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Let's talk about something highly controversial: Bicyclists!

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.

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I have generally nothing against bicyclists if they are abiding by the same traffic rules as drivers.

I really do want to know if it is legal in CA to ride against the flow of traffic, meaning if I am on the right side of a street, a bicyclist is coming at me also on the right side, going in the opposite direction. This drives me batty and I think it's very dangerous, especially at night...

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I have generally nothing against bicyclists if they are abiding by the same traffic rules as drivers.

I really do want to know if it is legal in CA to ride against the flow of traffic, meaning if I am on the right side of a street, a bicyclist is coming at me also on the right side, going in the opposite direction. This drives me batty and I think it's very dangerous, especially at night...


See, I've always thought that would be MUCH safer for the cyclist, as s/he could see traffic approaching and adjust accordingly.

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1. Rarely. We generally ride on a rails-to-trails path that extends about 50 miles, from our town to Madison, Wisconsin.

2. Yes.

3.Yes, tons. No bike lanes in our town. However, many roads are much wider on one side to allow space for cars to park. So it's pretty easy for cars and cyclists to coexist.

4. I'm fine with it as long as they follow the rules, such as stopping at intersections with stop signs. I prefer riders who stay firmly in the lane rather than those who stay to the far right and swerve over to avoid a parked car or other obstacle.

5. I don't know that cycling on multi-lane highways is legal where I live.

6. No, around here the most annoying is the teenage kid who rides on the sidewalk and then unexpectedly darts into the street.

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See, I've always thought that would be MUCH safer for the cyclist, as s/he could see traffic approaching and adjust accordingly.


But it scares me spitless when I finally spot someone ambling along inches away from my car (or so it seems). And I also tend to hang farther to the right, away from the middle strip of the road because I have seen people - evidently temporarily distracted - crossing the line into my lane.

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?


not in our current location


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?

YES..100% They are not allowed on Interstate Highways but other than posted limitation areas they have all the same rights as a car.


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?


We do have bike lanes, they are questionably safe and not adequated controlled by the police. Cars that park in the bike lane or use it as a turn lane should be ticketed and fined!


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?





5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?

If it is not marked as "no bicycles' then it should be allowed. Bicycles can ride in the emergency lane as a courtesy to vehicles



6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.


Why is this a problem? People ride bikes for fitness, transportation and individual economic and environmental ideals. They have a right to use the streets safely. Compassion for the safety of others should not be limited as some kind of kindness to the poor.

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In KY the rule is bicyclists are like cars they are supposed to ride with the flow of traffic, lights & signs. In Louisville there are dedicated bike lanes in some areas. However, I live in a more rural area where 2 lanes roads with no dividers just lines with speed limits of 45- 55, and it scares the heck out me when I run upon bikes on these roads. There is no where to go if the bike hits bump and is thrown off course.


I think they should be able to be on the road, but only in areas with 35 speed zones or less.


I do agree with your observation about hi tech bikes & gear seem more annoying.

Edited by ClassicalTwins
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I don't have a problem with cyclists....but I do have to say that I think it is really dangerous to be sharing the road with vehicles. I mean, if something cannot stay with the flow of traffic, I believe it is dangerous. Whether it's an 80 year old woman driving 20 mph down the interstate, or a bicycle that you suddenly come upon a mere few feet from your car.


I just think it is very dangerous.

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?


Yes, I do.

2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?


Yes, I do.

3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?


A few, but not a ton. No bike lanes.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?


Yes. Tractors do it. Slow automobile drivers do it. Scooters do it. Unless there is a posted MINIMUM speed limit, it is fine.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?


Depends on the setup of the road. In general, I'm fine with keeping bikes to the non-highway roads, since the point of a highway is to go fast and bikes clearly do not. If there's a good way to do it like a breakdown lane though, and there's no equivalent regular road, I could see it being allowed.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.


Honestly? No. There are a few jerks with lots of stuff, but for the most part the annoying cyclists are the random guys wearing no helmet riding on the wrong side of the road in the middle of the street and ignoring all the traffic signals. They are usually dressed in regular clothes riding a bike they picked up at a yard sale and clearly have no clue. The well-equipped crowd at least seems to follow the rules of the road around here, though they are sometimes a bit snobby.

