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Hey Mormon Moms...

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It's conference weekend. What do you do at your house to help keep the kids focused? I mostly provide super yummy snackage that may only be munched upon in front of the TV (and how often does Mom say THAT?). It also helps to set up a jigsaw puzzle in front of the TV, but we'll have extra people here this time around and there won't be room for that. I saw one suggestion of taking the center pages out of the last conference issue of the Ensign--the one with the photos of general authorities--and have the kids see if they can find each speaker on the chart and put a sticker on the photo. I might have to look it up on line and print it from the PDF version, but I'm thinking of maybe trying this.


What do you do?

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I'm no help as mine are still too small, but my 3 yo loved Conference last time. Every time the MoTab would start singing, she'd come in the room and start dancing like it was club music or something. "I like choir!"


My husband is also busy making cinnamon rolls right now (to be baked tomorrow). They're a Conference tradition that he had growing up and that I am more than happy to continue on.


Oh, I do have a suggestion. A craft of some sort always helped me. Whether it was a cross-stitch or knitting or something. Heck, it still helps me. :)

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I always love this weekend, no matter where we are.


Since conference is in the middle of the night for us and we don't have anyone else to watch it with anyway, we get to split it up over several weeks if we want to. I think we'll watch the Saturday sessions on Sunday, and Sunday's sessions the next Sunday. That's a lot more manageable for us. And it spreads out the good food, which is a lifesaver. We also like to do a puzzle, and the boys usually turn the entire living room into some kind of camp or island.


One year when I was growing up, my mom had us sort through the 72-hour kits. Another year we made Christmas ornaments. I figure that if I still remember those things twenty years later that they must have worked. The 72-hour kits can be fun because you can eat the nearly-expired food. But most of the suggestions I read really don't seem to take up much time, especially for little ones.


I think we'll be in the US in October, so we'll have to get used to the regular system. I like it, but by Sunday afternoon the boys get a little wild.

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We do the 72 hour kit "purging" General Conference Weekend too. Makes preparing snacks super easy! :lol:


About the only parts we can get the kids to semi-consistently pay attention to is the hymns, and when Pres. Monson speaks. They LOVE when he speaks. :)

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I just taught a mini-class on getting your kids to watch conference. I have tons of links to various packets & I print out the general authorities on sticker paper. When a new speaker comes on I tell them to find that person!


This is a great place to get started




Amber in sj

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Oh and we purge our 72-hour kits for snacks, check the batteries in the smoke detectors & Dh changes the oil in whichever car needs it.


We also do a family service project over the weekend. Sometimes we choose to do a clean-up of a neighborhood park during the Saturday break. We have done yard work for elderly neighbors or painted over graffiti. We have tied fleece blankets for the Linus Project or filled hygiene kits for the homeless in our area. We try to find something fun.


Amber in SJ

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I only ever get Pigby to listen with conference bingo and coloring pages. I haven't even looked for any yet. There was an activity in last month's Friend that he wanted to do. It had the comfy chairs with the First Presidency and the Twelve's names on them. You cut them out and stick them on the podium when they're speaking. Or something.


Digby? Fat chance of him sitting still for anything. I'm hoping Chuck will at least sleep through the majority of it

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Good ideas!


Our usual is letting the kids make forts in the living room and eating lots of junk food.


Last time(?) DH taped up the poster of church leaders by the television and had the younger one mark it as the different leaders spoke.


My kids are getting older, so it isn't quite as hard as it used to be. I think I'll probably see some knitting going on this weekend.

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So wishing we could actually watch conference....sadly it is not an option and I am just grateful if I can watch it after the fact during naptime this week (right now we are grateful when we can actually sit in a pew for 5 mins during sacrament meeting before having to remove dd :( )....but Redheaded hostess has a General Conference idea book and I second sugardoodle...and therhouse has a cute food idea for general conference kinda like the drinking game but with sugary candy and gospel topics.

