. Every time they cut to her in any of the movies, I just have to fast forward. ACK!! :tongue_smilie:


Well, she doesn't appear in the books as much as she does in the movies (sore point for some fans) and I don't think she comes off as insipid.

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I'd categorize my dislike as:

Won't even bother watching it, period.

Watched the first part but turned it off.

Watched the whole thing and considered it a waste of time and wouldn't recommend it, period.

Watched it and considered it stupid, but.... ok, some people might like that sort of thing.

Considered it corny/lame/dumb, but a few enjoyable moments.

Kinda liked it, but wouldn't bother watching it again if i had my 'druthers.

Pretty good movie.

I think I'll own that one.


I would watch that movie again and aqgain and again!



I've seen stupid movies, but the only ones I have ever turned off were Matador and Lady Killers [Tom Hanks]. I *love* Pierce Brosnan, but Matador just about turned me off of watching him in anything else.


On the "I hate them even tho i watched them" list:

Napoleon Dynamite

The Conqueror -John Wayne as Ghenghis Khan? i don't think so.


Pan's Labyrinth


and a few others that I can't think of right now.....

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