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Premature Labor

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I need prayer from fellow Christians, I am experiencing pre mature labor.

I have had surgery in August for endometriosis, and got pregnant within 5 weeks after that. This has been my roughest pregnancy so far, with gut problems, severe flu like sinus infection, and now severe pain and limited mobility. My back hurts 24/7, contractions come and go, low abdomen pain is constant and now pain down my inner thighs is debilitating me.

I am callind my OB tomorrow. Please pray I get some help, and make it as close to May 15th as possible.

I have 7 children at home so pray for them too. My husband has alot of hours and stress at his job and I can't drive anymore.

I have been in bed for 3 weeks mostly and it has just gotten worse.


Thank you for prayers!


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waht they said.


The sooner you get to the hospital, the less progressed your labor is when you get there, the more likely they can stop it. Please please please get there, somehow, someway, asap.


Please believe that whatever hassle or difficulty it might be to get checked today, it will be a million times that to endure a baby in the NICU for the coming weeks/months.

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I don't mean to be harsh, but w/all that's going on, why are you posting on a msg board instead of hustling your butt to the ER?


I mean, I can totally understand posting for prayers on your way out the door, I think I did that during my last pregnancy, but waiting til tomorrow just seems incredibly risky.


Call a cab, call an ambulance, call a neighbour, someone, anyone, and get your butt to the hospital.

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Right now, I am home alone...dh took family to church and I just read on Web Md and in 2 books I have that I have many symptoms, so I am resting, drinking water, praying, and read that there is a test to see if I have a high level of some hormone that will tell if it is indeed going to lead to premature delivery. Have no way to ER yet. I will try to call dh soon, and ER. ( Not bleeding) Water not broken or I would have called already.

Bedrest does help some, but after reading more, I realize I may need medicine,and help at home, hopefully not a stay in the hospital. :grouphug:


Thanks for all of the concern, and mostly prayers.


We don't have any help with babysitting, and the drive is 45min. one way.

My family is extremely selfish, and already told me they could not help in May. My dad died or he would help. I don't want to but may have to let our almost 15 year old and 12 year old stay with siblings.

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Can your OB be paged? I think there's a good chance they will want you to head in to the hospital. Will your DH be home soon?


I think that I would be heading in. If need be, call a neighbor, have DH paged, call an ambulance. As someone who has worked with preemies, I think you need to be looked at not assume bedrest is going to stop what could be active labor.

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As someone who had a very premature baby in the NICU (and it did not end well), I urge you to stop reading symptoms on the internet and call your dh or 911 immediately to get you to the hospital. Like pp, I don't want to sound harsh, but I'm totally baffled that you don't sense the urgency here. Pre-term labor is very serious stuff and it's not like you can just go to the hospital and get a magic drug to stop it. Sometimes the drugs work, sometimes they don't. Every minute counts right now. Please don't wait.

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It will be less expensive to pay a neighbor to take you to the ER or to pay for an ambulance than it would be to pay for the care of a very preterm NICU baby.


I think you need to get yourself to an ER ASAP.


Agreed!! Get yourself to the labor and delivery now! Call and ambulance, etc! You really need to go now! You don't know how far along you are. Like I said my SIL delivered SOON after getting to the hospital. She had no idea how far along she was. She delivered at 30 weeks and the baby is doing well but she's still in the NICU. I went into premature labor at 29 weeks and I hustled my rear end to the hospital. With medicine and bedrest I was able to make it to almost 37 weeks. Bedrest and meds is better than a NICU stay any day! Don't worry about putting anyone out. You need to go in!

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I agree with what the other posters have said. You need to get the hospital now. I had a preterm baby because I didn't recogonize the signs of premature labor or that I was having contractions. My water broke and the only thing to do was to deliver him.


With my 2nd, I was hospitalized to stop contractions and then sent home with medication and put on bedrest. I made it to 37 weeks with that baby.


If your 15 yo and 13 yo are your only options for watching your other children, then I think that's what you'll need to do. The little one that you are carrying now needs medical attention that shouldn't wait until tomorrow.

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Have you been taking TUMS/Calcium supplements?

If yes, STOP.

Calcium excites the muscle contractile fibers.

If yes, counter the TUMS with magnesium foods and/or supplements.(ask your OB about magnesium supplements) but I'd assume if you were having PTL that your OB has you on magnesium already.

Lay off the TUMS/similar stuff.

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Seriously, call a sitter or leave your littles with their older siblings and get to L&D. You should call your OB (I'm sure he can be contacted in case of Emergency-that's part of the job description) and he can call L&D so they'll be ready for you.


I know it's scary, I ended up in L&D 3 times with #5, and each time they were eventually able to slow or stop the contractions with medication. They'll put you on a monitor and if you're having strong, regular contractions they will give you a shot of Terbutaline. If you're not dilated, and your contractions slow/stop with the meds they'll probably send you home with some Terbutaline to take by mouth if your CX pick up again.


Please, don't wait- call your OB.

Edited by Coffeetime
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Thanks for sharing, I did get my dh to come get me.. went to ER triage in L&R. Amazingly had no contractions... had blood work, urine, and an ultrasound, everything looks good. I hurt in my low abdomen constantly, whether resting or not...she told me I could go the regular ER for my pain if I wanted to. Still I hurt badly on the way home and am concerned. I will call my OB tomorrow to get in this week if possible.

Never have I had this much constant pain, this early... RN was not very nice and judges me for having too many children. Still, did a good job but lacked any compassion. Baby is breach right now. I don't take all this pain well. In bed again...can barely walk.

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I'm glad you got checked out at the ER, but I wish they would have been more helpful. Hopefully, if you call your OB tomorrow, they'll be able to get you in to see the doctor right away. It's not as though this is your first pregnancy -- you're certainly in a position to know what "feels right" and what doesn't, so the doctor should definitely take your request seriously when you say you need an appointment right away.


Praying for you and the baby!!! :grouphug:

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