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We don't require the kids to be in the room with the Roku. They have to be quiet during conference sessions, though. We realized too late that we said a (non-LDS) friend of my daughter could spend the night last night. She'll be here until her dad picks her up some time tonight. And my uncle (also not LDS) is coming over some time this afternoon (likely during at least one of the sessions since they are 12-2 and 4-6 in our time zone) to celebrate Ani's birthday (that was 6 weeks ago lol). Saturday of conference being in March always throws me. Ani and Cameron will likely watch at least a few talks tomorrow. Over the years they have naturally started spending more and more time in the room with the talks playing than elsewhere.

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We have an activity book from primary and they are being bribed by the primary to fill it out and bring it back for a treat.


I also am doing yummy finger food, veggie tray, fruit tray, crackers and deli meat and cheese today for lunch. Tomorrow will be taquitos and chips and salsa. Since it falls over lunch time I am hoping this helps them listen.


I need to go start our crock pot meal for dinner as dh leaves pretty quickly to go to priest hood and it is always a crunch to get him fed before he needs to leave.

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I think I detect a junky food theme...lol.


Hey we Mormons know our junk food :lol: We always have monkey bread and sausage links (protein, you know) for breakfast on GC weekend.


I'm finding that all the little projects I have tucked away in the school cabinet are coming in handy. So far we've pulled out puzzles, a knitting loom, watercolor paints, and those little plastic bead things that you put on forms and then melt in the oven (I don't know what they're called). Oh, and a crystal-growing kit that we opened and discovered we needed an "old glass or stainless steel pan with a lid that is no longer used for cooking". :glare: Uh, maybe they could have mentioned that on the outside of the box? Now I have to run to the thrift store, because I do not have such an item in my house.

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Mine are finally old enough to just sit and watch because they want to. Thank goodness. Although my youngest is watching at the neighbors' house...I'm sure he and his buddy will be less than attentive at times. :glare: But my neighbor is a saint (mom of four boys), so she'll keep them focused. :D

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Did you all see David Archuletta in the missionary choir? How cool is that? Good for him for making the choice to serve a mission!


Yup, spotted him at the very end. He's only been in the MTC since Thursday. I wonder how long he had to practice. :lol:

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You guys are so lucky you can watch it at home -we still have to go to the chapel. No way would my kids sit through 4 hours of that and you can't do as much to entertain them in the chapel so we don't go.


Dh and I watch it over the internet as we get time and we haven't made the kids sit for it yet. I remember as a child it was my most hated time of the year -sitting in the chapel for 4 hours of stuff I couldn't understand -I detested it so I don't make my kids do it either.

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We survived today with legos and star wars figurines and junk food. We cleaned out the garage in between sessions so that the kids were tired.


Tomorrow I'm planning on bringing out a rotation of puzzles, crafts, tangrams, lacing cards, etc.---all of my toddler busy stuff that we use during school time. Sunday is always the harder day for us to get through. The novelty has worn off.

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cinnamon rolls, bacon, and some crafty things while we watch. We have an investigator, a girl my dd's age, coming over to watch with us. I plan to make fish filet sandwiches...atleast for me, lol! I am over music in primary and our president gave all the kids a conference packet to fill out and use during conference. I plan to do mine as well and challenged them to bring them back to see who had the most filled out :D

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We went to the park and listened via my iPhone while my kids played.


Tomorrow we will see how long we can get them to last before they fizzle out. They also get the rare treat of being outside on conference Sunday. We require they at least listen to President Monson's talk.


Last conference we listened for certain keywords. If you heard a certain word, you'd get a certain snack or candy. My kids listened for a good amount of time with that one.

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Here's my favorite junk food idea:


Get out six (or any number you want) little bowls and fill them with small treats (m&m, mini marshmallows, fruit snacks, nuts, etc.). Have the kids pick words that they think they'll hear in conference (prayer, Jesus, faith, etc.) and label the bowls. Every time they hear one of the words, they get a treat from that bowl. It's amazing how well they can pay attention that way :)


My kids also really loved the activities in the friend (the "put the apostle on the podium" sheet and the "conference squares") today.

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You guys are so lucky you can watch it at home -we still have to go to the chapel. No way would my kids sit through 4 hours of that and you can't do as much to entertain them in the chapel so we don't go.


