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Roll call: Please join me on my homschooling island!

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Oh, gosh, I'm in the same boat. I have one in PS next year and one will either be in parochial or PS, depending on our finances. Now that those two are out of school for the year, I forgot they'd ever been away.


I fall squarely into the off-islander category, too. What we need is a houseboat, that would be the ticket. It would have to be a big one to hold us all, though, and have little speedboats attached to it somehow so we could go places quickly.




Should we start our own island??? {sigh} I wish I could be allowed, but alas, one of ours is going to ps come this fall. It isn't my first choice, but if I'm honest, it is the best choice, at least right now. I'll tip my Mikes to you too and sit and have a chat with Doran! ;)
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I'm alone and have been for the past 6 years. The few friends I have that know I homeschool think I am crazy. 99% of my family don't know because this is something that just is not done. Homeschooling is not culturally acceptable. The town where I live has a really good school system, (we have a lot of Indians and Chinese so they have very high test scores) and I have never met anyone who homeschool here. We don't belong to any co-ops, have never been a part of any group( went to a playgroup once but it only lasted a few months) and this is the first time I have outsourced a writing class(Home2teach).


But I am tired of being alone. I don't think homeschooling is completely to blame though, lack of family and friends around has also taken its toil. When my kids were younger, I was so busy that I didn't notice how lonely I was. But the kids are older, dh still works crazy and long hours and I have found in my case at least that the term 'no man is an island' is applying to me more and more. Of course, the weak dollar is not helping. I usually go to see my family in England for 3 weeks every year, usually without the kids. I come back fully recharged and ready to face another lonely year. I haven't seen them in over 2 years and I have no close friends around so I am actually thinking of joining a co-op this year. They have a park day I can go to once a week and that will get me out of the house at least.


I am also going to have my eldest take 2 more online classes next year and we will see how thing go. Sometimes I wonder how I have made it this far.


Elmeryl(with J12, C9, R7, L7)

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I pick my own curriculum and teach my own kids. My kids will be starting grade six and seven in the fall and I've homeschooled them from day one. No co-ops in my area. I'm not sure what I would do if they were accessible to us. I also think that I may access some on-line courses in the later high school years.

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Should we start our own island??? {sigh} I wish I could be allowed, but alas, one of ours is going to ps come this fall. It isn't my first choice, but if I'm honest, it is the best choice, at least right now. I'll tip my Mikes to you too and sit and have a chat with Doran! ;)


Look at you! You are adorable, runningirl!



I think you'd be able to get onto the island. Who else is Colleen going to run with?:D

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Well, I think we can row the dingy to shore.. I just dropped out of the classes do to a lack of funds. I fact, I may need to move to the island if things keep going as they are. No work is coming in for dh. I don't honestly know what we will do. :confused:


((Jenny)) I'm sorry. I have been there and I know it can be very overwhelming. PM me if you need to talk.:001_smile:

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Let me join the island party. Other than the typical extracurrics(art, music, swimming etc) I teach my kids everything without outsourcing. I agree it can get lonely. In my area there seems to be 2 kinds of homeschoolers those that outsource, do coops, blended programs etc and those that unschool, so they have the kids home but don't do much with them. There is virtually no one who schools like I do which is why I love this site, turns out I am not the only one. But I don't want to miss the luau on the island either.

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Well, I'll have to look up those "parenting partnerships" to see what that's all about! However, let me just say, I understand some of what you feel. So, I will tell you that, yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause...er...um, wrong Virginia. Anyway, yes, Virginia, other people DO homeschool their children 100%.

And there are those of us who have realized that next fall the 4yo must go to preschool a couple of days a week so we can concentrate on our very distractible other child.

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Maybe I can at least visit the island, since I'm only homeschooling 2 out of 3 now, but hey - I held out until 10th grade, and it's only the one going. That's got to count for something, at least a season pass!


I plan on homeschooling the other two all the way through high school, but we do a once a week half-day co-op. For 9th grade, dd will take Spanish I (we do Latin at home, and honestly, I doubt my brain could wrap itself any further).


I considered a different co-op for chemistry this year, but in the end, I decided we'd do just fine on our own. (I hope I'm right! :scared:) Two outside classes for core subjects felt like too much, but I do need help with the Spanish.


Dd didn't even want to do the chemistry class - her exact words were, "All the time wasted going and coming home, what would be the point? That'll just drag my day out longer!"


This other co-op uses Apologia, which is meant to be used independently, so really, what is the point? This same co-op also holds math classes that use Teaching Textbooks - again, a program meant to be used independently - what is up with that?!?


I'm more on the island than not, comparatively speaking. I know plenty of people who outsource what seems to be 90% - science, math, writing, literature, foreign language - on top of music, art, and the usual electives. (Most of them cannot believe I'm not going out for math or science already). They live in their cars. I don't really see the point, unless it's just because they want to be able to hand-pick the teachers and classes, or just don't feel up to teaching any of those subjects.


So let me in! Or I'll huff, and I'll puff....

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I homeschool our own child with curriculum that I pick, on a schedule I choose, not in a co-op or sharing program BUT...


I work for a "virtual academy" in which the parents may be instructing their children at home, but with a totally pre-selected curriculum and I look over their shoulders and push them along, and provide public school teaching when necessary for them (mostly meeting in libraries to get through Algebra).


So - do I get voted off??