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I don't see it as a kindness to the poor issue, Denise. IME, it's simply more of an attitude of, "Hey, I'm IMPORTANT and you better not mess with me!" vs "OMG, I can't believe I have to ride a bike on the road. I hope nobody runs me over!"


I don't understand why it should be legal for a bike to cause traffic to pile up on a two-lane road because they're moving so slowly (compared to cars and the posted speed limit), when the same thing would be a ticketable offense for a car. If it's dangerous for me to go 12mph in my car, because I would impede traffic flow, isn't it equally dangerous for someone on a bike to go 12mph?* It seems like it would be much safer for the cyclist to move over to the shoulder (or stop!) than to keep going in such a situation, but I rarely see that.



*Totally guessing on the speed, btw. I have no clue how fast most cyclists ride. I just know it's much slower than the 35mph posted speed limit on my road.

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I don't have a problem with cyclists....but I do have to say that I think it is really dangerous to be sharing the road with vehicles. I mean, if something cannot stay with the flow of traffic, I believe it is dangerous. Whether it's an 80 year old woman driving 20 mph down the interstate, or a bicycle that you suddenly come upon a mere few feet from your car.


I just think it is very dangerous.



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I have generally nothing against bicyclists if they are abiding by the same traffic rules as drivers.



They have just as much a right to the road, however, in my neck of the woods, I think bicyclists are risking their lives every time they go out on the road, and I don't permit my kids to ride on the street.


We live in a very rural area, with hilly, curvy, narrow roads with speed limits set at a minimum of 45 mph. My friend's bil was killed a couple of years making a left hand turn close to my house. It was deemed a "no fault" accident.


A good friend of my dd's dad was just released from the hospital after a long stay. He has months of rehab ahead of him, but he is lucky to he alive. He was thrown off of his bike when he was struck by a car driven by the mother of one of his dd's classmates. The mom was cited for texting while driving.

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6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.


Define annoying. I have a nice bike and wear cyclist clothing when I ride (which is not too often) and I follow the rules of the road. However, yes, I WILL ride in the bike lane and allow myself the space allotted for bikes, and no I would not compromise traffic rules in any situation a car wouldn't. I have the same rights. No I do not ride on rural 2 lane roads unless I absolutely have to, because there ARE plenty of drivers who think we are annoying for doing so, and for that reason I am not putting my life at stake for the person who wants to play chicken with a bike rider :glare:


We do however, have many bike lanes in this area. Unfortunately people turning right, do not always remember to actually LOOK

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The city near me has some really ill-conceived bike lanes that they've added recently. I've not seen anyone use them yet, but every time I drive through a certain intersection, I get nervous. They actually have a bike lane on the right side, very clearly marked, and then you drive through the light and BAM! No lane.


Where in the world do they think the cyclists are going to go?!?


Oh, and I've also seen another nearby town who put the bike lane in between two lanes of car traffic turning left. Once you complete the turn....no bike lane. Now, that's GENIUS. :001_rolleyes:

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?



2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?

Hmmm in theory yes but in practice I think most roads are too dangerous and too busy. I think cyclists have a right to be able to get about on a bike and have a safe way to do it but I don't think sharing roads with the cars is the way to do it.


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?

Lots, We live in a holiday destination so the roads are very busy with cyclists. All the way from people who get their bikes out once a year to wobble down the centre of the road to people who are lycra clad enthusiasts.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?

We were talking about this the other day. We live a rural hilly area and I think that cyclists should stay off a lot of the rural roads a few reasons. The first being that often cycling up hill they slow down and begin to wobble and end up trying to get up steep hills really slowly and with a massive queue of traffic. This area has a real problem with a lack of roads so bottlenecks cause major traffic snarl ups. Also these roads are dangerous often with a sheer drop down one side or no where to go in the case of the cyclist having any problems. There is a pretty extensive network of cycle paths but they seem really under used. I also wish cyclists would put a bit more effort into obeying the highway code, every time we go out there seems to be a cyclist doing something silly like cycling 2 abreast rather than single file so nothing can pass them. Maybe a bike test would be a good thing before you can cycle on the road as an adult.

