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Anyone missing the toddler days?

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I'm willing to trade my adorable, entertaining DS2 for a day or so. He's cute, but he also wakes up every 20 minutes from 4:30am on, wants breakfast before 6:00am, wants buckled AND unbuckled from his booster chair at the same time, requests a spoon for his blueberries then insists that you gave him a fork, pours himself a glass of iced tea (!!!!) and dumps the rest of it on the counter, and screams every time you wipe his face off.


His favorite foods are lettuce, fruit, pretzels, almond milk, and the opposite of whatever he just asked for.


He's not potty trained, because last time he tried to use the potty the pee shot up and hit him in the chin. Still trying to figure out how that happened...


Not much for toys, but he does enjoy shredding paper, shredding Kleenexes, shredding books, and stealing the neighbor's landscaping.


In exchange, I'll take your moody, sullen teenager who sleeps until noon, then plays video games until dark. I'll provide the pizza and sugary soda, but BYOXC (bring your own Xbox controller). :tongue_smilie:


P.S. - He's a big fan of insects and spiders. Not responsible for any critters captured and kept as pets in Tupperware bowls. :glare:

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I used to think the toddler days were the hard days, until mine started getting older and REALLY using their brains, while trying to shape and continue molding their hearts. NOT. AN. EASY. TASK.


Parenting is hard, no matter what the age. If I could go back...I would in an instant to those toddler years...and the mistakes along the way...I'd get a re-do. What you do during the toddler years SOOOOO shapes many of the outcomes in the later years.


Use that time wisely...and enjoy!

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Mine turns two this month. He's got "no!" down really well, so I think he's ready for the promotion. He has recently decided his role in life is to monopolize mom: if I sit down, I immediately here: "Mamma, up! C'mon, Mamma, C'mon". He wants me to play with him all day long--preferably outside. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind except for the minor problem of getting anything else done! He hates it when my attention is on anything or anyone but him. When I'm trying to do math with or read aloud to the other kids he's right there closing the books and saying "No! Mamma C'mon!". And his protests when I don't comply with his demands would rival a firetruck siren. I remember now why I felt like I was going crazy when my oldest was at this stage. The two in between were not as demanding as toddlers and were more content to just play with the other kids.


He's adorable though, and loves to cuddle. I just need a few clones of myself to do everything else that needs doing while I cuddle and play with him all day!

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When I saw the thread title I thought, "Not enough to go through it again!" :tongue_smilie:


I have loved every stage we have been in with the kids, but I will say that when we went through toddlerhood with our last I realized how much work it really had been. Maybe I'm just getting older or maybe it is having a child that is well past that stage, but when our last DS finally sheds the night time pull-ups I am going to throw myself a well deserved party!


Hang in there, this too shall pass!

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Hang in there, this too shall pass!


Yeah, I know. That's why I'm only up for a day swap. :D


During the Great Breakfast Fiasco this morning, DS4 was giving DS2 the strangest looks, like, "I NEVER acted like that!" Oh please, just last week you were running from the table screaming because we were out of strawberries!

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I'm glad to see this thread. I thought maybe I was weird because I would never want to go back in time with my kids. I have a few sweet memories (when they were smiling, laughing, sitting still, lisping sweetly) but it isn't worth doing all the other stuff over again!


I'm already counting down until I can be legally not responsible. 12.5 more years.


(I do adore my kids - especially when they are asleep.)

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Yeah, I know. That's why I'm only up for a day swap. :D


During the Great Breakfast Fiasco this morning, DS4 was giving DS2 the strangest looks, like, "I NEVER acted like that!" Oh please, just last week you were running from the table screaming because we were out of strawberries!


Wait, you have a 4 y.o. and a 2 y.o. and both are boys? When the boys were 4 & 2, that was the hardest year of my life, bar none. A parenting mentor whose boys are in college now also said that year was the hardest parenting year for her as well (that and the years each boy was 13). Those ages are a ton of work! Take heart, there is a light at the end of that tunnel and it does get easier than where you are now!

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Wait, you have a 4 y.o. and a 2 y.o. and both are boys? When the boys were 4 & 2, that was the hardest year of my life, bar none. A parenting mentor whose boys are in college now also said that year was the hardest parenting year for her as well (that and the years each boy was 13). Those ages are a ton of work! Take heart, there is a light at the end of that tunnel and it does get easier than where you are now!


Good to know! I've got 3 boys, the youngest two are 4 and turning 2. This year has been TOUGH. Especially with the 4 y/o, he skipped the terrible 2s, but the 4s..oh.my.gosh. :lol:


In about 2.5 more years, I'll have a 4 and 2 y/o again. I will remember not to plan anything major that year ;) Though perhaps the newbie will be a girl, but somehow I think that is unlikely.

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I've got 3 boys too. They are 2, 5, and newborn and some days I go to bed thinking that when I get up the next day ALL of my hair will surely be gray! The 2yo's mission in life is to climb everything! No kidding he can climb like a professional mountain climber! The baby is super fussy right now and if he isn't crying to be held he's crying to be nursed and the 5yo has discovered the word "why"! "Why mommy? Why? But WHY!?!? Grrrrr! :lol: I swear somedays if they weren't so cute I might lose my mind. :)

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Right there with you! Mine is into climbing and getting into everything forbidden all day long while telling himself "No! No! No!"





