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Sigh....Please don't quiz my kid!

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We're visiting family this week, and we've spent big chunks of the last two days with DH's father, who has persisted on asking DD a ton of "what's this" or "what does (word) mean?" type questions. DD handled the first few with a minimum of sighs and eye rolling, but by day 2, she'd had enough-I caught her answering one of the word ones with a compete dictionary definition, down to pronunciation, part of speech, word derivation, and multiple definitions. I'm guessing she was making most of it up-I don't think she had the word derivation, and that she was being sassy-but by that point I'd spent enough time trying to redirect and run interference enough that I was ready to pull an attitude myself.


I don't know if this is due to homeschooling or if she'd get it anyway, since I haven't seen him interact with other grand kids, but I wish it would just stop.

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It is obnoxious, but doesn't it happen to every kid? I can remember being "quizzed" every time I saw older relatives and I went to ps.


I think so; my dad quizzes everyone under age 12. He's one of those guys. There was an acquaintance who quizzed my 6 year old son about square roots so often, it caused him to memorize them. :lol:

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OTOH, my 9 year old son has a passion for animals and we've been doing the Apologia Zoology series. I love when people ask him questions about science/animals because he will spend the next half hour telling them tons of interesting facts about animals that they don't know.:lol:

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If it bothers you, why not just tell him to cut it out? :confused:


I don't let anyone get away with quizzing my kid.


:iagree:That is my thought why let it go on? I know some people feel that it is a respect thing to keep quiet, but what is it teaching a kid about respect and boundaries? I would say something firm yet polite and be done with it. Along the lines of "we are on vacation, come on give her a break".

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