5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?

I don't think they can here.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.

I think they are the most confident cyclists so you see them in the most dangerous places.

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I don't see it as a kindness to the poor issue, Denise. IME, it's simply more of an attitude of, "Hey, I'm IMPORTANT and you better not mess with me!" vs "OMG, I can't believe I have to ride a bike on the road. I hope nobody runs me over!"


I don't understand why it should be legal for a bike to cause traffic to pile up on a two-lane road because they're moving so slowly (compared to cars and the posted speed limit), when the same thing would be a ticketable offense for a car. If it's dangerous for me to go 12mph in my car, because I would impede traffic flow, isn't it equally dangerous for someone on a bike to go 12mph?* It seems like it would be much safer for the cyclist to move over to the shoulder (or stop!) than to keep going in such a situation, but I rarely see that.




*Totally guessing on the speed, btw. I have no clue how fast most cyclists ride. I just know it's much slower than the 35mph posted speed limit on my road.


Sorry, when I read your original post I thought you were saying you were annoyed with the well equipped riders but could understand the 'poor' guys who did not have a choice. Looking again I read it as the first group has more annoying riders then the second group. sorry for the misinterpretation.


Therefore I change my answer :lol:


No that has not been my experience. The well equipped serious riders tend to follow the road rules more closely. The worst rider I know is a neighbor who lost his license, he rides he bike as badly as he drove his car. :lol:


Regardless of why they cycle or their attitudes, they should follow the road rules and be given the same right of way.

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Define annoying. I have a nice bike and wear cyclist clothing when I ride (which is not too often) and I follow the rules of the road. However, yes, I WILL ride in the bike lane and allow myself the space allotted for bikes, and no I would not compromise traffic rules in any situation a car wouldn't. I have the same rights. No I do not ride on rural 2 lane roads unless I absolutely have to, because there ARE plenty of drivers who think we are annoying for doing so, and for that reason I am not putting my life at stake for the person who wants to play chicken with a bike rider :glare:


We do however, have many bike lanes in this area. Unfortunately people turning right, do not always remember to actually LOOK



Annoying to me = riding in the fast lane, riding in the right lane but swerving unexpectedly and repeatedly into traffic, riding on an expressway with a 55mph speed limit and taking up BOTH lanes with your riding buddies, holding up traffic on a winding, two-lane rural road because the rider simply refuses to pull over and let traffic pass.

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I don't see it as a kindness to the poor issue, Denise. IME, it's simply more of an attitude of, "Hey, I'm IMPORTANT and you better not mess with me!" vs "OMG, I can't believe I have to ride a bike on the road. I hope nobody runs me over!"






So they have said this to you? How do you know what they are thinking? I have a very serious face when I am working out. Do you think the same thing about SUV's vs itty bitty electric cars? Like, I COULD run you over you know. And I HAVE turned my head and gave a driver an eye when they were turning right and didn't look and I had to skid my tire and hardly could get my shoe out of the clip.

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.


1. My husband and I and several other adults I know ride on the road. It is quite common and legal here in WA.


2. Yes, with a caveat. They should try to stay to the very right hand side of their lane (going with traffic!). Just so you know, most cyclist pay road taxes as well. Additionally, everyday one of these cyclists ride to work, there is one less car for others to contend with.


3. WA is a pretty big cycling state so yes. (When I lived in the panhandle of FL I was way more concerned for my safety because there were no bike lanes and very little shoulder and some folks who were more than just plain rude.)


4. If the cyclists are in a single line (as they should be), I think it's fine. The slowdown is usually temporary as a driver waits to pass.


5. Not sure how to answer this. I get a little nervous on busy roads with speed limits greater than 40 mph. I may just be a wimp.


6. No, sorry. But then I come from a slightly different perspective than you ;). I have, as well as my husband and others, experienced some pretty rude drivers think that they owned the road. They honk or get real close to show that they are annoyed. This is very dangerous.

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The bicycle situation around here is not great but not awful. They could do a lot more to encourage bikes.


