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Name this dog.... (pics included)...another question too

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Current name: Henry (16yo wants to keep)

I suggested Toby, Elvis (got one other vote), Einstein






One thought for us would be to pick a name that isn't as likely to be a one day foster child's name. So, for example, since Riley is pretty high on the list for girl names, I shouldn't use it for a dog's name.


(BTW, anyone watching the other thread? He was nuts again, in various ways, this evening. My son and I took him for a jog/walk (his second long one of the day); but obviously it didn't help...or it is triggering for him? I don't know. Seriously, hubby was wondering if I was sending him back tomorrow. I reminded him that he's been fine all day except those few hours. He really is wacko in the evenings. And now, he's lying down content. Isn't that weird?)

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"Hank the Cowdog" (since Hank is a nickname for Henry).


About the evening "wild thing" behavior - can you get hold of a crate? As soon as he starts getting wound up, crate him. It's great training and will help the dog feel safe. You can put the crate in your older son's room, which will help the dog feel even more secure.


This is one of those times where giving the dog a safe spot to relax and chill for a bit may really pay off! ETA: if you can't get a crate, have your older son take him (on leash) into a separate room and let the dog chill out.

Edited by AK_Mom4
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"Hank the Cowdog" (since Hank is a nickname for Henry).


About the evening "wild thing" behavior - can you get hold of a crate? As soon as he starts getting wound up, crate him. It's great training and will help the dog feel safe. You can put the crate in your older son's room, which will help the dog feel even more secure.


This is one of those times where giving the dog a safe spot to relax and chill for a bit may really pay off! ETA: if you can't get a crate, have your older son take him (on leash) into a separate room and let the dog chill out.

I was going to suggest a crate for that behavior also. I like Henry, personally!

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But, he's so "Einstein" looking! Especially in the first picture, with his ears all cockeyed! Sweet little thing. He reminds me of my Nika, my first dog. She was a Sheltie/Spitz mix and her face was just like that.

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I told ds16 that y'all said "lock him up." I couldn't see the dog at that time, but ds said he moved to indicate he didn't like that idea. LOL


When he starts that behavior, we'll give him a cool down period (time out? LOL) and see. It may be that he won't do it during the week since the kids will be at school all day....or he'll do it worse because it gets so exciting after 3:30? Hmmm... Well, that is just for this school year. Next year, homeschooling them all (well, the oldest two will have graduated but I'll have a preK, Kindy, and 1st grader :) ).


(see, it *is* a homeschooling thread! LOL)


Henry's name is growing on me. I wonder if that is why we can't find a name. My daughter likes that all three littles, though they don't have R sounds, can say it. Since their speech is so rough, finding something they can say, esp the little one, would be a challenge.

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Oh, that is a Henry (or Hank for short) if I ever saw one!! :D He's a cutie.


As for his behavior, Henry needs a j-o-b. And lots and lots of exercise. Without an outlet for his physical and mental energy, he'll not only have a hard time dealing with his crazies, he'll eventually get destructive. I have rescue pit bulls--I know high-energy, driven dogs! lol. Anyhow, I would keep it up with the runs--every day, if possible--try running longer! And I would defintely recommend finding some good local obedience classes. Even if he already knows his basic commands, the classes themselves will be great for socialization and mental stimulation, and good practice for those times when you need him to behave. And like I said, a job...would your son be interested in working with him doing some agility training or something else fun like that? His brain needs a workout just like his body does. He looks like one smart little stinker. :D Get him thinking!

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I like Henry.


I had a herding dog who got extra excited at twilight too. She was very sweet (almost too sweet) and she was anxious at twilight and very needy then. Sometimes she would run in the backyard alot other times she had to sit extrememly close to me or one of the kids. I remember trying to make sure she was inside at that time of the day. She came to us crate trained and would go in the crate herself to calm herself.


I vote for crate training for Henry. It is gives them a sense of home.

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Henry! Also night time nuttiness is normal. He is still pretty young right? I second the suggestion for something he can really chew on that comes out at that time. Maybe only use it in the crate. Get something really irresistible like a chew hoof or a really nice bone (the kind you get for dogs at the pet store).

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Anyhow, I would keep it up with the runs--every day, if possible--try running longer! And I would defintely recommend finding some good local obedience classes. Even if he already knows his basic commands, the classes themselves will be great for socialization and mental stimulation, and good practice for those times when you need him to behave. And like I said, a job...would your son be interested in working with him doing some agility training or something else fun like that? His brain needs a workout just like his body does. He looks like one smart little stinker. Get him thinking!


The reason I wanted a medium size dog (was thinking Australian Shepherd, my second fave since we can't have a pit bull which would have definitely been my first choice if we weren't fostering though we would have gotten a puppy then)....The reason I wanted a dog like this was for the runs. We take a lot of walks but I found out that I jog better than I walk (some may remember some of my physical issues). And I have A LOT of weight to lose. So I got him with a job in mind - to help me! And I loved how confident I felt running with him that first night (after dark). He does wish I was faster. LOL We'll work on it. I need a pre-couch-potato-to-5K :) Actually, I think I'm going to use the Treadmill Trainer series. I did well with that in the past. My son has started running and biking as well as going down to the lake. So we're hoping he can keep up with both of us. I figure so :)


He doesn't know ANY commands. And boy does he have a sloppy sit! He is learning sit pretty well. The kids like bossing him around so he gets plenty of practice :) My little daughter even made up a song about how we are the leaders. I've been telling them to quit telling each other what to do for over 9 months; now they have someone they can order around. We'll probably find better classes, but we did get a $20 off coupon for PetSmart classes and I thought that would be a good starter for him. I like that everyone is closer to one another also. When we did it through 4-H (professional dog trainer though), it was done in a park so everyone spread out a bit and each dog worked at his level.


He does have some good basic manners and he's a VERY fast learner. He sits when he goes up to someone and if he doesn't immediate does so upon being told to. He knows to sit to get pet. Also, we make him stay in the living room when we eat. He tested a little last night though he did fine before that, but back to today, he's fine. I would definitely think he had a family before.


We were going to go pick him up some better toys today. He doesn't really care for Josie's "baby" toys. LOL. We know some toys are more "thinking" toys so we were going to aim that way as well as chewing. I figured we could teach him to fetch or do frisbee also. I wondered if my one young'un may be able to do something special with him in time.


Anyway, his tummy is sad, probably because of moving places as well as changing foods. He hates the food we have (special for Josie) so we thought we'd get something a little more normal (chicken or something).

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I missed how old he was but, if he is less than 1 year old you need to think of him as a cranky preschooler when he is tired. Our boxer (who just turned one) gets psycho crazy at certain times. She jumps, steals toys, just basically throwing her version of a doggie fit. When she gets like this I send her to bed in her crate. She promptly flips herself on her back, feet in the air, and proceeds to snore. She just gets overtired!


As for training, Pet Smart is ok like you said, but I'd call around to some vets to see if they recommend something better.


For stomach problems, boiled chicken, canned tuna, or no sodium broth will help. Then you need to find a food and stick to it (I recommend a grain free kibble). HTH!

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And boy does he have a sloppy sit! He is learning sit pretty well. :).


First, I LOVE Henry! Leave Henry. It's adorable.


I thought ours was the only dog with a sloppy sit! I've never seen it before! So funny that you mention that.

Edited by alilac
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