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For those having a bad day or need a respite!

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Thanks! I needed that! My brother threw his back out and I went this morning to take him to the dentist for an appointment he didn't want to cancel and to get him some groceries. My kids were supposed to be doing the schoolwork I left out for them while I was gone. Instead of doing their work, they repeatedly woke my sister, who lives with us and had asked the kids to please let her sleep unless it was an emergency because she had been working on her dissertation until 4 AM.


So, now I'm trying to do school and I don't feel like it. The laundry is stuck in the chute, and I'll have to go down there and try to dig it out. I also have to type up a new schedule before my cub scout meeting tonight and I don't want to do that, either!

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Thanks, definitely having a down day today. However, I thought I should show you what your pics look like from my perspective:


That's cool how you can see your computer screen and window like a split screen. This is my view. This is my pool. :)




and my hometown beach.




Ya'll are gonna start throwing snowballs at me now! :p :D:leaving::auto:

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Awww I'm sorry ladies. I was trying to joke with you ladies and be a little silly, but I think I'm just coming across as annoying jerk! :tongue_smilie: I didn't mean any harm though. :grouphug:


And OP, those pictures really are lovely. :)


Don't be sorry. Just get beds ready for 100! We are on the way. :auto: :D

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"Cabana boy, I'd like another pina colada and hand me another book off of my stack. Whatever's on top will be fine. Harry Potter? I've read it a million times but I'll happily read it a million and one."



Oh, this winter needs to END!


I'm in the midwest and we haven't had winter yet. It was 60 degrees today! That's unheard of. I invested in a good winter coat for Little Librarian and I want her to be able to use it.

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