I don't tend to think of roads as "belomging" to ars. Roads are part of our neighbourhoods and so they belong collectivly to the people that live and work there. The neighbourhood should be set up to make it a good place for those people. I think that happens when it is a really good place for walkers, bikers, and public transport, and not just for cars.


So my inclination when there is a conflict would not be to say bikes aren't allowed, but to slow down cars - of course individual situations will have different issues.

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lailasmum, you make some excellent points, particularly about the more confident riders being the ones who put themselves into more dangerous situations. My dh has often argued that there ought to be a road test or license of some sort for those who want to share the road with cars.

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The city near me has some really ill-conceived bike lanes that they've added recently. I've not seen anyone use them yet, but every time I drive through a certain intersection, I get nervous. They actually have a bike lane on the right side, very clearly marked, and then you drive through the light and BAM! No lane.

Where in the world do they think the cyclists are going to go?!?


Oh, and I've also seen another nearby town who put the bike lane in between two lanes of car traffic turning left. Once you complete the turn....no bike lane. Now, that's GENIUS. :001_rolleyes:


OMG, do you live here? This is what we have; makes no sense whatsoever!

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I would like to caveat this by saying I would have answered this VERY differently 8 years ago when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. Now that I'm in Colorado suburbia, home of the most fitness and outdoors obsessed people on the planet, and I don't have a corporate job I'm rushing to, I feel differently.


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?


Yes, but we're more mountain cyclists, so we're usually only on the road long enough to get to the local trails. Not street cyclists- yet.

2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?


Some roads, yes. If I saw them on the freeway, I'd cringe. There are plenty of bike lanes and trails here, so I will occasionally get annoyed if someone is one block away from a safer street and they choose to be on the busier, faster one.


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?


YES. And they all have the fancy matching gear and lean butts to prove it. There are some bike lanes, but lots of wide cycling paths and trails, so we all seem to get along okay.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?


Again, it depends. I think it should be legal. But I also, as a trail cyclist, try to pull off if I can and let a large group of cars pass. But that's partly because I'm uncomfortable with large groups of strangers cursing at my backside.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?


I would say no. A true highway is graded by engineers to be sloped and set up as safest at the proper speed of cars. Emergency lanes are for emergencies. Now, if the bike is emergency transportation, a one-time thing may be okay. But recreationally- no.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.


Nope, the most annoying cyclists are the ones that show up to Spin Class at the gym dressed like that. Who then ignore the directions of the teacher and what everyone else in the class are doing to just SPRINT the whole time. And complain that the gears just don't go high enough for their super amazing cycling abilities. I'm looking at you, pervy guy, and, no, I don't want to go get a smoothie.

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?

Yes, my husband cycles to and from work daily and typically does a longer ride (60 or so miles) once or teice a week. I'll try not to answer defensively. ;)


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?

Um, yes. Why wouldn't they?


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?

Yes we see a lot. We live on a military base and it's a pretty outdoorsy part of the country anyway. No we don't have much in the waymof bike lanes.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?

Is it legal for tractors to drive on rural roads and slow down traffic? Yep. So yeah it should be legal for bikes. We have an obesity problem in this country. Why on earth would you make a harmless fitness activity illegal out of convenience? If they are off to the side just drive around.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?

My dh rides on the shoulder on roads like this.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.

Nope, haven't noticed that at all. The guys who have the high end gear are usually more experienced and know where they need to ride.


Now, let's talk about all the car drivers who have nearly killed my husband because THEY don't know the law or how to pay attention. :D

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I feel like I should make a disclaimer that I do not and have NEVER driven too closely to a cyclist to intimidate him/her or yelled or cursed at them. I may have grumbled under my breath a time or seven, though. I always give them plenty of space and leeway, and I respect the fact that they are probably trying to be "green" about their mode of transportation.


I'm sure my feelings in general are colored by the fact that adult cycling simply is not common around here. The roads aren't set up for it, and the vast majority of drivers are not accustomed to dealing with cyclists. My gosh, people hardly pay attention to motorcycles who are going the same speed as the cars and make plenty of noise! It really does seem as though so many are taking their lives in their hands to cycle where they do. I admit to being a tad judgemental when someone does that for recreational purposes. If there's an accident, it most likely won't affect just the cyclist. There will be a driver and passengers as well.

