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Questions about Pinterest

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So, it is just photos and links to websites via those photos? Then other people see your "bookmarks?" And then what?


I read that on average people spend up to 98 hours a month on Pinterest. I'm not seeing where it will hold my interest that long.


Those of you that use the site, what do you do with it? How much time do you spend there pinning your photos and looking at other people's photos?


Oh, and if you don't mind, may I see some of your Pinterest pages? Then I can see if I'm just that boring.

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I do not spend any where near that many hours on Pinterest. Mostly I forget I even have one. I use it to store ideas for stuff I want to do. Most of it I didn't even know existed until I saw it pinned by someone else.


There is a lot of cute stuff there and it is a quick shortcut when I am looking for a project or recipe or whatever. There is also some school stuff that is useful. There are also a lot of inspirational or funny sayings and posters and about 7,000 ways to do your hair. And that "thou shalt not covet" thing - don't go to Pinterest if you are prone to drooling over beautiful homes and school rooms that you will never be able to afford or do. :)


I tell my kids that they need to decide what they want before they go to the store, not go to the store and wander around and see if there is something they like. Pinterest, for me is kind of like wandering around looking for something to buy.


My problem with it is that if I find a page I want to book mark (and, really, that is all it is - one big book mark bar) that does not have big graphics, it can't save it.


So, fun to look at, useful sometimes but not the be all and end all for me anyway.


pinterest.com/jcooperetc (I think)


eta: if you are a visual person it is probably nirvana because there is so much really lovely stuff to look at

Edited by jcooperetc
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I don't spend anywhere near that amount of time on Pinterest, but I have pinned quite a few things and have actually accomplished several of them. This is my Pinterest page.


If you click on my blog link in my siggie, you can go to the label "Pinterest" and see what I've actually done.


My sister and I have done a lot of things for Easter from Pinterest, and those will be on the blog soon.

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I've been using it mainly to pin recipes I either want to try, or want to keep track of, but don't want to print out (I have printed out way too many in the past and they got lost in the recipe pile and never made).

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I think I might spend an 2 hours a week on Pintrest? For me it organizes the unit studies I am planning for DD. I have a bunch of mommy friends who are starting to homeschool or are afterschooling and have asked to see my ideas. It's the friendliest format to do that.

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I am on Pinterest about once/week and I can catch up in about 20 minutes. Not a big deal. I have boards for recipes, homeschooling ideas, April Fool's jokes (ha!), Birthday ideas, decorating ideas, etc.


I have used it a LOT for the recipes and homeschooling. I hope to use some of the decorating ideas this summer when I have time!

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I am on Pinterest about once/week and I can catch up in about 20 minutes. Not a big deal. I have boards for recipes, homeschooling ideas, April Fool's jokes (ha!), Birthday ideas, decorating ideas, etc.


I have used it a LOT for the recipes and homeschooling. I hope to use some of the decorating ideas this summer when I have time!





mine is here http://pinterest.com/plath/

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Did they ever fix the copyright/TOS issues everyone was talking about a few weeks ago? I gave up pinning because I was so afraid to get sued.


Yes they did.




Pinterest is great for all those "oh, got to remember that" moments. I've also found some great sites on it. And searching for recipes is very yummy.

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I agree that it is a nice visual reminder for recipes and projects. I visited Pinterest about once a week, so it wasn't too much of a big deal when I deleted my account a few weeks ago. I got totally skeeved out when I realized that accounts are being set up and linked to p0rn sites. I have no idea what their game is, but they're obviously there and collecting people to follow for a reason.


If I ever decide to rejoin Pinterest, I'll set up a fake Twitter account for my login.

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I agree that it is a nice visual reminder for recipes and projects. I visited Pinterest about once a week, so it wasn't too much of a big deal when I deleted my account a few weeks ago. I got totally skeeved out when I realized that accounts are being set up and linked to p0rn sites. I have no idea what their game is, but they're obviously there and collecting people to follow for a reason.


If I ever decide to rejoin Pinterest, I'll set up a fake Twitter account for my login.

Oh, well. Maybe I don't want to keep this new thingamabob.

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I love it too. I use it as a place to bookmark things for school or gifts for people, and to dream, a little. I am super practical in real life so it's nice to have a little place for creativity,dreams, and quotes that make me laugh.


Being very visual, a list of text bookmarks (like my browser's) seems much more "out of sight, out of mind" to me...I have trouble manipulating them in my mind and utilizing them, or even remembering what is there! With Pinterest, I can take it all in at once, think about and manipulate the information quickly (e.g. what craft should we do today? or what video would go best with next weeks lesson?) and get on with my life.


Just a day or so ago I found a Chrome extension that lets you pin screenshots - perfect for all those websites without graphics. It's called "screen2pin" and I found it here. It doesn't always work either -- sometimes it goes back to a parent site instead of the exact webpage you are on. There are other plug-ins on that page I linked that might be better.


Here are my boards.


