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I just need to whine for a minute.

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I don't wanna do school next year. I don't even want to have to PLAN homeschool for next year. I really want to try doing some of the things I wanted to do with my life instead of being up to my neck in stuff I never asked for and don't feel qualified to do. I don't feel like figuring out adaptive language arts, or high school history, or science. I'm tired of worrying about whether we will EVER catch up in math. I don't want to research any of it, I don't want to buy it, I don't want to plan it, I don't want to organize it, and I don't want to have to clean up the remains of last year's school and have to figure out what to do with it. I did not ask to be a teacher. I never planned to homeschool anybody. I'm irritated that I can't complain about this to my real-life friends without getting a silly response like, "Couldn't you just put him back in school? The special ed teachers there are great, and I'm sure they could figure out a way to make it work." (BTDT--disaster). I'm tired of special needs. I'm especially tired of stressed out special needs kids and their aggravating regressions. I'm tired of death (we've lost both of my parents-in-law and had a miscarriage in the past 9 months). I'm tired of dh being gone (all of Sept. and Oct., half of April, and all of May, and counting) and having to crawl into bed alone every night. I'm tired of strained finances. I'm tired of having to feed people day in and day out and somewhere in the middle. I'm irritated at one of my sisters who has dredged up out of the past for no apparent reason I can see (is she just bored or something?). I'm a little bit angry at my neighbor for telling his daughter, who is my daughter's best friend, that there's really no such thing as ADHD, it's just something made up by bad parents as an excuse to medicate their kids (Hello! Seriously? How long has he known us?). I'm tired of glasses and braces and their attendant teenage autistic sensory issues. I don't WANNA deal with teen boy funk, or the beginnings of adolescent girlhood. I'm tired of my parents being in Germany and in all the wrong time zone for me to call and have my mommy tell me it's all going to be okay. I don't want to deal with laundry. Or dishes. Or vacuuming. I'm just tired. I don't wanna. :glare:




Okay. I feel better now. Thanks. :001_smile:

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I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. Your post made me feel a little better. I have been going through a rough time as well. My father passed away a month ago and I can't seem to get out of this funk. Lots of other stuff is happening and I just wish I could run away to a beautiful beach house with a full time maid and cook.


:grouphug: Hope things get better for you!


God bless,

Elise in NC

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Aw, thanks you guys. I really am fine, it's just been going on so long it's really wearing on me. I need a break. But dd needs "summer school" for spelling, and ds didn't finish his biology this year and we planned to do it through the summer. I'm kind of thinking now, though, that maybe I just need to drop the bio for the summer and come back to it in the fall. I think he and I just really need a break. And with ASD he's a bit on the emotionally immature side anyway, so really if it takes us an extra year to finish high school that might not be a bad thing. Right?


But yes, all this will pass. And as my mom used to say, "I haven't had a day yet that I didn't live through." And I know there are people out there in much more trying circumstances than I'm dealing with. I was just tired tonight and needed to whine about it for a few minutes.


On the bright side, my daughter and I just got back from the neighborhood clothing swap, and she has a cute new wardrobe for free.

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:grouphug: Hang in there. It may seem permanent right now, but this, too, will pass.

My dad has a saying I love to use, "When you're at the end of your rope (which you are!), tie a knot and swing for a bit." There were entire years that I sat and swung. I hope you don't have to swing for that long.

FWIW, special needs, death, and dishes truly do suck.

And I don't wanna plan my stuff for next year either and I'm not facing any of the obstacles you are. And now I'm feeling like a wuss for complaining about it!

Here's more: :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I can commiserate. I think you need to take a break. Leave the biology- it will be ok. You won't do anyone any good if you burn out. Go find a peaceful place to sit and relax, and just enjoy your kids again for a while. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I'm sorry you're in a rough patch. And yes, no matter what we're going through, someone is out there dealing with worse, but that doesn't mean your frustrations aren't valid, not at all. It definitely sounds like you need a break, and yes, biology will keep for a couple months. Hang in there.

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Just wanted to say thanks again for the prayers and kind thoughts, and let you know I'm feeling better today. With dd out of school I've been able to sleep in a few days this week. I think I've about convinced myself that it's okay to let biology slide until fall. My mom Skyped from Germany this morning to check in on how we're doing. And my neighbor got a new fridge and gave me her old one to go in my garage as a second fridge. My kitchen fridge isn't super big, and this will give me space enough to buy a whole week's worth of milk at once, thaw large items even if my kitchen fridge is full, and keep a tub of "Artisan Bread In 5 Minutes A Day" style bread dough. Maybe some extra eggs too. Life is hard some days, but it's good. :grouphug:

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I sense your exhaustion. You're doing the best you can, and you are definitely facing several hardships. And dishes suck. And so does having to feed people all day, everyday! Hopefully a little patience will carry you through.

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