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Annoying to me = riding in the fast lane, riding in the right lane but swerving unexpectedly and repeatedly into traffic, riding on an expressway with a 55mph speed limit and taking up BOTH lanes with your riding buddies, holding up traffic on a winding, two-lane rural road because the rider simply refuses to pull over and let traffic pass.


To me it's totally uncool to ride two abreast. If someone is "swerving" it could be to avoid something very deadly (like FOD - that if you hit could send you sailing through the air). Anyway, cyclist are just like everyone else: there are annoying ones and the not so annoying one.

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?


Yes, DH commutes by bike daily, I occasionally, the kids rarely,


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?

No to both.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?

Unless there is an insane amount of traffic, bicycles can be passed and do not pose a big obstacle. Yes, it should be legal.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?

For their own safety, bicyclists should try to avoid these kids of roads. They should be allowed to ride, however, if there are no alternatives.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.

I have come across plenty annoying car drivers, but not very many annoying bicyclists. What do you consider annoying?


It would be desirable is many more people biked; it would contribute to a solution of both environmental and health problems

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?


My DH sometimes commutes to work by bicycle.


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?




3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?


Yes. Cycling is a very popular activity here, and we have bike lanes on most major streets and over the bridges.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?


Yes, it should be legal. Our rural roads are rural enough (read: not much traffic) that it is easy to pass cyclists by crossing the line. They really don't slow traffic down much.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?


If there is no bike lane, they should stay as far to the right in the right lane as is safe.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.



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I feel like I should make a disclaimer that I do not and have NEVER driven too closely to a cyclist to intimidate him/her or yelled or cursed at them. I may have grumbled under my breath a time or seven, though. I always give them plenty of space and leeway, and I respect the fact that they are probably trying to be "green" about their mode of transportation.


I'm sure my feelings in general are colored by the fact that adult cycling simply is not common around here. The roads aren't set up for it, and the vast majority of drivers are not accustomed to dealing with cyclists. My gosh, people hardly pay attention to motorcycles who are going the same speed as the cars and make plenty of noise! It really does seem as though so many are taking their lives in their hands to cycle where they do. I admit to being a tad judgemental when someone does that for recreational purposes. If there's an accident, it most likely won't affect just the cyclist. There will be a driver and passengers as well.


My husband doesn't do it to be green. He does it to maintain his sanity (it's his version of meditation...lol!), to help maintain his smoke-free lifestyle, and because he doesn't want to get fat as he ages. :lol:

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I'm sure my feelings in general are colored by the fact that adult cycling simply is not common around here. The roads aren't set up for it, and the vast majority of drivers are not accustomed to dealing with cyclists. My gosh, people hardly pay attention to motorcycles who are going the same speed as the cars and make plenty of noise! It really does seem as though so many are taking their lives in their hands to cycle where they do. I admit to being a tad judgemental when someone does that for recreational purposes. If there's an accident, it most likely won't affect just the cyclist. There will be a driver and passengers as well.



Then the drivers should learn to pay more attention.


Btw, many people do not bicycle for recreation, they use it as a valid mode of transportation. Not because they want to be "green", but because they realize that their bodies are designed to, and capable of, covering a few miles without the help of gas burning engines. It is cheaper, healthier, a good relaxation after a workday.

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic? No, but neighbours do and my brother does


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles? Yes


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes? Recreationally and as a means of transport - yes, many.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal? Yes, it should be legal. I wait for cyclists all the time - it's fine and should be encouraged. They get exercise and don't cause pollution.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane? Slow lane - they have as much right as anyone else to the space.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.


Annoying in what way?




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lailasmum, you make some excellent points, particularly about the more confident riders being the ones who put themselves into more dangerous situations. My dh has often argued that there ought to be a road test or license of some sort for those who want to share the road with cars.



In other countries, there is.

In my home country, every child has mandatory bicyclists ed in 4th grade in public school. They learn the road signs and rules, and take a practical test in a parcours which is judged by local police. After that they get their license and are allowed to ride in traffic.

The same way parents teach their kids to drive, parents could educate their children to safely ride bicycles in traffic. We did.

