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What do you do JUST FOR YOU???

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I've been reading these posts....and the majority of us are just SPENT! What, if anything, do you do that is JUST FOR YOU that helps rejuvenate your energy levels? And how often do you (get to) do it?


I love hot baths with my lovely LUSH bath bombs....it helps a lot...and I go to the YMCA 5 days a week (most of the time) and work out for an hour then sit in the sauna for as long as I can stand it. I would love to be able to get away, either by myself or with dh, several times a year...but that really isn't an option for us right now. I *did* get to go away for the weekend by myself to visit a friend a few weeks ago and that was HEAVEN! LOL But, we don't have any close family near by and my Dad and SM and Dh's Dad and his GF live only 3 hours away...which would be great but they all work. I remember when my sibs and I were the ages of my children and we would go spend a week or two at my GP's....it was fun for us and I'm sure a blessing to my folks....but my kids have never been able to do that...but, I digress...as usual. LOL So, what do YOU do?

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When I can, I go to ballet class (or jazz or modern, if that's all that I can fit in schedule-wise). I'm not a great or even a decent dancer, but I studied for long enough as a kid/teen that I have a bit of muscle memory left at least. I love doing barre and just focusing so intently on physical technique -- such a different kind of thinking than I'm usually doing! And even in a group of other adults, it's like being alone, 'cause nobody's asking me for anything. ;)

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I found it was too difficult to stay home all day with three teens, so I got myself a part time job. I get to talk to adults, not deal with hormones all day and had an excuse to go buy myself some nice clothers. Now I appreciate my family a lot more.

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I knit. I go to sit and knit meetings once a week. I go out with friends on occasion. I have started walking a few nights a week with a friend. Sometimes, I take a glass of wine down to the Lego room and build my kids Legos (shhh, don't tell anybody;)).


I would really love to learn how to knit...some day....

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I'm going to Target tonight. Does that count? It's actually the first time in months I've been out all.by.myself. Well, this time baby boy is coming, but he has to. :) I wish I could go alone, but nursing babies must stay w/ mommies! I'm just happy to get out w/out the rest of the kids. I love Target. But, it is the "store of doom" for me. I spend too much. Other than that...I don't get out. I am going to join the Worship Team at our church (yeah!) when baby boy is a bit older and can go longer btwn nursings. They rehearse on Wed. nights. That will be fun.

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1. I crochet for the daily stress relief; it's something I can do and still be in the same room with the rest of the family.


2. I love hot baths, but not in the summer.


3. I walk with my neighbor almost daily. The kids usually go, but it's nice to visit while we walk.


4. I love get massages; I try to get 1 a month.


5. I go to my hairdresser to get my eyebrows waxed and my hair cut. She's amazing, she massages my head when she washes my hair, gushes over me and plays with my hair. It's an hour long blissful ordeal.


6. On a daily basis I make sure that I'm taking nice deep breaths. On a good day I'll remember to hold some relaxing accupressure points.


That's about it right now.

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I take 1 class per semester, 3 semesters per year. I think that's just for me. Right? I mean it is furthering my education toward a career goal for when I'm finished homeschooling in another 18 years. And the career will further my goals toward retirement, and hopefully ease our financial burden, and maybe help out our children when they are young adults. So is that for me? I don't know.


As I'm typing this, I am spending the only kid/DH free time I've had in about 3 years. I'm so pathetic, I couldn't think of anything to do today, just-for-me, that isn't related to my regular household/homeschool/student/volunteer responsibilities while it is raining and without any money.


And I overheard my husband tell my visiting MIL this morning that I "don't do anything". Hmmmm...

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Nothing, really. I do read sometimes, but not as much lately. I would love to take a pottery class, but I haven't made it happen yet because I feel guilty about spending the money, and I would probably take dc with me anyway because they want to learn, too. This season of my life just doesn't afford alone time right now. I might start exercising again in the mornings before they get up.

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I read and post on this board! Seriously, the time I spend her is my luxury time. The time I spend here encourages me and keeps me going on my homeschool journey.
You beat! :) :iagree: I love coming here!


Otherwise I knit a little bit, scrapbook and read.

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when the dc were little, I went grocery shopping all by my onesie:001_smile:


Later, I took clogging lessons, then Scottish country dance, and now hula. I also took fencing classes for 2 or 3 years.


Now that my dc are all gone, it's *all* about me, lol.

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Um...Well.... you see there is no 'me' time around here. With 6 kids, a husband, a dog, 3 cats (who are not happy about the dog), a messy house that needs constant picking up, homeschooling, a garden, grass that won't quit growin', yada, yada, yada, and so on and so forth, there just isn't an extra second in the day to be used for me.


HOWEVER........when it becomes 'obvious' to me that I MUST take 'me' time before someone or something faces the 'wrath of mom' or the consequences brought on by my shortcomings and lack of patience, I will proceed to my secret hidey hole (if I told you where it was I would have to kill you, so don't ask where my secret hiding place is) :D.


There at my secret hidey hole I will retrieve my secret chocolate stash and the ONLY soda that's left in the ENTIRE house. I will ever so discreetly (you know, James Bond like) disguise the stash amongst the contents of the laundry basket or some other effects I currently have in hand. Then I will grab a good book or magazine or my personal CD player WITH headphones and will proceed to the most sacred room in the entire house. The room where no one will bother you unless one of the other rooms is taken. You know....the bathroom.;) I am sure to lock the door behind me and will then be sure to turn on the exhaust fan (this helps drown out the whining of the children) and turn the shower on (we only have a shower in our bathroom, no tub):glare:. NO, I DO NOT actually get into the shower (please don't tell my energy conserving husband about my little secret, PLEASE!!!!). The sound of the shower helps to further drown out the whining, fighting and complaining and is actually soothing to listen to. (BTW, I discovered the soothing effects of the 'shower' sound while dealing with colicky infants) I will then spend the next half hour enjoying my stash and reading or listening to something on 'my' enjoyment list. MEANWHILE.....everyone in the house thinks Mom is taking a shower and they all know rule #4,328 which says "do not interupt mom while she's taking a shower unless someone is bleeding or the house is on fire. The consequences could be dire.". :D


Once I am finally feeling rejuvenated, I am extremely careful to 'hide' (you know, James Bond like) the remnants of my chocolate and caffeine consumption. Then I place my head in the running shower to get my hair wet and emerge from the bathroom as a new and refreshed 'me'. :001_smile: No one knows what I was up to but everyone is glad that mommy got her shower time!:D (Shhhhh! Keep this between us or my 'me' time will be no more):001_huh:



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I knit. I go to sit and knit meetings once a week. I go out with friends on occasion. I have started walking a few nights a week with a friend. Sometimes, I take a glass of wine down to the Lego room and build my kids Legos (shhh, don't tell anybody;)).

I knit and watch movies. :)


I do have a new soaking bathtub that I'm waiting to try out. I've got some candles but I think I need a couple lush bath bombs--where do you get them from?

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I have a book group that meets once a month; I always have several books going for my enjoyment. I knit and quilt when I get a chance. Sometimes just a few minutes listening to my music while folding the laundry is all the "me" time I can get :)

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I knit and watch movies. :)


I do have a new soaking bathtub that I'm waiting to try out. I've got some candles but I think I need a couple lush bath bombs--where do you get them from?


www.lush.com they have a few actual stores as well....but not many... you can check for one in your area on their site...


but, be warned, this website could lead to a serious (and expensive) addiction! LOL If you love jasmine...you must try Youki hi... it is my favorite!

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