Dh and I watch it over the internet as we get time and we haven't made the kids sit for it yet. I remember as a child it was my most hated time of the year -sitting in the chapel for 4 hours of stuff I couldn't understand -I detested it so I don't make my kids do it either.


That's rough, all right. When ds was a wee small tyke we lived in one of those "newly wed and nearly dead" wards and ds was very...um...restless. All the little old ladies would turn around and stare at me. Dh was in the bishopric at the time and I asked him if it would be feasible for someone to set up one of the TVs from the ward library in the RS room so the two or three young mothers in the ward could sit in there while the little ones played with toys from the nursery and we wouldn't disturb the old ladies. He and the bishop thought that was a great idea, so the next conference they set it up. But the little old ladies followed us in there and scowled even harder at us. So I made dh put a sign on the RS room door indicating that it was reserved for mothers of small children, and we all got along fine after that. Some of the old ladies still came in (because there was more light in there and they could see to crochet while they listened I think) but we figured at that point they knew what they were getting themselves into, and if they didn't like the noise they at least knew that they were the ones intruding, not the little ones. But yeah, four hours is a long time for the little squirts.


By the time dd was born they were already streaming it live on the internet and we just dragged a computer out where we could all sit and watch. We actually have a computer hooked up to our TV now so we can watch Hulu and Netflix stuff out on the big screen, so we could still watch even if it wasn't on TV here. But it IS nice to just have it come in on the cable.


This time around I didn't even really need to nag the kids much. (So far.) I think they're just resigned by now to the fact that we are the mean parents in the neighborhood and they have to watch all the sessions. Yes, even if they see their friends out playing on the playground across the street in the middle of the second Saturday session. I remind them regularly that we're ogres and they're stuck with us. (And then I feed them junk food in front of the TV...lol.) Although, I will admit that I bribed ds to be good at the priesthood session he went to with his dad, grandpa, and uncle. Usually it's just him and Dad, but we had visitors today. Poor Aspie ds was up to HERE with all the noise and kids and PEOPLE in his SPACE, and didn't get enough sleep last night. Being around people is really hard for him because of sensory issues and social anxiety. Most Sundays he is able to earn an hour of late bedtime if he pays attention during all three hours well enough to tell me what the talks and lessons were about. He gets 15 minutes per meeting and an additional 15 if he makes all three. Today he was anxious because with conference there are no regular Sunday meetings to earn time for. So I told him I could tell he was really stressed just from having company and I knew it was going to be hard for him over at the church because there would be more people there than usual and most of them would be strangers, so if he could tell me three things that were talked about and Dad reported good behavior, I'd just give him his hour. He has to save it for another night when he's not so tired, though. Apparently bribery works about as well as junk food, too, because they came back with a good report.


Well, one day down, one to go.


Thanks for all the ideas everyone. :)


ETA: Actually, I shouldn't say I've had to "nag" them, I really haven't nagged much at all over the years. We started them out going to all the sessions (except the priesthood session) when they were babies, and they've just grown up knowing that's how it is. Every now and then there has been a little whining about it for a few minutes, like when they've discovered that their friends don't all have to sit through four sessions of conference all weekend. And of course they get to an age-appropriate level of restless after a while, and do better with toys and coloring books and things like that. But they really have been pretty good. And actually today dd took some notes in her journal, and was REALLY excited (in the way only an ADHD drama-queen can be) over the number of temples announced in the statistical report. I didn't think she was even paying attention during the statistical report. I wasn't even paying much attention during the statistical report...lol.

Edited by MamaSheep
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I realized today that my kids are finally old enough that I can listen to the sessions fairly well.


Mine all sat in the family room with me and some of us watched. DD and YDS found a box of dress-up clothes in the garage (intended for DI) and dragged it into the family room, so DD kept busy with that for most of the time. ODS sits and listens pretty well, though near the end of the morning session he did get out his new Lego toys and played with them while listening on the kitchen radio. It made my heart melt when I saw him singing "Called to Serve" along with the missionary choir this afternoon.


I didn't have to use any ploys today. I don't insist on them being present the entire time, but I show my own enthusiasm for Conference, and they have picked up on it. They get excited when Pres. Monson speaks--even my three year-old recognized and squealed over him.