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I don't have a problem with cyclists....but I do have to say that I think it is really dangerous to be sharing the road with vehicles. I mean, if something cannot stay with the flow of traffic, I believe it is dangerous. Whether it's an 80 year old woman driving 20 mph down the interstate, or a bicycle that you suddenly come upon a mere few feet from your car.


I just think it is very dangerous.


It is dangerous, but on regular roads (not highways/interstates) it is the vehicle driver's responsibility to watch out for the cyclist. This is the same as for pedestrians, utility workers, police and fire officers at the roadside, slower cars, anything that requires carefull alert driving.


Of course the cyclist should limit the risk by following the road rules, chosing roads with bike lanes, wearing bright clothing especially at night, and having the good manners to allow traffic pass them rather than build up. The safest place is the middle to right half of the right lane. They should not hug the shoulder, this encourages unsafe passing, increases risk of road hazards (trash, holes, etc) and makes them harder to see.

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Then the drivers should learn to pay more attention.


Btw, many people do not bicycle for recreation, they use it as a valid mode of transportation. Not because they want to be "green", but because they realize that their bodies are designed to, and capable of, covering a few miles without the help of gas burning engines. It is cheaper, healthier, a good relaxation after a workday.


I gotta go with regentrude on the bolded. :iagree::iagree::001_smile:. This applies to paying attention to motorcyclists, pedestrians, road workers, etc...

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My biggest gripe is when they follow BOTH the rules of traffice and pedestrians.


They ride in the car lane, then speed through the light with the people. :confused:


I never know what to do when I see a bike on my right when I need to turn right. Do I treat them like a car and turn on red, or wait for them like I would a person. Sometimes they are on the sidewalk and sometimes they are on the roadside. It changes from bike to bike and (I think ) if they are late to something. The only way for this to work is to have DEFINED bike rules and punishments.


As to having bikes on narrow roads. I find this very dangerous. I constantly think they are going to slide on the gravel and slip into traffic and die. I give them so much room that I become a hazard. I honestly will not drive on these types of roads unless I have to, and yes, I curse the entire time-- not really at the bikers, but at the situation and lack if solution.

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1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?

No. No one in our house rides a bike on the roads here. Too many accidents + no shoulders = not safe IMO.


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?

Yes, but I think shoulders or bike lanes would be helpful. Bicyclists make me nervous because of how unsafe our roads are for them.


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?

Lots on the back roads. No bike lanes. We don't even have shoulders on most of those roads.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?

It's annoying. Very annoying. I think the county should do something about making it safer for them. I've seen several almost collisions on our back roads. The cars try to go around the bicyclers rather than drive 10 mph for miles on end and most of our roads are the double yellow line variety so passing them could mean meeting another vehicle coming toward you that you didn't see when you started trying to pass them.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?

No. The multi-lane roads here are high speed (55mph which is as high as most of MD - and all of this part of MD - goes). A bicycler here would be a huge danger to themselves and the cars on those roads.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing?

Yes, that's most of them. They also tend to be the type that park in a public parking lot (like at a school or in the driveway of a closed public place) and then they go riding from there. It's for the exercise and enjoyment than necessity.

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I feel like I should make a disclaimer that I do not and have NEVER driven too closely to a cyclist to intimidate him/her or yelled or cursed at them. I may have grumbled under my breath a time or seven, though. I always give them plenty of space and leeway, and I respect the fact that they are probably trying to be "green" about their mode of transportation.


I'm sure my feelings in general are colored by the fact that adult cycling simply is not common around here. The roads aren't set up for it, and the vast majority of drivers are not accustomed to dealing with cyclists. My gosh, people hardly pay attention to motorcycles who are going the same speed as the cars and make plenty of noise! It really does seem as though so many are taking their lives in their hands to cycle where they do. I admit to being a tad judgemental when someone does that for recreational purposes. If there's an accident, it most likely won't affect just the cyclist. There will be a driver and passengers as well.


I understood that :001_smile:, and I hope none of my replies made you think I thought you were a menace to the bike riding public. :lol:


Cyclists can be annoying especially the bad apples that don't follow the rules.


