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Well-Trained Stalkers . . . .you know who you are!

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OK, I feel like an idiot, but what is The Well Planned Day, and more importantly, can I still get in on whatever it is you're all waiting for? :tongue_smilie:


Because if this is something that could help me get more organized and productive, I need it. Badly. And if SWB wrote it, I know it's going to be excellent. (I'm guessing/hoping that this is a day planning system for homeschoolers???)


Thanks!!! :001_smile:

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Now that it's Monday I've gone back to obsessively checking my email/spam/facebook. I noticed the website says it's being released in May so even if I don't get selected the wait won't be too long. I just hope they have a free demo so I can give it a bit of a test run before I decide.

Edited by Curly
i kan too spel
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OK, I feel like an idiot, but what is The Well Planned Day, and more importantly, can I still get in on whatever it is you're all waiting for? :tongue_smilie:


Because if this is something that could help me get more organized and productive, I need it. Badly. And if SWB wrote it, I know it's going to be excellent. (I'm guessing/hoping that this is a day planning system for homeschoolers???)


Thanks!!! :001_smile:




It's a planner, but not written by SWB. Everyone is waiting to see if they get in on the beta testing for the planning software.


I'm hoping I get in, because I really want to see if something improves on the stacks of paper I'm using to keep things in order right now. My husband doesn't have a regular schedule every week, so I'd like to find something that has enough flexibility to take that into account without me having to write everything down every week...like I do now. I've been checking my email too!

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Issues? In our house the common expression is 'you need tissues for your issues.' We have lots of issues, but they're such fun! I hope they pick all 50 from this board, then we can also pick friends from this board and 200 of us will be able to use the software...


Love this :).

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Boo! I really wanted to "win" the chance to be a tester. I never win anything!:tongue_smilie:


Me either. I didn't win that huge lottery jackpot either. :D It's pathetic that I'd almost have rather won a chance to try this out. :lol:

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Congratulations to any winners! Gotta say, I am so bummed! REALLY wanted a chance to get my hands on this early. I'm hoping it's going to be what I'm looking for. If you're a Beta tester, please make sure to post here about what you think. Oh, and of course, if anyone is short a "buddy," I'd sure love to be picked! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was one of the ones to receive a spot, but I haven't seen a follow-up email yet. I've also been without regular internet access for about 3 weeks, so I was worried I had missed something. I spoke with a woman at the Home Educating Family booth at the Cincinnati convention, and she said that we should be able to start accessing sometime this week or next.

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