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Guest Katia

I find as my children get older that many local homeschoolers dual-enroll their children in high school classes and/or sports, and many enroll them in the community college.


My oldest son went to cc his last two years of high school, OR you could say he 'graduated' at 15 and then went to cc. Whichever, since either works! He went on to four year college after that, and was admitted as a junior, so.......


Up until that point, he was totally homeschooled.


My dds are both totally homeschooled, except for their music lessons. No outside lessons at all. I keep looking at the ps and cc classes, but I don't see anything that they do that we can't do better here at home, lol!


So, here we sit being "total" homeschoolers while others join elsewhere. In this very small mid-western town, we are outcasts and very much on our own island.


We would love to join you on your island!

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Yet in my area, where homeschooling is quite common, I am in the very slim minority of folks who don't participate in them.


In short, I am amidst of a sea of homeschoolers, but I feel as if I'm an island unto myself when it comes to homeschooling. Often, I'm okay with that. Different strokes and so on. (Although on a deeper level, I have grave concerns about my future ability to independently homeschool. I worry that participation in programs like this will eventually be mandatory, since the popular thought now is that they provide the "best of both worlds".) Other times, I feel lonely. I just need to know that there are other people doing what I'm doing. Call me crazy (no, please don't!;)), but it encourages me.


So-o-o-o...hello out there?


In our state (AL), you must use "a state recognized religious umbrella school" in order to homeschool legally... um, even if you don't homeschool for religious reasons... and I cannot tell you how often people urge me to join their umbrellas, "because oh, they have the best curriculum, and parent-teacher meetings, and administrative oversight, and training seminars, and co-ops, and... and... and..."


...and they look at me like I have three heads when my Klingon bump appears on my forehead and I tell them that if I wanted a private school, I would send my children to a private school and I'm very happy with the hands-off, just-enough-to-provide-a-buffer-from-the-state, ONLY using a cover in ANY form because the law requires it, umbrella.


I like it here. I like the way we do things. We work hard, play hard, learn a lot, and do what we need to do along the way. I'm good with that. Yes, it gets more challenging as we go along, and I have to do more work to stay prepared and stay ahead of the game. Fifth grade... where did the time go? When did my "baby" learn so much? Oh, yeah, while we've been doing what we do. Yup. Good stuff.


And... somebody brought Michelob Tuscan Orange Grapefruit beer to Zorak's birthday party. Oh. My. Gawd. It's like a wine cooler for big people! I'm in heaven!

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otherwise it's homeschool only. I think ps teacher's discriminate against hs kids, like they have to prove their way is better or something by making hs kids look and/or feel inadequate. I don't ever plan to mix and match, hopefully all the way through! I would consider school if my highschooler wanted it (despite my thoughts on the evils of public highschools...), just to try, but I wouldn't mix and match, it's one or the other -


I think this island has lots of lovely and charming people in it!



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I just had this conversation with a dear friend. We're moving to Savannah next week and right now we live in a rural area where the nearest homeschool group is 40 min- 1hr away and it hasn't been feasible. Even though there are times I've been lonely, I'm very nervous about all the opportunities that will present themselves in Savannah- activities, more people, etc. that will rock the little world that we have at home.


The sole reason I want to meet any homeschool group is really just to flesh out a friend or two, maybe participate in a few group field trips that I wouldn't otherwise be able to do and give our kids a chance to meet other homeschooled children. I'd be thrilled to find someone outside of a group and just get together when we can, not too often :D.


I don't want to participate in a co-op. I don't want my children taught by someone else other than for things like piano. I don't want anyone encroaching on our time, telling us we "have to" do this or that at this time unless I am paying someone for something. I have enough church activities we "have to" do and I've even tightened up there with my and the kids' time.


Honestly, I already have things I have to do with our time. I have shared custody with dd and that already messes things up, I have to be very prudent with other things. I think I'd rather be on an island and able to run free than the alternative, in fact can I put up a gate complete with surveillance cameras and a buzzer???


It isn't about keeping others opinions, points-of-views out, or shielding my children. It is more about embracing the choice we made to homeschool and attempting to fulfill own our goals. Time is precious, very precious.

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Just call me "Wilson". :D


There is every kind of home schooler around here and many are dear friends. However only one other Mom is classical with older ones like me. We often feel very, very alone. But we wouldn't change it for the world and we do have each other, even if we don't get to talk much. You are not alone!



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I would be most happy to join the island, so long as there is no humidity, or biting / stinging insects.


I haven't outsourced anything, and don't plan to. However, my oldest is going to be graduating early and then going to cc. Does that count? He will have all his grad requirements completed.

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I was a part of a co-op in MN, but, that was a supplement to what I was teaching at home for the most part. Since I've come here, I teach it all. It's been really great in some ways, it's forced me to really dig into what I'm doing and why instead of just going with the "norm" on things. I like that. It's simplified the process for me.


But, I have to admit, it's an awful lot of work!

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I'm on the island with you. No outsourcing here, except chorus (not enough in this family to make a chorus), and dance classes (this momma don't dance). Everything else, I choose, and I implement.


It's easier in some ways because dd is getting more independent, but my upcoming 3yo makes things challenging. She was easy at two. 3 is going to be a different game. Gotta watch her every second!


Anyway, You're not along, Colleen


Suzanne (who's right there with you) in ABQ

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