I am sure my responses to you were colored by the poor driving habits in my town and the general air of aggression that is common on the roads around here.

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My biggest gripe is when they follow BOTH the rules of traffice and pedestrians.


They ride in the car lane, then speed through the light with the people. :confused:





They would be ticketed just as a car running a red light. Now, if the police would patrol more instead of hiding behind those bushes waiting for someone to drive 7 miles an hour over the speed limit on a 4 lane street with no houses and bike lanes:glare:


And, if they would not have made cell phones illegal, maybe so many people wouldn't be texting and almost killing people

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1. Yes, I ride my bike.


2. I don't know. I am required to ride on the road (children are not), cars required to acknowledge and share the road with cyclists. I am required to abide by traffic laws on my bike as well as in my car.


3. There are a fair amount of adults who ride bikes in town (25 mph) and outside of town on neighborhood roads (30-35 mph). We do not have bike lanes except on the main 2-lane, 50 mph rural route between us and the closest larger town. On that, the shoulders are marked as bike lanes. It's also my (and most others I know) favorite running route.


4. I think cyclists need to use common sense and ride where it is safe. In my area, there is farm equipment, old farmer dudes on Vespas, etc, as well. Everything is mostly straight and flat, with a long sight line once you get out of town. When I lived in Annapolis, there were areas with blind curves, no shoulder, hill straight up on one side, drop off on the other; that was a favorite for cyclists in packs* and is dangerous for everyone involved.


5. It is illegal to ride your bike on a divided highway without a bike lane here.


6. * yes. See above packs of cyclists. These are generally the people also weaving through traffic stopped at a sign or light, so they can go through when they do not have the right of way. (And our town cops will ticket for that, as well as lock you up for DWI on a bike. :D)

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Then the drivers should learn to pay more attention.


Btw, many people do not bicycle for recreation, they use it as a valid mode of transportation. Not because they want to be "green", but because they realize that their bodies are designed to, and capable of, covering a few miles without the help of gas burning engines. It is cheaper, healthier, a good relaxation after a workday.


:iagree: The only problems my dh has run into are drivers who are distracted by cell phones, etc. His only caveat with other cyclists(and runners) are those who do so on the road with headphones in. He has a major beef with that.

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I live in a college town and there are a ton of cyclists here.


I have lots of questions.


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic? Not a lot, but dh does occasionally. We'd do more if we weren't up a stinking big hill from town.

2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles? Yes, where it's legal.


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes? Yes to both.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal? I'm personally annoyed if it takes me forever to get by them, but I don't think it should be illegal.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane? I think they're taking chances in those cases when the general speed is so much greater than bike speed. Just like someone going the speed limit on I-285 around Atlanta during rush hour--it's legal but not very safe.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have ) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL. Haven't noticed that.


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In other countries, there is.

In my home country, every child has mandatory bicyclists ed in 4th grade in public school. They learn the road signs and rules, and take a practical test in a parcours which is judged by local police. After that they get their license and are allowed to ride in traffic.

The same way parents teach their kids to drive, parents could educate their children to safely ride bicycles in traffic. We did.


My mum used to teach bike safety years ago but I don't think teaching a kid bike skills is the equivalent to the kind of training and testing drivers do. If adult cyclists did a test with all the theory part of the driving test plus bike specific skills and safety it would help a lot for the safety of cyclists generallly and make drivers more aware that cyclists are valid road users.


We still see plenty of cyclists out without helmets. It's so easy to go out and buy a bike and be out on roads that are crazy dangerous immediately with zero experience as a cyclist or car driver.


The other thing is here tractor drivers have to pull over if they cause a tailback and they can get prosecuted if they don't so I think that should apply to cyclists too.

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4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?

It's annoying. Very annoying. I think the county should do something about making it safer for them. I've seen several almost collisions on our back roads. The cars try to go around the bicyclers rather than drive 10 mph for miles on end and most of our roads are the double yellow line variety so passing them could mean meeting another vehicle coming toward you that you didn't see when you started trying to pass them.

Adding to this, these two lane, no shoulder, windy roads are 45 mph to cars.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing?

