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Parents of PS students...how is lunch paid for at school?

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My oldest is most likely going to a public school for high school next year.


I was just looking over the lunch program thing. I see I can put money into his account online. I am assuming (because this is the way it was done when he was in PS for 1st grade, for all of three weeks, although a different state), that he'll use some "secret code" at the checkout/register of the lunch line that is tied to the account I fund,and that his lunch purchases will be charged to the account. But my real question is does the cashier announce the total or what is the situation as one goes through the lunch line.


I ask, because looking at the guidelines, we may be able to qualify for reduced lunches, which is .40 instead of $2. That would be huge discount financially. On the other hand, I know how high school is, and I know that "stigma" that would come along if the person behind you in line heard you getting the reduced lunch pricing. Although we likely qualify for reduced pricing, we likely could just as well pay the $2 also.


Just wondering how it's done at your child's school?

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When my kids were in school they received free lunches or reduced lunches and they went to the cashier and put in their code. I don't believe the cashier ever said anything to them but most of the kids in the school were on some kind of program. At the time when we were not on the program, the only time she would say something was if they didn't have enough money. Then they usually still let them eat and sent home a notice. The rule though was that they were suppose to get an emergency lunch and not the regular lunch. If you are getting reduced lunch and you make sure there is money on the account, I can't see any reason why there would have to be a conversation.


I say it also probably depends a lot on the cashier. Their cashier knew me and that's why they never had to eat the emergency lunch, she knew if they went negative that I would pay the balance.

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yep, everywhere I've ever taught, subbed, or sent kids uses the secret code, and the cashier only says something if the balance is zero. Even then, it's like "Oh, time to add more money. Here's your reminder note." Very low key. The staff is not supposed to say anything to reference free/reduced in anyone else's hearing.

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We're in the UK, and at DS13's school they are 'thumb printed', their thumb print is then their secret code! Very secure, but not everyone is comfortable with it. As far as I know the account is private and not openly discussed.



Edited by Cassy
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Money goes on the student's ID and they just have to punch in their ID when they go through the line. The cashier sees a picture of the student when the student is in the line to ensure someone else doesn't punch in their code.


Notices come to us by e-mail when the balance gets low.


No prices are announced. At first, my son got a couple of more expensive items and never knew it due to the prices not being announced... but he soon learned which lines he could go through for the "usual" price.


MANY students are on free or reduced lunch at our school. There's no stigma and students won't know who is or who isn't unless they end up talking about it (which they don't).


The guidance office knows, but that's helpful because students on free or reduced lunch get waivers for the ACT/SAT and many college apps.

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I put money is ds account by the semester so he does not run out. I take the total lunch charge x number of days plus a little extra for days he may be more hungry. I don't think the total is announced, the cashier does let the students know when their account is getting low.


I would check the online account guidelines, here there is a fee to use the online account.

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Money goes on the student's ID and they just have to punch in their ID when they go through the line. The cashier sees a picture of the student when the student is in the line to ensure someone else doesn't punch in their code.


Notices come to us by e-mail when the balance gets low.


No prices are announced. At first, my son got a couple of more expensive items and never knew it due to the prices not being announced... but he soon learned which lines he could go through for the "usual" price.


MANY students are on free or reduced lunch at our school. There's no stigma and students won't know who is or who isn't unless they end up talking about it (which they don't).


The guidance office knows, but that's helpful because students on free or reduced lunch get waivers for the ACT/SAT and many college apps.


:iagree: This is how it works at our schools, except we get an automated call when the account is low. In the elementary some of the free/reduced lunch students are easier to identify as they often are in the cafeteria eating free/reduced breakfasts in the morning. At the high school the cafeteria is utilized by a variety of students since they're often grabbing something on the way in the door.

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At the elementary schools, I know they don't. THey just wisk it from the account, problem solved. However, I would guess at the high school that they DO state it as the amount for each kid would differ (this is how it was at the middle school; I actually managed to not set foot in the cafeteria though I worked more at the high school than any other school). Though there is a daily lunch, there are LOTS of options also. Everyone's final meal cost differently. Of course, when it is on an account, the kids likely don't care how much they spent either so maybe they don't say. *I* would probably have *more* issue with that though.

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Our county uses an online service and I put funds in monthly. All the students wear an ID around their neck and they swipe it at lunch time. I set it up online to receive an email when it gets below $10, so we've never had a problem with running out of funds.

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Our county uses an online service and I put funds in monthly. All the students wear an ID around their neck and they swipe it at lunch time. I set it up online to receive an email when it gets below $10, so we've never had a problem with running out of funds.


This is what my oldests school does. It is loaded on their school id. Very few reduced/free lunch students in their school. My dd usually just asks for cash in the morning or packs her lunch.

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Our schools do not offer any extras or junk food items. When you go through the line they mark off your name and your account is debited. So any child can get any food item, so no prices are said or not said. We don't have stigma's here for being on free or reduced lunch as alot of our kids are on the program.

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It is tied into the barcode on the kid's school i.d., which is scanned when they go through the line. On-line, when you add money to the account, you can specific if it is for full meals only or a la cart (some kids will only get chips and soda unless they are told sorry, kid, your card says actual meal only.)


You can also see on-line exactly what was bought each day, should you feel the need to check and make sure Junior isn't just getting soda and ice cream every day.


No one will know if your kid is being charged full price or reduced rate when the card is scanned.


You will also get an email when the account is low.

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Here we have an on-line acct. that we deposit money into. The student has a bar code on their student id that the cashier scans. Both of my kids schools have a la carte menus so the total would be different for every transaction. The cashier just tells them the total for that transaction, scans their card and sends them on their way. I have the on-line acct. set up to notify me when the balance is less than $10 so I know to add more money. I can't imagine how anyone other than the cashier and maybe the student would know that they have free or reduced lunch.

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At our schools, there is just one type of lunch per day and everyone gets it. So, there is no need to announce any price; the price is always the same day after day. The student announces his secret number and the cashier enters it into their system. It simply deducts one lunch from their account. The system shows how many lunches they have left, not how much money is left. No one knows who has the free/reduced lunches, probably not even the cashier.

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Its all electronic. No one can see your balance (other than the cashier) or what kind of account you're on.


Now if you're not on reduced and you don't bring the $5 remaining notice home to your mom...that can be embarrassing. In our school the cashier will allow you to go to a -$2 balance at that point you can have a free peanut butter and jelly (always available).

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My HS had a code that you punched into a keypad. It showed you the total before you punched in the code and then your remaining balance when you were done with your transaction. You just hit 'OK' to make it disappear. I don't remember the cashiers saying anything, ever. I *DO* remember one of my friends being shocked that I was paying so much more for lunch than she was when I mentioned something one day. I don't think she'd known until then that there could be a difference.

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