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TV films of "Hoarders" = nightmare

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One minute I'm watching documentaries, the next thing I know I'm all flipped out on a filming of the reality docu-drama of "Hoarders".


:001_huh: How'd that happen? No idea...


Now I'm not going to be able to sleep.....


That show really bothers me, I want to jump through the screen and fix it for them ya know?


Intellectually, I know that's screwed up, but still...it's so emotional to watch that kind of pain.

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I've never watched the show, as it hits too close to home. My mom hoards and is in ICU in critical condition right now. The thought of getting her back into her home is so overwhelming to me, I have moments when I cannot breath and feel crushed under the weight of her stuff.

My sister and I have always joked that we would simply bulldoze the house when our mother passes away. Now? It's not so funny. I don't even know how/where one begins to clean it out.

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The one that got me was the one where the couple didn't even know there were over FOURTY dead cats in the house and garage combined.


I had to turn it off when they showed a lady who peed in a cup and used a non-functioning toilet for #2. Gaaah!
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I want to watch this. Yes, I'm sick, but it will make me feel better about my house which is not so tidy at the moment...


I haven't seen it, but from what I've heard from those who have, it will make you want to go on a cleaning frenzy--not feel better about your own mess.

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I saw an episode of Hoarders once where the woman had to tie herself to the top of portable toilet to sleep at night because it was the only space left in the house. She slipped off one night and almost died. :(


I remember that one.


I want to watch this. Yes, I'm sick, but it will make me feel better about my house which is not so tidy at the moment...


I'm the same way. I love that show, it always puts me in the mood to clean and declutter.


There seems to be a reoccurring theme - broken pipes, and about half the time cat hoarding and or adult diapers.


Last year, one of our three toilets started running so DH turned off the water to it. It stayed like that or a week or so, and I was honestly scared because that's one of the things hoarders do. I kept thinking, "This is how it starts". I made him fix it.

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I've never watched the show, as it hits too close to home. My mom hoards and is in ICU in critical condition right now. The thought of getting her back into her home is so overwhelming to me, I have moments when I cannot breath and feel crushed under the weight of her stuff.

My sister and I have always joked that we would simply bulldoze the house when our mother passes away. Now? It's not so funny. I don't even know how/where one begins to clean it out.


I'm sorry :grouphug:

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I've never watched the show, as it hits too close to home. My mom hoards and is in ICU in critical condition right now. The thought of getting her back into her home is so overwhelming to me, I have moments when I cannot breath and feel crushed under the weight of her stuff.

My sister and I have always joked that we would simply bulldoze the house when our mother passes away. Now? It's not so funny. I don't even know how/where one begins to clean it out.


:grouphug: get people to help you. Do you have some *really* good friends? If not, hire someone (s). While she's in the hospital is a perfect time to do it, though she'll likely be gery upset with you. Or move her in To a home, if she's that bad off physically.


We helped a horder move lsst year. Yes, it's overehelming and disgusting and sad and frustrating. I wrote more, but it's probably TMI for a public site. But yeah, it's been over a year and I still can't watch the show.

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I've never watched the show, as it hits too close to home. My mom hoards and is in ICU in critical condition right now. The thought of getting her back into her home is so overwhelming to me, I have moments when I cannot breath and feel crushed under the weight of her stuff.

My sister and I have always joked that we would simply bulldoze the house when our mother passes away. Now? It's not so funny. I don't even know how/where one begins to clean it out.

Hi, Suzanne --


When my mother, who was what I would call an "organized hoarder," passed away, we had an estate sale company come in. "Estate sale" sounds pretty fancy, but what it comes down to is this: the company comes in, evaluates the value of the items, and then generally does the following:


1. Cleans up and attractively presents the items for sale

2. Empties out EVERYTHING -- closets, cabinets, attics, basements

3. Sells everything, as in "everything." As in "if it isn't red-hot or nailed down."

4. Cleans up afterwards

5. Gives whatever did not sell to charity

6. Takes about 30% of the sale proceeds


I don't know if it would be worth it to you and your sister, but you might consider this as an option. For us, the estate sale was a blessing. We went through closets and cabinets first ourselves in order to remove items of sentimental or monetary value to us (including letters, personal documents, and such), and then had the estate sale people do the rest. It relieved us of a tremendous amount of work, especially the aching emotional burden of selling and eliminating possessions. For us, it was worth the money -- and indeed, the house was cleaned out, period, when the sale was over.