Yes, that's most of them. They also tend to be the type that park in a public parking lot (like at a school or in the driveway of a closed public place) and then they go riding from there. It's for the exercise and enjoyment than necessity.

And, adding to this, they are also the ones who ride 2 across making it even harder to go around them safely. They never ride on weekdays unless it's a holiday. They are only out on weekends and holidays. It's totally recreation for them. There are a few people around here who rather than ride solely for recreation ride in good weather from their homes to where buses pick them up to take them to work in DC. They tend to not be wearing the high-tech stuff or riding high-end bikes. Most of them ride on the non-back roads, though. They are usually living closer to the Park and Rides and are on better roads (with shoulders) the whole time.

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I went to college in Santa Barbara. I really miss their bike paths. Most were separate from the road so you had a median between you and the drivers. My husband and I were almost hit by a driver pulling out of a gas station earlier in the week when she never looked to the right where we were standing on the sidewalk.


Yes, bicycles have the same rights as cars on the roads as long as there isn't a restriction (like on the highway). Drivers of cars need to put down their cell phones, newspapers, and focus on what they're doing. :glare:

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic?




2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles?




3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes?


Surprisingly, quite a few given the rural nature of our area and the lack of bike lanes on these windy, hilly roads.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal?


Yes, it should. Cyclists should stay to the outside of the lane, riding single file. Motorists should pass them when no one is coming from the other direction.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane?

Yes. The major interstates don't allow it, though.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.


Annoying because they know their rights and frequently use them? I guess I don't seem to find them annoying...

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Honestly? They annoy the crap out of me. I'm fine with it if they stay off to the side of the road, but come on people! I have a car. I can squish you. It won't be on purpose, but if you mess up riding your bike, I can squish you dead. It drives me nuts when they DON'T stay off to the side of the road, or they double-up and ride next to each other. In my mind, it's all part of natural selection. If you truly think it's a good idea to ride your bike with tons of cars whizzing by.........

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Honestly? They annoy the crap out of me. I'm fine with it if they stay off to the side of the road, but come on people! I have a car. I can squish you. It won't be on purpose, but if you mess up riding your bike, I can squish you dead. It drives me nuts when they DON'T stay off to the side of the road, or they double-up and ride next to each other. In my mind, it's all part of natural selection. If you truly think it's a good idea to ride your bike with tons of cars whizzing by.........


This is true...but then I'll be dead (or alive eternally :001_smile:) and you will feel like crap for the rest of your life. Bikes and cars don't have to be mutually exclusive. But they should be mutually respectful.

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I have lots of questions. :D


1) Do you or any other adults in your house cycle on roads with car traffic? Dh does often. The kids stay in our neighborhood.


2) Do you believe that bicyclists have as much right to the road as cars or other vehicles? Yes


3) Are there many ADULTS riding bikes recreationally where you live? Do you have bike lanes? Goodness yes. We live near a designated "bicycle highway" which is narrow, curvy, and has a 55 mph speed limit. On the weekends there are organized rides, sometimes with hundreds of riders,that stretch for miles.


4) How do you feel about cyclists riding on two-lane, rural roads and slowing down traffic? Should this be legal? It's annoying. I deal with it. I give them their space. What gets on my nerves is the rides that totally block lanes with staggered bicyclists.


5)What about on multi-lane highways with no designated bike lanes? Should they be allowed to ride in the emergency lane or in the slow lane? I have a hard time with this one. If there is no alternative, then yes.


6) Have you ever noticed (as I have :tongue_smilie:) that the most annoying cyclists tend to be riding high-end bikes and wearing super high-tech helmets and clothing? It's never the obviously poor guy riding his kid's bike because his car is broken down or his license got suspended, LOL.[ Yes! I call them the "black spandex people". It seems like when the spandex goes on, the common sense leaves the brain. I've even seen them talking on a cell phone. /QUOTE]

Edited by Bradford Academy
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This is true...but then I'll be dead (or alive eternally :001_smile:) and you will feel like crap for the rest of your life. Bikes and cars don't have to be mutually exclusive. But they should be mutually respectful.


Ya. I know! Everyone ride your bike, and then you can stop whining. Seriously everyone should have to bike ONE day, and then you will know what it's like

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