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Since we're venting

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Here's a pet peeve of mine.


If you don't have babies, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't toddlers, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have children, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have pre-teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.


I don't mind advice from folks who have btdt. I have a hard time passing the bean dip to people who don't even have children, or the new parent with a two week old baby that knows it all.

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My peeve of the day is that prospective homebuyers have NO imagination!


Does MY house REALLY have to look freaking perfect when you walk through? Everything is clean - spotlessly clean, ready for surgery clean, does it matter if one little thing is out of place?


Does it really matter that we have totally different taste in everything and you just CANNOT imagine for the life of you how your stuff would look in this house? Really?


Couldn't you try a little to see past the fact that a very tired and very busy mom homeschools three very busy, very active children who live here, and dad is incredibly busy and under tons of pressure at his office and is out of the house 12+ hours a day at least?! Oh, and we have a dog, and we are sorry he kind of smells, but he will come with us when we move and then you won't smell him anymore.


C'mon, really? Could you give me a break?


We have science fair on Friday -- could you come back next week?:glare:

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Here's a pet peeve of mine.


If you don't have babies, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't toddlers, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have children, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have pre-teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.


I don't mind advice from folks who have btdt. I have a hard time passing the bean dip to people who don't even have children, or the new parent with a two week old baby that knows it all.


Yep, mine is similar. I have a relative that thinks she the expert on kids because she spent her teen years baby sitting. I'm sorry, but baby sitting and being a parent are two totally different beasts.

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Here's a pet peeve of mine.


If you don't have babies, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't toddlers, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have children, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have pre-teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.


I don't mind advice from folks who have btdt. I have a hard time passing the bean dip to people who don't even have children, or the new parent with a two week old baby that knows it all.


Amen sister.

My favorite at the moment? If you don't have a kid with a chronic illness don't tell me how to raise mine.

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LOL, I love your vent and completely agree! I do however remember thinking when my son was about 18 months that all the kids at the playground that ran too fast past him were awful and my kid would never run fast past little ones at the playground, lol :tongue_smilie: So I usually let the advice from the newborn parents roll off my sleeve ONCE. I hope they will learn as I did seeing my kids grow up that you know nothing until you have a kid that age!


My stepmom used to give advice. She had no children. Had married a man with kids her age :001_huh: and she felt like the mom to these people! Anyway, I finally had to have it out with her years ago that until she gave birth no more parenting advice. It shut her up. :lol:



Let's see, my vent this week is the new car lights. I can't see a darn thing when those things are in front of me, behind me, coming up beside me! They are too bright!!!

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Mine is pretty pathetic......



How long will I have to look for a purse I LIKE which will fit my IPad? Is it really asking that much to have something with a little style? I've shopped all local stores numerous times and have been searching the web for weeks. I'm getting tired of carrying it around. I fear I will drop it.


I'm so sick of seeing boring, drab, conservative, ugly and TOO BIG purses. I really should design my own.:glare:

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My peeve of the day is that prospective homebuyers have NO imagination!


Does MY house REALLY have to look freaking perfect when you walk through? Everything is clean - spotlessly clean, ready for surgery clean, does it matter if one little thing is out of place?


Does it really matter that we have totally different taste in everything and you just CANNOT imagine for the life of you how your stuff would look in this house? Really?


Couldn't you try a little to see past the fact that a very tired and very busy mom homeschools three very busy, very active children who live here, and dad is incredibly busy and under tons of pressure at his office and is out of the house 12+ hours a day at least?! Oh, and we have a dog, and we are sorry he kind of smells, but he will come with us when we move and then you won't smell him anymore.


C'mon, really? Could you give me a break?


We have science fair on Friday -- could you come back next week?:glare:



I hear ya! We're house-hunting now and I'm going crazy with all the perfect houses. I've got a great imagination so I can imagine what my life will look like in a particular house but seriously, having it smell like bleach and cleaning products all the time makes my head hurt. I can't imagine anything when I have a cleaning-products-induced migraine. We looked at one house this past week for the 2nd time. I asked our realtor to ask the family not to clean the house for our showing. If you lived nearby, I'd come look at your house and you wouldn't have to clean it.