So I'm basically no help with this post!

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We did ok for about the first hour this morning, and then my 3.5 year old DD said, "Are we going to turn this off soon? I want to go for a nature walk." :tongue_smilie:


I have prepared some treats for tomorrow--I made some fruit popsicles and maybe I'll make some kind of baked good and call it Conference Cookies or something.


DD did desperately wanted to go with DH to Priesthood this evening, but I told her that it was just for priesthood holders. Instead, I said, when she is older, she and I can go together to a session for moms and girls. I got a bit emotional talking about it; I can't wait for my girlie to come with me to things like that. :001_smile:

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You guys are so lucky you can watch it at home -we still have to go to the chapel. No way would my kids sit through 4 hours of that and you can't do as much to entertain them in the chapel so we don't go.


Dh and I watch it over the internet as we get time and we haven't made the kids sit for it yet. I remember as a child it was my most hated time of the year -sitting in the chapel for 4 hours of stuff I couldn't understand -I detested it so I don't make my kids do it either.


When I was a kid in the 70's we would crawl out of bed, drag our pillows and covers into the living room, and watch conference on television. We were not happy when that ended and we had to go to the chapel and listen to audio only while sitting on hard benches with no padding (not a standard church building). When my oldest was 8(?) we would drive to the ward building (20 min. drive) and watch conference on a screen. It was too far to go home, so we brought food and ate at the building between sessions. It made for a long day. It was tough and I only had one child to keep happy.


All that to say, I don't blame you for keeping the kiddos home!

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Loved the missionary choir today! I didn't even catch Elder Archuleta though, so I'm glad you guys mentioned it! Good thing I DVR'd it...I think he is such a cutie! I think it's pretty amazing that a few years ago we went to see him as the soloist with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and there he was...humbly singing his little heart out as a missionary. What a great example he is.


We pulled out the keva planks today, and the kids built temples, Nephi's boat, and King Benjamin's tower. The kids played with playdoh at the table. We ate donuts and cheetos. :D. I bought new journals and gave the older kids to take notes in (dd12 loved it, ds14 not so much...)


Tomorrow, we will do Conference Bingo and the packets the primary presidency sent home. I have a few new coloring books and puzzle to pull out. We always eat egg-salad sandwiches in between sessions on Sunday of Conference (dh and I had our first date the night before conference in the spring, I invited him over for egg-salad (which I knew he loved)...so it's our tradition.). And then we end with ice cream sundaes and talk about the conference.


I love not having to go off to meetings tomorrow!

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DD did desperately wanted to go with DH to Priesthood this evening, but I told her that it was just for priesthood holders. Instead, I said, when she is older, she and I can go together to a session for moms and girls. I got a bit emotional talking about it; I can't wait for my girlie to come with me to things like that. :001_smile:


I totally hear ya, Sister! I got to go to the YW Broadcast with dd12 last week for the first time and I was teary-eyed myself! I loved it!

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I totally hear ya, Sister! I got to go to the YW Broadcast with dd12 last week for the first time and I was teary-eyed myself! I loved it!


Me, too! My daughter turned 12 in February and it was so awesome to be able to go to that broadcast with her. My Kindle (which is always in my purse when I'm out of the house) came in handy when I was thinking that Sister Dibb is President Monson's daughter, but I wasn't sure, so I turned on the wireless (it's one with 3G) and sure enough, she is. My daughter and another 12 year old thought that was SO cool when I showed them who she was on her Wiki page.

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It is fun to go to special meetings with your kiddos, isn't it? My dh got to go to Priesthood last night with our newly returned missionary son for the first time in two years. *sniff* Now, if only he hadn't worn one of his UGLY mission ties to the meeting. Seriously...they all go to Goodwill on their missions, get the ugliest ties they can find, and trade them with each other. Boys. :glare:


Are you all excited for today's sessions? I love Sunday conference. I'll be listening while I'm baking and cooking, as a special meal is mandatory for Conference Sunday.


