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Zofran for "morning" sickness?

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and by "morning sickness" I mean nearly-unrelenting-24/7-even-when-I-get-up-to-pee-at-3 a.m.-sickness. :ack2: I have never been this sick with any of my other pgs. I'm not puking at all, I'm just SO SICK.


So tell me about your experience with Zofran. I'm reluctant to go the pharmaceutical route, but none of my usual tricks are working and this really is interfering with my ability to function.

Edited by LemonPie
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If you haven't already, I would try unisom before bed. It's a sleeping pill that works for nausea.


I had hyperemesis with all 3 pregnancies so I am very versed in what helps what. I did a non-scientific study on the 2 meds--If I took only zofran, I wouldn't puke (as much) but I'd feel sick. If I took just unisom I would feel less nauseated, but I'd puke. I had to take both.


So if it's just nausea, try unisom first before pulling out the big guns of zofran.

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I took it for my current pregnancy (I'm 17 weeks now and morning sickness is mostly gone unless I get too hungry.)


I have mixed reviews. The first time I took Zofran at 7 weeks, I thought it was a miracle drug. As I became sicker it just took the edge off, but I was still pretty sick. One common side effect is constipation. This was not just a minor problem....after a solid week on Zofran, I was VERY uncomfortable. I had to choose between horrible nausea and terrible stomach cramps. After realizing the side effects, I saved my Zofran for co-op days when I had to teach and for special occasions like kids recitals etc.

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I took it for my last 3 pgs, each time after trying everything else. (Unisom knocked me out, but once I woke up I was sick as ever again.) It definitely helped a lot. Vomiting decreased dramatically, but the nausea stayed around. I was at least able to semi-function on it, which made it absolutely worth it, especially with other dc to care for.

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I took it with my first pregnancy (twins), because I couldn't keep enough food down otherwise. Like a PP mentioned, it caused constipation, so I tried to take as little as possible. I needed it about every other day. At almost exactly 48 hours, if I hadn't taken one, I'd start throwing up again. I was still a little nauseated with the Zofran, but it was very bearable, and sometimes it took the nausea away altogether.


I had to take it the entire pregnancy - I think I was still throwing up the day before I delivered. :tongue_smilie:


With the second pregnancy, I took it until about 26 weeks.


With the third pregnancy, I was nauseated and threw up a few times, but I never needed Zofran.


I don't like to take medicines, but I love Zofran. :001_smile: It's amazing how nausea can make a person non-functional. It isn't worth it to feel that sick.

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I took it 8 years ago when I was pg with DD and throwing up 8+ times per day. It was a HUGE help with the vomiting, but like others, didn't do much for the nausea. But it made me able to function and to take care of DS. I took it up through about the middle of my 2nd trimester.


I also had constipation with it, and took Colace (stool softener) to help with the constipation anytime I took the Zofran.

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The medication in unisom that helps with the stomach issues is called: Meclizine and you can get your doctor to just prescribe that. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000709/


For me Zofran and Phergergin did not help with the nausea but only the vomiting. Meclizine works wonderful for nausea with out causing you to be sleepy like unisom.

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I've been on it for all 4 of my pregnancies from 5 weeks until giving birth. Like everyone else said it helps with the vomiting but not the nausea. The best thing I found was to take my zofran, and then eat some protein. With the zofran in my system I was likely to keep the food down and the protein helped stabilize my blood sugar to keep the nausea lower.


The constipation from it is HORRIBLE! Although I was happy to trade being constipated for not living on my bathroom floor throwing up stomach acid all day.

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I used it during my 2nd pregnancy. I had ungodly m/s. Zofran took the edge off, but I was still terribly nauseus all day. I absolutely HATED IT b/c of the constipation. Seriously, pain med-free, pitocin-induced childbirth was less painful. It would take me several hours to go to the bathroom, and then I had to nap afterwards b/c I felt so horrible.

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It was a life saver for me and I was only experiencing nausea, not throwing up. I think I only threw up 2 or 3 times, but I was nauseous around the clock. Horrible, couldn't function nausea. Zofran was amazing. But definitely start Colace at the same time. Don't even wait to see. Just do it.


It was worth it to kill the nausea, but as soon as the nausea started easing, I was eager to back off the zofran. I went through a couple bad weeks where I was still pretty nauseous, but it wasn't bad enough that I was willing to endure the side effect so I toughed it out without the zofran. My mom and DH kept trying to get me to take it when they could tell I was sick to my stomach, but I was too embarrassed to tell them the side effect and why I didn't want to take it if I didn't have to.

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I've taken it for each one of my 6 pregnancies.....what a blessing of a medication for both nausea and throwing up!! I'm not huge on taking meds enless necessary but Zofran is so worth it!! I usually end up in the hospital with all my babies from dehydration, but with my current pregnany I was able to get Zofran early on and it really help and i didnt have to make any visits to get ivs. With my first baby there was no generic available and the pill was over $25 each, but I would fork out the $$ to be able to take it daily. My insurance still doesn't cover it but the generic is only about $1 a pill now. If you are concerned about the affects on yourself or your baby I just wanted to add that I personally haven't experienced any long term health effects. Also all of our babies have been extremely healthy and all in the 9lb+ range when born. Hope you get to feeling better soon!! *HUGS*

Edited by Journey-of-Js
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Thanks all. . . sounds like it may not be the best idea for me since I'm not throwing up.


Tell me more about the Unisom thing?


It might still work for you. For some people, it knocks out the nausea entirely. Different people respond differently.

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The medication in unisom that helps with the stomach issues is called: Meclizine and you can get your doctor to just prescribe that. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0000709/

Meclizine works wonderful for nausea with out causing you to be sleepy like unisom.


:bigear: I will have to remember that. I became addicted to caffeine during my last pregnancy because I HAD to take unisom at night and then I'd end up so tired the next day.


Thanks all. . . sounds like it may not be the best idea for me since I'm not throwing up.


Tell me more about the Unisom thing?


Unisom is an OTC sleeping pill. You can start with taking just half a pill before bed and see how it works for you. Half a pill was enough to dull the nausea and half was better than a full one as far as feeling tired the next day. I would try the above option first--wish I'd known about that option with my last 2 babies.

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I have had HG through two pregnancies and taken Zofran both times. Regardless of my fiber intake, it has compacted me so badly that I've had to have medically necessary assistance to defecate. Other than those two times, I was constipated once in my life when I was a child.


My physician won't allow me to take it again, nor would I want to take it again.


I agree with those who said it mitigates vomiting but not nausea.

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