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Meet Delilah

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This is our sweet girl we brought home last Sunday. She is fitting in so well and loves all the attention being bestowed upon her. In the last 5 days she has mastered the command "sit" and is working on "no bite", "lie down", and "come". Potty training is a new experience but she is getting there. So far we have had the librarians make us promise to bring her with us everytime. We have been bringing her absolutely every where as part of her socialization. She joins us at the library, post office, went with us on Wednesday to girl guides (we wait in the car for dd, so we played with her outside), today for the 5 hours of driving to drop the boys off at scout camp, etc. When not with us she has at least 1 person here with her (like when the boys and I go to scouts).


She will be going to the vet shortly after the 20th for a checkup and first shots etc.


She is great, not overly hyper, eager to please, easy to train and a wanna be lap dog. She loves to cuddle up close to you and just be close.


The kids are beyond smitten. The middle 2 love to take her for walks and don't mind poopy patrol. Oldest hates the thought of cleaing up doo-doo so he takes care of her food, water and has a good play and training time with her each day.


DS8 thinks she should be with him always as random kids now stop to talk to him thanks to how cute she is. He has zero friends, and lacks in the social skills area. He doesn't like answering questions about himself and now doesn't have to. People only ask about the puppy and not him, stopping to pet her and talk to him. He is so excited that people want to talk to him and is says she is his lucky charm to make friends. :D


Without further ado, our new baby girl (and yes she fell asleep holding that frog, she loves all stuffed animals and after biting them a few times cuddles up with them)

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Delilah is darling!!!! Enjoy every minute of her puppyhood!!!! :001_smile:


We are planning on it. A new development since last night, she now growls and/or lets out a little bark when she get scared. I walked into my bedroom last night in the dark and she growled until I spoke then she got all happy and started giving kisses. This morning I knocked over my whole rolling craft cart by mistake and that earned a growl and little bark. The same when a crow cawed loudly from the tree in the yard when we went out for potty. Definitely the pyr in her. It is a surprisingly deep growl and bark for such a tiny pup. Normally she just lets out little chirping wimpers when nervous.

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She is too cute. But can I suggest not bringing her everywhere before she is finished with her puppy shots? They are too susceptible to things before they have them, and I would hate to see something happen and her get sick.


As for potty training...have you considered bell training? With all of ours, we tied a big jingle bell type bell to the door, and let it sit about nose level with the dog. Every time we would take them out, we would hit the bell and say "potty?". Them we moved on to taking their paw and letting them nudge the bell. It didn't take long at all for them to associate the bell to going out to potty.


I have never heard of that before, what a great idea. Right now she wimpers when she needs to go and I know I had better get her outside. We do not have a fence yet so I take her out on the leash. Currently she can go 4 hours in between potty times at night, which is an improvement. She was going out every 2 hours when we got her, I have slowly been extending her time between this week until we hit 4 hours. We will likely stay at 4 hour for a while. During the day it is easy for me to get busy with everything here so having the bell would be a great way for her to signal us if we have missed her wimper.


I have read that taking her everywhere as long as we carry her is fine to begin the process of socializing her before she has had her shots. We have not introduced her to other animals at all, but have not left her home alone yet either. I may shortly as I have to run to the post office to pick up a parcel and that will take a total of about 5 minutes. taking the boys to and from camp is a 6+ hour endeavor, so she is not being left that long.

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She is too cute. But can I suggest not bringing her everywhere before she is finished with her puppy shots? They are too susceptible to things before they have them, and I would hate to see something happen and her get sick.




I was going to suggest the same thing.:iagree:

Until those vaccines get started and def. talk with your vet about it puppy socializing does need to be limited for health concerns.

Have fun!

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<SNIP>As for potty training...have you considered bell training? With all of ours, we tied a big jingle bell type bell to the door, and let it sit about nose level with the dog. Every time we would take them out, we would hit the bell and say "potty?". Them we moved on to taking their paw and letting them nudge the bell. It didn't take long at all for them to associate the bell to going out to potty.


I highly recommend this, it worked wonders when our dog was a pup. He still rings the bell when he wants to go outside.


Your Delilah is adorable. She looks like our dog Larry did when he was a pup. He was a Great Pyrenees/English Mastiff.

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She is adorable. Is she a Golden Retriever? Do you have a crate for her? I would be lost without my crate for my 3 month old Golden boy.


SHe is great pyranese/yellow lab


Yes I have a crate for her, I have to partition part of it off though, I think it is too big for her still based on what I have been reading this week.

Edited by swellmomma
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