And yes, they definitely deal with "hoarder houses." Your mom's will by no means be the first.

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I haven't seen it, but from what I've heard from those who have, it will make you want to go on a cleaning frenzy--not feel better about your own mess.


:iagree:Yup. When I watch that show it makes me cull, and clean and declutter like nobody's business. I never ever want to have a home like that and panic after watching it that if I do not declutter and clean immediately it will happen kwim

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Eeeewwwww. Maybe I won't watch it then. I thought the show was like "Clean House".

Not even in the same category but If you are looking for some motivation to clean, delcutter and redecorate then CLean Sweep is your show. If you have any trauma about hoarding at all then I recommend that you don't watch it. It is simply too hard. Like a PP previously said, it really it like watching a train wreck. It is horrible and yet you just can't look away. Many people don't even complete the process and a great deal of the ones that do just slip back into their old ways. Very few make lasting changes in their lives. My mother was a hoarder (at least as bad as most on the show) and cleaning out her house made it all the more traumatic.


I wish that there were more shows like CLean House that give hope and ispiration.

Edited by KidsHappen
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Not even in the same category. If you are looking for some motivation to clean, delcutter and redecorate then CLean Sweep is your show.


I've never heard of Clean Sweep. Will check out.


This came out today in the Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2116667/Six-foot-walls-junk-inside-filthy-Brighton-home-eviction-threatened-hoarder.html

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get people to help you. Do you have some *really* good friends? If not, hire someone (s). While she's in the hospital is a perfect time to do it, though she'll likely be gery upset with you. Or move her in To a home, if she's that bad off physically.

It really isn't that easy. For starters, I live halfway across the country. Add in the fact that my brother and stepdad are not on the same page as my sister and I...

Honestly, it should really be my stepdad's problem as long as he is alive, but it is too much of a burden to place on him. But he has enabled her so much, converting rooms over for 'storage' and such.


I will note right here and now: I am the total opposite of a hoarder. :lol: That probably drives my DH nuts, but it is what it is. I can't stand clutter or holding on to unneeded items.


When my mother, who was what I would call an "organized hoarder," passed away, we had an estate sale company come in. "Estate sale" sounds pretty fancy, but what it comes down to is this: the company comes in, evaluates the value of the items, and then generally does the following:


1. Cleans up and attractively presents the items for sale

2. Empties out EVERYTHING -- closets, cabinets, attics, basements

3. Sells everything, as in "everything." As in "if it isn't red-hot or nailed down."

4. Cleans up afterwards

5. Gives whatever did not sell to charity

6. Takes about 30% of the sale proceeds


I don't know if it would be worth it to you and your sister, but you might consider this as an option. For us, the estate sale was a blessing. We went through closets and cabinets first ourselves in order to remove items of sentimental or monetary value to us (including letters, personal documents, and such), and then had the estate sale people do the rest. It relieved us of a tremendous amount of work, especially the aching emotional burden of selling and eliminating possessions. For us, it was worth the money -- and indeed, the house was cleaned out, period, when the sale was over.


And yes, they definitely deal with "hoarder houses." Your mom's will by no means be the first.

Thank you so much for that information. I really had no idea that a service would help in a situation like that.
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I've never heard of Clean Sweep. Will check out.


This came out today in the Daily Mail: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2116667/Six-foot-walls-junk-inside-filthy-Brighton-home-eviction-threatened-hoarder.html


Actually I think the one I was thinking of is Clean House. It is available on Netflix. They have seasons 4-7 I think. I like the ones with Niecy Nash the best. There is also a show called Clean Sweep but it is not available on Netflix.

