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What do you do to celebrate...


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I give them a week off in that subject before they start the next book. Our books rarely line up with our school year so often a child will finish a level of math or whatever during the middle of our school year. For years, our tradition is that you get a week off in that subject then start the new book.

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We just move on. No celebration (beyond, "Yay! We finished a book!"). Though sometimes I'll give some time off from that subject, but other times we're excited to start the new book! :D


We just finished a math book yesterday. I plan to do LoF Fractions today, then I'll give DS a choice to start the new Singapore book or just do the IP or CWP from the book he just finished. If I could find our Zaccaro PCM, I'd let him do that today... It's lost in the abyss of my house. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: Yay! I found PCM! We ended up doing the LoF Fractions bridge between chapters 5 and 6, some copywork of number words (because he was melting down over that topic - he has a fear of misspelling words, even though I don't count off for misspelled number words in math), and a section of PCM. He was thrilled! Well, except for the copywork... but he did that easily and then used those words to help him spell the number words he had to write for the bridge. ;) We'll probably start the new Singapore book tomorrow, since he is also looking forward to that.

Edited by boscopup
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Interesting. My dd5 will be finishing OPGTR this week and I was wondering what (if anything) I should do to mark the occasion. On one hand I don't want her thinking you get a reward all the time because this is stuff that does ultimately need to get done. Education being its own reward and all that jazz.


But then again, I would like to celebrate. Sounds like this would make a good poll. Hmmmm


Would it be hijacking this thread if I start a poll asking on which side people fall on this one?

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When we start a book, if it is consumable, I have them write their name and the date inside the front cover. If they want, they can draw a picture, etc. We do the same when they finish. If it is consumable, we do the same thing only it is on a piece of paper that goes into the binder.


On our last school day of the year (sometime in June) we go to a park and then go out for dinner and have ice cream.

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We are five lessons away from completing Saxon 3. Both kids have worked really hard and we started homeschooling the third week of September so it's been at least 6 lessons a week sometimes 7-8. This won't be our usual work load, we've been doing a lot of catch up with my sped ed son to get him up to grade level and everything we've thrown at him to complete he's done. Makes me feel that he's wasted the past 3 years in the spec ed classroom before he came home to be homeschooled.


I'm thinking about inviting our children's pastor and wife over for lunch to celebrate the new text book/grade level. It would be something different for the kids and fun to visit and show what they have been learning. Sort of a private open house for 1.5 hours.

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We used to buy a dozen of our favorite donuts (local grocer -- way better than the famous national brand!); this year, we are watching our waistlines, so we put $10 in our Disney jar. (We are saving up for a Christmas trip to DL.)

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I give them a week off in that subject before they start the next book. Our books rarely line up with our school year so often a child will finish a level of math or whatever during the middle of our school year. For years, our tradition is that you get a week off in that subject then start the new book.



This is what we do, too. We school year round.

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Interesting. My dd5 will be finishing OPGTR this week and I was wondering what (if anything) I should do to mark the occasion. On one hand I don't want her thinking you get a reward all the time because this is stuff that does ultimately need to get done. Education being its own reward and all that jazz.


But then again, I would like to celebrate. Sounds like this would make a good poll. Hmmmm


Would it be hijacking this thread if I start a poll asking on which side people fall on this one?


We listened to Harry Connick Jr.'s version of "Supercalifrag..." after the final lesson. ;) (Dancing is optional.)

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We have a "pizza party". Since we make homemade pizza every Friday anyway, we usually just dress it up with a family movie or a special topping or possibly dessert. It means something to the kids, but doesn't really cost me any time or money :) They are so funny because the other two kids always thank the honoree for the pizza that night (even though we would have had it anyway).


We do this when the kids finish a SM book, WWE level or FLL level, but that is about it.

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I bribe like crazy.




My DD just finished her ETC1 workbook and honestly I thought we'd never see the end of it -she hates that book. She was so thrilled she showed it off to Dad when he got home and then to the visitors we had LOL - I just let her revel in her glory because it was such an accomplishment for her.


I usually let her choose a new book or a new toy or something. If you hate doing something as much as she did but managed to stick with and finish it anyway I think that deserves a reward of some type. I have no issue with rewarding hard work.


As much as she hated the book she is looking forward to starting ETC 2 :confused: I guess she figured it out that it's worth it to finish when you can feel proud that you did it.

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I give them a week off in that subject before they start the next book. Our books rarely line up with our school year so often a child will finish a level of math or whatever during the middle of our school year. For years, our tradition is that you get a week off in that subject then start the new book.


Yes, we do this too.

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We have a pizza party. We live out in the county, there isn't any pizza delivery here. Whenever one of my kids finishes a book we plan a pizza party. My 21 year old DD will come home and help celebrate. I get a bunch of toppings ready and everyone makes their own pizza. LOL - It is a pretty big deal!

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it depends what it is, i guess...we celebrate a new school year, with new books & that in itself is exciting, but mid year we celebrated my daughter's completion of her 2nd grade vocabulary book with excitement and a new, different, "fun?", 3rd grade vocabulary book to finish the year. She loves it, is excited by the 3rd grade label & by the different format. I guess it depends how momentous the completion is, this was a "regular" book (that had 15 chapters - so it's done now). When my oldest completes MUS Epsilon I will be celebrating with a margarita, myself, but that's just me.... And that will be such a momentous event because it has taken so long & she has worked so hard.

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