ETA: I can go days and days without visiting - on a typical day that I'm there I spend probably 20 minutes, tops. Sometimes I binge...especially when I'm tired and sitting around more. It's fun to look at other people's homeschooling links. :)

Edited by amyable
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I agree that it is a nice visual reminder for recipes and projects. I visited Pinterest about once a week, so it wasn't too much of a big deal when I deleted my account a few weeks ago. I got totally skeeved out when I realized that accounts are being set up and linked to p0rn sites. I have no idea what their game is, but they're obviously there and collecting people to follow for a reason.


If I ever decide to rejoin Pinterest, I'll set up a fake Twitter account for my login.

Is there a way to make your account private, so no one can follow you?


I just signed up...well, I "requested an invitation." Does anyone know how long it takes before they send an invitation? I got an email right away that said they'll send one soon.

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I'm don't get on it a lot, but I pin recipes, art projects, preschool/kindy ideas, homeschooling ideas, and other stuff I like or want to try. I've made several recipes, done several art projects, and a few other things. It's what I needed bookmarking to be.


I bookmark websites and then can never find them again because I'm good at organizing bookmark folders or titling things so I remember what they were. Using photos in Pinterest has fixed much of that. If I could pin things that didn't have a photo, it would be perfect.

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It appears that I'm just that boring. I can't think of anything to pin.



Oh, that's the problem! You don't know what you want to pin until you see it! Y'know how you go shopping and browse and something jumps out of you and you just know you can't live without it? That's what pinterest is about! You get to look at all these cool things that you never even knew about! I'm not talking about coveting things or wishing you had someone else's life.....it's like looking at a magazine and seeing a cool craft project or organizing idea. For example.....did you know that you can make glow-in-the-dark bubbles by breaking a glow stick into the bubble solution? Or make a huge "sensory bag" by folding plastic sheeting in half and taping the sides and filling it with water? Just a couple of ideas I can't wait to try!

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You have a lot of boards! I'm going to look through them later tonight. Where are you? I'm in Grosse Pointe. We must be close! I'm going to try to put together a SE MI WTM gathering!!! I hope you can join us!!!


I know; I'm kind of a pinterest junkie and we're just starting out homeschooling so I'm trying to find our direction (hence lots of lists and possibilities lol.


We're in metro-detroit-- Oakland county :) a gathering sounds fun!

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If I could pin things that didn't have a photo, it would be perfect.


You can also use url2pin.it or the chrome extension for that (I can't seem to link to it directly, but it's linked on the page I linked in my post above) - this lets you screen grab any page, pictures or not, in many cases.

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I see it as a visual way to organize your bookmarks. I lost all of my bookmarks when my computer crashed. It was a sad, sad day. Now, they can be stored on pinterest in a visual way. So, if I'm planning an Easter party, then I might pin ideas on a spring party board for food, games, decorations, etc.

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Oh' date=' that's the problem! You don't know what you want to pin until you see it! Y'know how you go shopping and browse and something jumps out of you and you just know you can't live without it? That's what pinterest is about! You get to look at all these cool things that you never even knew about! I'm not talking about coveting things or wishing you had someone else's life.....it's like looking at a magazine and seeing a cool craft project or organizing idea. For example.....did you know that you can make glow-in-the-dark bubbles by breaking a glow stick into the bubble solution? Or make a huge "sensory bag" by folding plastic sheeting in half and taping the sides and filling it with water? Just a couple of ideas I can't wait to try![/quote']




I've enjoyed Pinterest a lot more since I'm "following" a number of people who posts interesting things. I do a lot more repinning than original pinning. Recipes & homeschooling ideas top my list. (And sometimes I'll find an interesting pin from somebody & just add it to my Amazon wishlist or to my regular bookmarks.) I spent almost an hour skimming others' pins this morning after having not gone on for several weeks. I probably repinned about 20 items, and I already tried one today (which kept my 5 yo busy for about an hour).

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*haven't read past page 1* boring, ey? :tongue_smilie:


Pinterest for me is a life saver. Yes, I do use it for various decor things, but mostly I use it for curriculums I want to look into, homeschooling ideas etc.


If someone mentions something on this forum that sounds interesting (Beast Academy or MCT for example) I can go look into it, then pin it on my "curriculums to look at board"


I KNOW I could just write it down, but I can't really see always having a notebook in front of me, then transferring it to my binder...it wouldn't make it there. Before I forgot about certain curriculums and ideas from blogs, now I don't


Another handy feature, is that I try to "separate" my relaxing time. So as not to be stuck on the computer all day looking at unimportant stuff, I only use my netbook really, for forum usage and general searching. So pinterest allows me to have a bookmarking system that I can "pin" it on this computer, then go and see it on the other computer.


Yes, there are online bookmarking sites for this. But you should see both my Netbook & desktop computers "bookmarks" each is about a mile long, and I forget about everthing on there :D


My pinterest: http://pinterest.com/missed/


I can have separate categorys, slowly plan stuff out over the year, without taking more then a minute or two of my time whilst being on a break :)

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