And for anyone who is not LDS and wonders just what in the heck we are talking about....take a peek and watch our semi-annual church meeting where all of our leaders speak to us on a huge variety of topics. The sessions begin at 10 AM and 2 PM (mountain time) and you can watch live at this link:




Then feel free to ask any questions you'd like to afterwards and Amy will answer them. ;) Just kidding, Amy!! :D :D We'll all jump in.

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It is fun to go to special meetings with your kiddos, isn't it? My dh got to go to Priesthood last night with our newly returned missionary son for the first time in two years. *sniff* Now, if only he hadn't worn one of his UGLY mission ties to the meeting. Seriously...they all go to Goodwill on their missions, get the ugliest ties they can find, and trade them with each other. Boys. :glare:


Are you all excited for today's sessions? I love Sunday conference. I'll be listening while I'm baking and cooking, as a special meal is mandatory for Conference Sunday.


And for anyone who is not LDS and wonders just what in the heck we are talking about....take a peek and watch our semi-annual church meeting where all of our leaders speak to us on a huge variety of topics. The sessions begin at 10 AM and 2 PM (mountain time) and you can watch live at this link:




Then feel free to ask any questions you'd like to afterwards and Amy will answer them. ;) Just kidding, Amy!! :D :D We'll all jump in.


When I was growing up my mother would take my sisters and me to the October women's meeting in the tabernacle. That was before they'd sorted out the YW meeting in March and the RS meeting in September and it was usually, but not always, for all women and girls in the church 12 and older. We'd get lunch downtown, go to Deseret Book, and then get in line early enough to sit in the front row of the balcony of the tabernacle. Sometimes I regret that I don't have a daughter to do that with, although it's not like we could go anyway. My husband wishes he could go to Priesthood meeting with our oldest son, but we usually just end up listening to it together as a family since it's not broadcast here. Actually, I'm delighted that they've finally put the Priesthood session online the last couple of years.


I do have one problem though- the morning session starts at 10 PM here and I always stay up too late listening. 10 isn't too bad, but midnight is way too late for me.

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Oh, how I love President Uchtdorf's talks!!!


"Do you judge others, gossip, wish harm to someone, hold grudges? Stop it!" Perfect. :D


Also loved the quote, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." Again, perfect...and puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?

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I liked Elder Christofferson's "Translate that!" quip. :lol: A lot of those phrases I hadn't even heard of prior to my time on these boards, but thankfully I was able to understand (if only vaguely) the things he was talking about. :p

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Then feel free to ask any questions you'd like to afterwards and Amy will answer them. ;) Just kidding, Amy!! :D :D We'll all jump in.


Har har. ;)


(In all seriousness, I'm happy to try to answer any questions people might have. But I really appreciate hearing the perspectives of other church members as well, so really hop the rest of you would jump in.)

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Oh, how I love President Uchtdorf's talks!!!


"Do you judge others, gossip, wish harm to someone, hold grudges? Stop it!" Perfect. :D


Also loved the quote, "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." Again, perfect...and puts it all into perspective, doesn't it?


Dh and I totally cracked up when he said that because someone had just recently posted

on his Facebook Page. We couldn't help but wonder if Elder Uchtdorf had seen it recently as well.


Good advice, though, no matter who delivers it. Much harder to do than to say, though.

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Also, I've been thinking it would be fun to have a separate thread to discuss the contents of the conference talks with you ladies here, in addition to the practicalities of managing children for that many hours of talks. Would that be inappropriate on a homeschool board? It does seem like we talk about anything and everything around here, but I don't want to seem like I'm shoving in with my own agenda.. But I like chatting about this stuff with other "thinkers" and there really has been some good food for thought offered in the past couple of days. I think.


What do you think?

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Also, I've been thinking it would be fun to have a separate thread to discuss the contents of the conference talks with you ladies here, in addition to the practicalities of managing children for that many hours of talks. Would that be inappropriate on a homeschool board? It does seem like we talk about anything and everything around here, but I don't want to seem like I'm shoving in with my own agenda.. But I like chatting about this stuff with other "thinkers" and there really has been some good food for thought offered in the past couple of days. I think.


What do you think?


I would love that! I'm making mint brownies now, but I will definitely jump in when I can. Which talk do you want to discuss first?

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