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If you make your own bread...

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what do you store your loaves in?


My standard recipe makes a 13x4x4 loaf (I love our pain de mie pan!!) but finding a way to store the loaf is a challenge. I've been using leftover SaraLee bagel bags; they seem to be a little wider. It seems so expensive to use a ziploc bag, and they don't even fit our loaf size well at all (I'd have to get the GIANT size, what a waste of $$$ and plastic!).


I'm curious what other bread bakers use? Thanks :)

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I use a ziplock bag. Yes, kind of expensive, but at least my bread doesn't get hard and thrown away. you can reuse them.


I do, too. I slice up the loaves after they cool and put as much fits in a gallon bag, leave one bag out and freeze the rest.

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what do you store your loaves in?


My standard recipe makes a 13x4x4 loaf (I love our pain de mie pan!!) but finding a way to store the loaf is a challenge. I've been using leftover SaraLee bagel bags; they seem to be a little wider. It seems so expensive to use a ziploc bag, and they don't even fit our loaf size well at all (I'd have to get the GIANT size, what a waste of $$$ and plastic!).


I'm curious what other bread bakers use? Thanks :)


I used to belong to a food co-op and they sold bread bags by the 100s. I can't even remember how many I got at once... but it's been years since I bought the bags and, since I don't eat bread anymore, I've stopped grinding my own wheat/baking bread. I still have some bread bags left over :D They get used for other things.


But, I don't know where else you can buy those plastic bread bags though.

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I buy Baggies twist tie bags in the 2 gallon size. The 1 gallon size isn't quite big enough to get a loaf of homemade bread in, so I use the 2 gallon. If I'm going to freeze the bread, I double bag it, and I always reuse the bags a few times before tossing.


They're in the aisle by the rest of the foil and plastic wrap- a bright red box. Ah, here's a picture on Hefty's website:



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