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Have you ever been so tired that you just want to cry?

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Between running back and forth between the house and the hospital trying to take care of kids, cats, dogs and hubby, and keeping everyone informed, I stopped at the library to get some books on heart health. I started thinking about all of the people in my life who have died of heart attacks: my maternal grandma and grandpa, two of my uncles before the age of 60, my mother at age 60 and then all the others that have had heart attacks but are still with us: my father, MIL, FIL, a nephew, and one of my brothers who has had a few. I was just so tired and so overwhelmed that I felt like just sitting down on the floor between the stacks and crying. Of course, I couldn't afford the indulgence so I soilder on. At least I am home now and hopefully will be hitting the hay soon.

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Sometimes crying it out is called for. You definitely are entitled to a big cry, and it just might make you feel better. :grouphug:




And find whatever it is that releases stress. For me, it's a solitary bike ride. For someone else, it might be a long shower before kids get up. Whatever it is, if you can squeeze it in, it will help you cope with stress.

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Sometimes crying it out is called for. You definitely are entitled to a big cry, and it just might make you feel better. :grouphug:


:iagree:One thousand times. During a time that both of my parents were in a life or death crisis at the same time, I reached the point that it became what I can only describe as necessary to cry. I felt better.

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I've been overwhelmed lately with many things. Last night I had a dream about my old dogs. They were our babies before ds was born. I dreamed we were taking them on a trip on an airplane, totally weird, but it was a long dream. I woke up and cried like a baby because I miss them.


I told dh the other day I needed a break, I have yet to get one really. Tomorrow I have to deal with some paperwork I don't want to.


Yes, I often get to the point crying is the only thing I have the energy to do. And I hate that sometimes, because I'm at the point in my life where crying doesn't feel productive or cleansing, it's just another thing.


:grouphug:I hope you get some time to rest and just be and that your family will be well.

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I've felt so tired I could cry and so tired I could throw up. The only thing that helps is to stop and hide in bed under the covers and with the door closed for at least 15 or 20 minutes no matter what else is going on in the world. If I can't hold it together, then I'm not good for anyone else.




I've been keeping you in prayer.

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