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My dh threw out....

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....a hardly used bottle of mustard that was sitting out all night. :blink: I'm usually very, very picky about not eating things that have been left out....especially accidently overnight. But...mustard?? Do condiments go bad after sitting out overnight?? :confused:


I would not worry about mustard, ketchup or relish. The only condiment I worry about is mayonnaise. I would throw that out after being out all night.

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I'd dig it back out of the trash and use it:)


Ok, I wouldn't do THAT, lol, but he didn't need to throw it away. Because...

No. It's mostly vinegar.


It would have been fine, but at least it is cheap to replace.




At least it's cheap.


Think abou mustard and ketchup bottles at restaurants. They sit out all day.

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Ok, I wouldn't do THAT, lol, but he didn't need to throw it away. Because...







At least it's cheap.


Think abou mustard and ketchup bottles at restaurants. They sit out all day.


:iagree: ask him to think about his favorite restaurant with condiments on the table. Does he really believe they put them in a fridge overnight?

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Thank you everyone for confirming what I thought was true. :001_smile:

I'd dig it back out of the trash and use it:)


No can do. The reason I noticed it in the garbage was this huge blob of mustard all over the inside of the garbage bag. I asked if he threw the mustard away and he said I had wasted it by leaving it out all night. :glare: I know exactly what he did....he was mad and whipped the thing in the trash and it busted. :glare:


Ok, I wouldn't do THAT, lol, but he didn't need to throw it away. Because...







At least it's cheap.


Think abou mustard and ketchup bottles at restaurants. They sit out all day.


That's what I thought of.


This thread is making me want a sandwich. :tongue_smilie:


:drool5: :lol:

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I also thought mustard could be left out. But I just checked my mustard bottle and it says "refrigerate after opening." Does it matter that it's Gulden's? (We don't use yellow mustard.) Or is it a matter of trying to prevent a potential lawsuit? Ok, now I just checked the ketchup. It says, "For best results refrigerate after opening." So that doesn't *have* to be kept cold. But the mustard?

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I also thought mustard could be left out. But I just checked my mustard bottle and it says "refrigerate after opening." Does it matter that it's Gulden's? (We don't use yellow mustard.) Or is it a matter of trying to prevent a potential lawsuit? Ok, now I just checked the ketchup. It says, "For best results refrigerate after opening." So that doesn't *have* to be kept cold. But the mustard?


I read something on Chowhound.com that said:


"Q: Does FRENCH'S® Mustard need to be refrigerated?

A: The FRENCH'S® Dijon Mustard can lose heat and distinct flavor, if left unrefrigerated, so we encourage refrigeration. For all other mustards, refrigerating will help maintain its flavor; however, if you prefer your mustard to be room temperature, it is not necessary. There are no ingredients in mustard that spoil. "Refrigerate After Opening" is not required for food safety. It is recommended to maintain optimal product flavor."


I would not have thrown that mustard away! And I'm on the squeamish side about what I will and won't eat!

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