Oh yes.


We do ASL as well as English, esp when they are babies, so he can scream "NOOOOO" at me in two languages at once. He is currently eating sidewalk chalk after a morning of taking his (snapping cloth!! I thought snaps were supposed to be harder!) diapers off and peeing--once in the baby potty, but twice in the corner of the living room. And possibly in the hallway.

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OP, I have an 8 yo, a 5 yo, and a 2 yo DS2, and I can totally, totally relate to your post :D


He wants to do it himself. He gets mad when he's eating a banana and the end breaks off. He wants he put back together, and will collapse into hysterics for 15 mins when he realizes it can't be repaired. He wants to sit on the potty, oh wait, no he doesn't. 2 mins pass and he wants to sit again, no wait, he doesn't. Then a minute passes and he panics and must get to the potty noooooowwww. The list goes on, but i'll spare you ;) Extra fun trying to entertain him at he older kids' activities-baseball games, dance class, etc.


It is exhausting!! I don't remember it being so bad with the older two, but he's giving me a run for my money. I sit down and start something with the older two and he immediately needs to potty, and then we go through the yes I do, no I don't, tantruming on the floor stuff for 15 mins or longer. Fun. The wanting the opposite of whatever he just requested seems to permeate every moment of my day as of late! Yuck. WHen he hurts his sister, he puts himself in the corner ;)

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Honestly, I didn't like the toddler days all that much. When they were cute and adorable it was tolerable, but I was SO thankful for the day when every child could dress himself, wipe his own butt, and strap himself into his own seat in the car.



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After watching my friend spend a good 10 minutes or more trying to get her 18m and 3 year old buckled into their car seats today, after regaling me with stories of sweeping wet aquarium rocks out of the carpet, finding dried little turds in their bedroom, and an explosion of sticky kettle corn...I'm definitely NOT missing it. ;) I'll keep my teen girl drama today.

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Okay, I've now read the whole thread and can only say "Thank you!!!" I am currently on the vacation from hell with my boys (my 6yo is autistic) and my mother who is more work than help herself. I broke down in a crying heap yesterday after a day of one 2yo catastrophe and meltdown after another when he put his toothbrush down the open sink drain and we had to take the pipes apart to get it out. He is so emotional and when he doesn't get his way, he yells "I'm upset with you" or "I'm never never ever going to eat cookies again" (that after I broke his huge cookie in half to make it easier to eat and was unable to meld the two pieces back into one), followed two minutes later by "may I have cookie please?"

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He wants to do it himself. He gets mad when he's eating a banana and the end breaks off. He wants he put back together, and will collapse into hysterics for 15 mins when he realizes it can't be repaired. ;)


What is with 2yo children and the love-hate relationship with bananas?! We go through this same scenario every day - can't get it peeled, wants help, mad that I helped, puts the banana back, mad he put the banana back, ewww yucky spots, wait don't take my yucky spots!, stringy things on my fingers!, oh my what a delicious banana!, decides he doesn't want it halfway through and throws it out. Two minutes later: "I can have another banana, pweeeze?"


I swear he gets this from DH, who has an 8 hour, 27 minute window in which bananas are suitable for eating. But if I ask him if he wants anything from the store? "Bananas."


Okay, I've now read the whole thread and can only say "Thank you!!!" I am currently on the vacation from hell with my boys (my 6yo is autistic) and my mother who is more work than help herself. I broke down in a crying heap yesterday after a day of one 2yo catastrophe and meltdown after another when he put his toothbrush down the open sink drain and we had to take the pipes apart to get it out. He is so emotional and when he doesn't get his way, he yells "I'm upset with you" or "I'm never never ever going to eat cookies again" (that after I broke his huge cookie in half to make it easier to eat and was unable to meld the two pieces back into one), followed two minutes later by "may I have cookie please?"


:grouphug: I get it. The cookie thing, I call that the "Cheeseburger Factor". By tearing a cheeseburger in half to make it easier to eat, it undergoes a chemical change rather than a physical one, rendering it inedible. It happens at least once a week.

Edited by BarbecueMom
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Wait, you have a 4 y.o. and a 2 y.o. and both are boys? When the boys were 4 & 2, that was the hardest year of my life, bar none.


No wonder I feel so crazy and stressed out. This year I have a 5 yo boy, 3 yo boy, 2 yo boy and 9 month old (boy). I'm going crazy over here. Right now my 2yo is shoving the wet toy he dumped into my water in my face. :tongue_smilie:No one took a nap so they are all out here with me. So much for getting some more work done.


Honestly, I didn't like the toddler days all that much. When they were cute and adorable it was tolerable, but I was SO thankful for the day when every child could dress himself, wipe his own butt, and strap himself into his own seat in the car.




:iagree: This is one stage I definitely will not miss. I don't care how many old ladies say they miss it all, they must have selective memories.

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:iagree: This is one stage I definitely will not miss. I don't care how many old ladies say they miss it all, they must have selective memories.



:lol::lol::lol: That's because it's sort of like labor; you block out the pain and just remember that sweet baby the nurse hands to you;) I have very warm-fuzzy feelings about my kids' toddler days but then I watch my dil with her 4, 3 and 16mo and remember the day to day reality. You all will have those warm-fuzzy memories some day too.:)

Edited by Kelly1730
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