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I am a anti-hoarder but I live with a couple of packrats and that makes for a very precarious situation. Forcing hoarders to part with their stuff can actually make their condition worse and cause them to hoard more in the future. You really have to teach them the skills to learn to part with their things on their own. It is easier to do and much more effective if you catch it when they are younger. I would say that about half of my household contents will go once all of the children leave home. Then hubby and I plan to downgrade and basically have some books, some pictures and then the basic utilitarian items needed to run a household. Now I am not saying those things won't look nice but there certainly won't be an excess of them.

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Forcing hoarders to part with their stuff can actually make their condition worse and cause them to hoard more in the future.
This is so true...


One of the big things my mom hoards is food - not food for an emergency situation, but strange foods - like cases of ketchup when she doesn't eat ketchup.

I remember my sister and I trying to clean out her second freezer about 15 years ago. She freezes old bananas in their skin "for banana bread someday." I have no idea how many old, dessicated bananas she had, but my sister and I quit counting around 200. Only the skins remained. Mom sat there and cried and cried when we threw them out.

In hindsight, it wasn't the right thing to do. Now she would never trust my sister and I do go through her house, out of fear we might toss something.

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Haven't watched the show - but a friend has a hoarding mother who lives with them. Thankfully, the hoarding is just in her bedroom. Friend sent mom off to visit a brother for a couple weeks and tackled her room while she was gone. I hear she sent lots of trash bags out to the curb those weeks. But within a month or 2 the room was just as bad. Friend said she wouldn't do it again until her mom passes. Her mom was thankful when she got home, she just didn't change her ways.

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I've only seen the show a few times. It seemed that each show I watched tied the hoarding to a previous traumatic loss (loss of a child, loss (though death and divorce) of several spouses, etc). Very sad.


I also can't help but feel the show is not really helping these people, but taking advantage of their situation to make a show. The folks really need serious and long-term mental health intervention, not a couple days of "clean up."



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It's true that she'll probably go back to it and hate that her things were bothered. But at this point, doesn't she need a safe place to come home to? Perhaps you could just do (or have done) the main living area? Throw away the obvious trash and stack the rest in another area of the house. (if there's a place it can go) that way you can tell her that her things are still there for her when she wants them.


Both my mom and mil have tendancies. Both have made strides, to different degrees. And yeah, it doesn't really chsnge until they are on board with change. But the crisis cleanings may have helped pervent it from becoming show worthy.

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Actually I think the one I was thinking of is Clean House. It is available on Netflix. They have seasons 4-7 I think. I like the ones with Niecy Nash the best. There is also a show called Clean Sweep but it is not available on Netflix.


Thanks for the tip. I loved Niecy too. I liked the episode when the team fixed Niecy's house!


Oh, no! Just found out Netflix is not available in the country I live in. Grrrrr

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When I visit my sister we watch this show together on Netflix. It's hard to watch but we are related to numerous people who are hoarders/borderline hoarders and it is almost helpful to see that the people on the show are truly mentally ill and not just "messy." I think it makes us more sympathetic. It does feel very voyeuristic to watch it though. It definitely makes me want to throw out everything we own.

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I've only seen the show a few times. It seemed that each show I watched tied the hoarding to a previous traumatic loss (loss of a child, loss (though death and divorce) of several spouses, etc). Very sad.


I also can't help but feel the show is not really helping these people, but taking advantage of their situation to make a show. The folks really need serious and long-term mental health intervention, not a couple days of "clean up."




Usually the people on the show have reached a crisis situation where they will lose their home, children or a loved one if the house is not cleaned immediately but the show does provide aftercare with both mental health professionals and a preofessional organizer. It is the only outfit that provides this kind of service. I really wish there were more community based services but the problem is that most hoarders don't want the help and will usually only accept it if they are forced to.

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