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This Is Impossible

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I've been on a 'supportive job search' for over a month.


I go through job listings, print off everything I've looked at, and make notations...majority of jobs don't fit my restrictions, or I can't get to (opposite sides of the city, don't drive, can't manage transit, cab fare would make the job cost me money), or it's not a shift I can do (I only worked 3-11, so that's the shift I'm to look for).


Anyways. I've been doing this for over a month, handing in everything, and making notes at the jobs I *have* applied for, even if I have concerns regarding my physical restrictions, which I would clarify at an interview, if one is offered.


Well, today, case mgr calls. The 25 contacts a wk that I'm supposed to get is what I've actually applied for. She wants me to go to the employers to hand in resumes.


I explain that I'd be lucky to do 2 a day before my pain levels went through the roof, and I don't drive. She tells me that that would at least give me 14...but I'd still be 11 short.


I also explained that I was given to understand that *all* the jobs I reviewed counted as a contact. Nope, only what I apply to. So, why wasn't that corrected the first wk I met w/the employment specialist? I've met w/her for about 6 wks now! She never said a word about me doing this incorrectly!


I find it *very* interesting that a) this employment specialist has been agitating for me to get off the job search, telling me to appeal, and b) this issue comes to light just as she's leaving for 3 wks vacation!


I don't know how in the world I'm going to apply for 25 jobs a wk. There simply isn't that many jobs that fit my restrictions, PERIOD.


Of course, this isn't addressing the fact that all my Drs say I'm unfit for any level of employment, I have to do this anyways. They don't care if I actually *find* a job, they slash my income at the end of 12 wks regardless. If I don't do 25 contacts a wk, they boot me off the program, and slash then.


I'm completely panicking. This is impossible. I'm honestly doing my best, but I can't create job listings that aren't glaringly against my restrictions out of thin air. 25 a wk is impossible. I'm lucky to find 4-6 a wk, if that...and I've applied to everything, and frankly, it seems exhausted, I can't find anywhere else to apply to.


I just want to cry.


Oh, and did I mention that the biggest job bank online, run by the government is down? And most other job sites refer back to it, just relisting what's on that site, so you can't access the job listings?

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I'd have a standard application and send it to anyone regardless. If all they care are the number of applications you make then do as they ask however stupid it is, you have kept up your side. No one goes to employers to hand applications in, that is what email and the post was invented for!


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I would probably just go on Craigslist and start emailing my resume to every job listing that I could find in the state. Many of those ads are email-only, so it's not like she can tell you to bring them your resume- you're just following the potential employer's instructions. That way, you'll still be technically applying for twenty-five jobs a week.


ETA: Just wanted to add that I had to deal with something similar when dh was looking for work, and wth is it with these people? They're all jacka**es. Our worker used to go on vacation every other week, too. I swear, that woman must get twenty weeks of vacation a year.

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I agree with the previous posters. Apply to anything you like. Then if it comes down to an interview, you can then make your restrictions known.


Don't let them get you down. Most places don't require you to come to them until an interview anyway. Well, at least IME. In today's society a lot of it is done electronically.

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I guess my response might be to apply to jobs I could not do, knowing that my application would've tossed when the business saw the restrictions. Seems wrong and a waste of your time ane the employer's time. However, sometimes you just jump through hoops that go nowhere o deal with bureacracy.

Thing is, if I apply for jobs that are obviously outside my physical restrictions, then WCB says, "Well, obviously you think you can do this, so you're more physically capable than you've been deemed..." and the situation gets worse.


If something is 'iffy', I appy and note that I have concerns, but will discuss w/employer if offered an interview.


One of the biggest problem is, I can't even *get* an interview so far. My resume in health care makes me grossly overqualified for what my restrictions have WCB deeming me capable of, so employers aren't responding.


I mean, seriously...wouldn't you be suspicious of someone that worked in health care applying for an entry level position at a hotel? The hrs aren't any better, still working shifts and holidays...I don't doubt that they look at my resume and wonder what's wrong that I'm no longer pursuing a career in health care, since it's a better paid, union job, and highly in demand. They'd also wonder if I'd work for them short term and quit to go back to health care.

