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Please pray for our family-more inside

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We are having so many problems=my college going daughter(18) is so extremely sick- she is so weak that she is collapsing while sitting down. We have now ruled out with doctors anemia and cardiac issues for the cause. Tomorrow we are seeing a neurologist. SHe can't walk without help and she even got hurt while on a couch because she rolled off and hurt her hip and head. She is home on spring break but if the neurologist tomorrow doesn't give an instant cure, she will probably have to medically withdraw from school and who knows when she can go back. While this is going on, the youngest still hasn't been able to be seen by a psychiatrist. I put another call into a group of three that claims to be accepting new patients. She is having very bad insomnia, irritability, some depression, and maybe ADHD inattentive.


Then there are the two of us grown-ups. Dh is working so very hard- doing basically 2.5 jobs by himself and barely gets any time off at all including working until late every evening and weekends. He is travelling so much and then there is me. I have numerous serious health problems myself and just added mild hearing loss to that one too. But my hearing loss is conductive, not nerve. It is bad enough that it is on the border for getting hearing aids but if I can clear the congestion in my eustachian tubes, I will be able to hear fine. The problem is that I have Sjogren's and the Eustachian tubes are stopped up with very thick stuff. (Sjogren;s Syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the exocrine glands (moisture producing glands) and basically kills them so that you end up without tears, saliva, and with very thick mucus.


With all of this, I am supposed to be homeschooling the youngest who is a freshman in high school. Please pray for us.

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Praying. I heard something on NPR recently, about some odd medical condition, that made me think of your daughter. It was some kind of disorder that involved the blood vessels being too relaxed, so blood would go to the feet and legs rather than the brain.

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Long shot here- But have they tested her for Rickets? I know its rare now and some doctors have never heard of it. I know someone with similar issues and after all tests, he was diagnosised with it. He also had some metabolic issues they discovered after treating the rickets.


Otherwise, I hope all improves for your family.

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