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Police In Our Neighbourhood

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Yay us :001_huh::glare:


We were pinned in our houses for hours yesterday...Diva was walking the dog, and ordered back in the house.


Wolf and I went into the back yard over an hr later, and yelled at by an unseen male, "GET BACK IN THE HOUSE! GET BACK IN THE HOUSE!"


We had no clue what was going on...so, I called the paper, b/c it never fails that the news knows more than ppl living in the area.


I ended up being quoted in the article.




There's still a cruiser in the pkging lot this am :001_huh:


We've lived here almost 6 yrs now, its a first for something like this.


I'm not interested in sticking around for the 'next'.


If nothing else, it def solidifies our desire to get the heck out of here...And we're considered a 'good' neighbourhood in the area :001_huh:

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Nothing is worse than having violence in your own neighborhood. :sad:


When I lived in the hillside neighborhood in Duluth, Minnesota, I once had a woman kick in my door to use the phone because one guy shot another to death in front of my house. Another time, a girl of about twelve was threatening all of us on a city bus with a switchblade.


We moved.

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How scary! It's awful when violence is so close to home. When I was a kid, our neighbor across the street held his wife hostage w/a shot gun (don't know why). The police closed off our street. We had the SWAT team on the roof of our house. Everything ended alright when the wife managed to knock her husband out w/a frying pan and get out of the house. He was arrested. They moved. We moved shortly thereafter.

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Something like this happened when we were on base....our duplex neighbors were having major major domestic violence issues and the guy had assaulted his wife and then took off somewhere in the neighborhood armed. We weren't allowed to leave. I was very pregnant and totally freaked out. DH was home thankfully

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Well, since they screwed it up (I'm a mother of 5) and there are other families w/4 in the area, I'm not too worried :lol:


I want an acreage. Less ppl, less insanity, less violence.


I wondered about that when I read the linked article. I thought maybe I had miscounted or something. :tongue_smilie:

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I hs the 4 still at home.


Eldest is in the Navy.

Gotcha...I think I knew you had 5, but maybe I'm thinking about someone else...maybe I'm just really tired and not processing things well...new little one on the way has been really sapping my energy. Seriously, I'm taking 2-3 naps a day. I never sleep this much. :001_huh:

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Gotcha...I think I knew you had 5, but maybe I'm thinking about someone else...maybe I'm just really tired and not processing things well...new little one on the way has been really sapping my energy. Seriously, I'm taking 2-3 naps a day. I never sleep this much. :001_huh:

I was that way w/Boo.


Still am, napping in the afternoon most days.

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Things like that are really scary when you are an adult with children. I was caught in a scary situation as a child which I found humorous because I didn't know enough to be scared.



When I was in 5th or 6th grade, I left our apartment to walk to school when a man burst through the fence in the back of the complex. At the same time, several police cars skidded to a stop in front of the complex and drew their weapons on him. I was in the middle. They yelled at me to get back into the house and wouldn't let me go to school for a few hours.


The man turned out to be a drug dealer who supplied our neighbor who supplied my parents. He ratted out the neighbor, and when she got home she was searched, arrested, and had her infant taken by CPS for a few months. My parents were a wreck all morning but were never given up. When I finally got to school, I loved telling the school that "the cops wouldn't let me come to school this morning."

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This happened to my family. My dh and I were in the kitchen one Sunday and dh says "there's something I've never seen before" "there's a police sharp shooter on the median in front of our house" and finally he said "I don't think we are going to church today"


The sharp shooter was pointed at another house, but it was hard to tell which one.


Turned out the man in the house at the other end of our townhouse row had completed lost it and decided to hold a gun to his wife's head. He held the rest of the family hostage most of the night (grandma, 4 kids under 7, and a family friend who was there for a brief stay). By the time we were up everyone except the wife had gotten out of the house.


From our windows throughout the morning we got to see regular uniform police, SWAT, and sharp shooters. What we didn't see is 2 of those giant mobile command centers set up in our neighborhood. The police had contacted anyone who had their lights in the night to shut them off. In the morning they chased all the people with pets back in their houses. I think we were the last family to know. After they apprehended the guy the police were around for a while.


That was 10 years ago. The people who moved in after the guy went to jail and woman sold the house are very nice.

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We had only been in our very quiet, really nice neighborhood for a few months when the dad of 2 adult drug dealer sons moved in across the street. About 3 weeks after they moved in, I had SWAT in my backyard telling me to keep myself and my kids (1 year old twins) down near the back of the house because of a hostage situation. They would not come out of the house for like 2 hours! Bull horns and all. My nerves were shot. They have been foreclosed on and have been served so will be out soon thank goodness!


I was a very tired mom worrying about possible stray bullets. That's when I told my husband the next time we move, I won't settle for anything less than 20 acres! Of course if that happens, that beautiful country house down the road will be foreclosed on and bought out by druggies and turned into a meth lab. That would be my luck! :glare:


I hope things go better for you and no more scary drama in your neighborhood!

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Imp, you're FAMOUS!!


You are now, "The mother of four who did not want her name published." :lol:


'cept, as I've said, I'm the mother of five.


Just 4 still at home and hsing :lol:


Correcting that would absolutely id me though. Just not that many mom o'5s in this area :lol:

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When there was a drive-by shooting years ago just kittycorner across the street (we can see the house from ours) my neighbor and I made all the kids go play in the basement. We stood guard - were able to tell a police woman that no one unknown had run or driven down our street.

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Things like that happened a couple times when we still lived in the city. Once was when we were walking back from getting slurpees and were told to run home and lock the doors. THe police were doing a raid 2 doors down from us. We had several times had cops in the backyard and the police 'copter shining it's crazy bright light in my yard and bedroom window. The way my yards/gates were many used it as a walkway from the alley/open field to the street I lived on including bad guys trying to out run police. So glad to be out of that city.


How scary for you guys.

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How scary! It's awful when violence is so close to home. When I was a kid, our neighbor across the street held his wife hostage w/a shot gun (don't know why). The police closed off our street. We had the SWAT team on the roof of our house. Everything ended alright when the wife managed to knock her husband out w/a frying pan and get out of the house. He was arrested. They moved. We moved shortly thereafter.


You know I should not laugh but this description made me think of tangled and honestly I can not help but laugh everytime she hits the guy with the frying pan.

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