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I agree with the previous posters. Apply to anything you like. Then if it comes down to an interview, you can then make your restrictions known.


Don't let them get you down. Most places don't require you to come to them until an interview anyway. Well, at least IME. In today's society a lot of it is done electronically.




what an impossible situation. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Do you think she gets her files audited? I wonder if that's why she needs this documentation? When I worked in early intervention, my employer's files were audited periodically by the county to make sure we weren't retaining clients that should have been discharged, etc.


I don't have a solution for you but I wonder if she's getting pressure or is concerned about some sort of audit of her files?

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:grouphug: I am sure you have already done this, but is there a higher up to talk to? What about contacting your MLA about it? Or the Alberta Ombudsman. I went that route when I was having trouble with a gov't agency that was bending rules to suit them trying to make me jump through hoops. My situation was resolved within 2 weeks of lodging that call. It's worth a shot. You are no worse off if they do nothing for you, but you could have the weight of all the nonsense off you if they do. Makes me wish I kept in contact with my old neighbor after I moved, she worked for WCB, would have been nice to get in touch with her for you and see what you could do.

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what an impossible situation. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Like I said, applying for jobs that are grossly against my restictions would backfire on me, badly.

:grouphug: I am sure you have already done this, but is there a higher up to talk to? What about contacting your MLA about it? Or the Alberta Ombudsman. I went that route when I was having trouble with a gov't agency that was bending rules to suit them trying to make me jump through hoops. My situation was resolved within 2 weeks of lodging that call. It's worth a shot. You are no worse off if they do nothing for you, but you could have the weight of all the nonsense off you if they do. Makes me wish I kept in contact with my old neighbor after I moved, she worked for WCB, would have been nice to get in touch with her for you and see what you could do.

WCB is not a government agency. I've talked to my MLA, and got told to be grateful they were still paying me.


The only action or changes that have ever occurred were due to my union rep wading in. I've already emailed him about this.

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Okay you need 25 applications this week?


Here is 2 I found, you check if they meet your restrictions and if they are ones you have laready applied for ignore them of course. Let's see if I can help you knock some of those out. I'll keep looking and see what else pops up


This first one is at WEM so transportation might be an issue, but since you are not getting interviews anyway, it wouldn't hurt to put it in just to reach your 25


This one is from 4-9 pm, so technically part time but londonderry is close to you so even if cabbing it will be a small amount, and looks like it might meet your other restrictions.

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Like I said, applying for jobs that are grossly against my restictions would backfire on me, badly.


WCB is not a government agency. I've talked to my MLA, and got told to be grateful they were still paying me.


The only action or changes that have ever occurred were due to my union rep wading in. I've already emailed him about this.


That sucks so bad. I posted a couple jobs that may or may not meet your restrictions, only you will know. You keep trying with your union rep, and I will keep looking for some postings.

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Thanks, I will apply for the 2nd one. Can I ask if you're using a job site? PM me a link if you can...cause the ones I've been looking at have nada.


I *know* it won't fit my restrictions, but since it's not clear from the ad, I'll say concerns to be discussed.


Working 1 armed, I can't do things like filing, hand write msgs, change toner, get supplies from a store room, typing is only 1 handed...It's really stunning to realize just how much takes 2 hands.

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Thanks, I will apply for the 2nd one. Can I ask if you're using a job site? PM me a link if you can...cause the ones I've been looking at have nada.


I *know* it won't fit my restrictions, but since it's not clear from the ad, I'll say concerns to be discussed.


Working 1 armed, I can't do things like filing, hand write msgs, change toner, get supplies from a store room, typing is only 1 handed...It's really stunning to realize just how much takes 2 hands.


I didn't even think about all of that. All I was thinking was no lifting etc so I knew things like Timmie's etc would be out. THis is the job site I found them on. THe regular job bank is of course better but when it is down you are so screwed.

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Imp don't panic. Just do what they want in a way that works for you. I'd be surprised if e-mailing a resume doesn't count as contact - or maybe even just making a call. Personally, I would call all of them even if they don't meet all the requirements. If anyone asks for an interview, just be honest with them and let them know that you have to wait for a time that your husband can drive you and you'll need to get a sitter for your baby, and that it's all dependent upon your pain level that day. :D I would assume you are only responsible for making the contact, not for their response. You'll be fine. :)


ETA: Posted first then read. : P Sorry - ignore the above.

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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I didn't even think about all of that. All I was thinking was no lifting etc so I knew things like Timmie's etc would be out. THis is the job site I found them on. THe regular job bank is of course better but when it is down you are so screwed.

Yeah, I know, it's a bizarre situation. I mean, seriously, I can't even freaking WRITE, but someone's going to hire me?! Suuuuuure. That's not even touching the fact that my pain levels are completely unpredictable, I may or may not show up, I may or may not finish my shift...whose going to hire me? Given a choice btwn someone that can't be on their feet much at all (makes my arm feel like ripping out of it's socket), can't do anything that takes 2 hands, and ANYONE else that's physically whole, gee, wonder who they're gonna hire? Someone that says, "Sorry, I can't do this, this, this, this, this, this, that..." or someone that is physically able to do it all?!


Sorry...venting/ranting there.


Could you apply to jobs that you know you are not qualified for but are not blatantly against your restrictions just to get your numbers up? Areas that come to mind are accounting and information technology.

Again, they can look at it and say, "well, you're applying, so you obviously think you can do this..."

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i'm thinking you're in edmonton.... i hope that's right.


in the whole province there is one NDP representative. her office is highly responsive to folks who need help. i've about given up hope on elected representatives, but she seems different in a good way. she's in edmonton. if i could remember her name, that would be great : (.


but it does sound like the hoops are nutty....

sigh.... i'm sorry : (.



eta: i know WCB isn't government BUT her people may know someone who knows someone ..... and they may have some ideas none of us have come up with, too. she helps folks who ask, not just folks who have problems with the government.... the ombudsperson is a good idea, too!

Edited by elfgivas@yahoo.com
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Apply to places that aren't advertising open positions. If, for example, being a hotel clerk would work with your restrictions, e-mail your resume to 25 (or however many you need) hotels in the area, even if they aren't hiring.






WCB blows. Everyone I know who has ever had a claim has been f'ed around by them for months and some for years. Pardon my semi-censored passionate use of English, I'm just angry for you Imp.

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WCB blows. Everyone I know who has ever had a claim has been f'ed around by them for months and some for years. Pardon my semi-censored passionate use of English, I'm just angry for you Imp.

No worries, Carpe. This will be 4 yrs in May.

Does the case worker have a supervisor you can speak with? The person you're dealing with sounds completely unreasonable.



The demands come from her supervisor. My case mgr has acknowledged that this seems ridiculous, telling me once about 'playing the game' but she has to follow what she's been told.


WCB itself is completely unreasonable in their demands. My union rep is working on the situation, but it's not going to be resolved overnight...In fact, it'll likely be a year from now before it's sorted out.

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Yeah, I know, it's a bizarre situation. I mean, seriously, I can't even freaking WRITE, but someone's going to hire me?! Suuuuuure. That's not even touching the fact that my pain levels are completely unpredictable, I may or may not show up, I may or may not finish my shift...whose going to hire me? Given a choice btwn someone that can't be on their feet much at all (makes my arm feel like ripping out of it's socket), can't do anything that takes 2 hands, and ANYONE else that's physically whole, gee, wonder who they're gonna hire? Someone that says, "Sorry, I can't do this, this, this, this, this, this, that..." or someone that is physically able to do it all?!


Just out of curiosity, what happens if you do get hired and then the job decides they can't deal with your restrictions, like they get mad that you have to leave early too much due to pain, and they fire you? What happens with WCB then?



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Just out of curiosity, what happens if you do get hired and then the job decides they can't deal with your restrictions, like they get mad that you have to leave early too much due to pain, and they fire you? What happens with WCB then?



I've asked that. Repeatedly.


They don't care. Even if I DON'T find a job at the end of 12 wks, they cut my income in half. It doesn't matter to them if I'm actually employable in the real world, they've decided that I'm capable of working this job, ft, and making what equals 50% of my current income, so they're only going to 'top up' the difference.


It's part of what my union rep is arguing.

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