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Here's a pet peeve of mine.


If you don't have babies, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't toddlers, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have children, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have pre-teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.


I don't mind advice from folks who have btdt. I have a hard time passing the bean dip to people who don't even have children, or the new parent with a two week old baby that knows it all.




Hallelujah to that!

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Here's a pet peeve of mine.


If you don't have babies, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't toddlers, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have children, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have pre-teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.


I don't mind advice from folks who have btdt. I have a hard time passing the bean dip to people who don't even have children, or the new parent with a two week old baby that knows it all.


I have to admit I've eaten a lot of crow in my life. One of my best friends had 3 boys the same ages as my three girls. They were boys in all the stereotypic boy ways that make you want to scream. My girls were stereotypic girls - strong willed, but not likely to jump off the roof as soon as they were old enough to know there was a roof to climb on and jump off of. I was SURE it was a parenting issue and if she was wonderful like I was her boys would be calm and quiet and play with trucks.

Then I had my son and realized he could climb to the top of the fridge by 16 months. And dismantle a doorknob by the age of 2. And pee in the backyard sandbox over and over and over. And he was still a great kid and I had to apologize to my friend for my assumptions based on my experience.


My pet peeve today is the dog who wakes me up to let him out when dh is downstairs sitting by the backdoor but not paying attention. I'm really not sure if it's the dog's fault or dh's fault, but they really should communicate and let me have that last 15 minutes undisturbed!!!!

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And if you only had one adopted baby that was a quiet, meek little toddler content to stay ignored in her crib for hours at a time, don't tell me how to raise my more lively kids.


If you do not have a child on the autism spectrum, don't tell me what to do with mine.

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And if you only had one adopted baby that was a quiet, meek little toddler content to stay ignored in her crib for hours at a time, don't tell me how to raise my more lively kids.


If you do not have a child on the autism spectrum, don't tell me what to do with mine.


Hmm. Not sure what being adopted has to do with it.


But I certainly understand your sentiment.

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My peeve of the day is that prospective homebuyers have NO imagination!


Does MY house REALLY have to look freaking perfect when you walk through? Everything is clean - spotlessly clean, ready for surgery clean, does it matter if one little thing is out of place?


Does it really matter that we have totally different taste in everything and you just CANNOT imagine for the life of you how your stuff would look in this house? Really?


Couldn't you try a little to see past the fact that a very tired and very busy mom homeschools three very busy, very active children who live here, and dad is incredibly busy and under tons of pressure at his office and is out of the house 12+ hours a day at least?! Oh, and we have a dog, and we are sorry he kind of smells, but he will come with us when we move and then you won't smell him anymore.


C'mon, really? Could you give me a break?


We have science fair on Friday -- could you come back next week?:glare:



YESS!!!! This is my gripe too.


And for the love of Pete...don't wait until I have something cooking to call for a showing...:lol: I think they have radar.

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This would be the only parent that thinks they know it all :lol:


:iagree: Yeah, I had to eat a lot of crow. At least, mentally. I almost never voiced my clearly superior parenting strategies. Gosh, I was a moron. :glare: :lol:



Here's mine. If you think having kids 3 years apart is a terrible thing, that kids can be 2 years apart or closer in age or 4 years apart or further. Fine. I don't need to be told that while corralling a toddler, lugging a newborn, all the stuff, while on 4 hours sleep. There's no need to expound upon that for 10 minutes while I nod and smile politely as you continue to tell me "no offense, it just seems like a bad idea and blah, blah, blah"


Also, it's a tiny bit insulting if you don't believe me when I tell you that no, I haven't had to deal with a lot of jealousy or new behavior issues since the baby came home.


Sorry my kid doesn't fit your theory!

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Amen sister.

My favorite at the moment? If you don't have a kid with a chronic illness don't tell me how to raise mine.


:iagree::iagree: Sometimes I just want to yell. "Yes, I know I am being overprotective (border line paranoid)...yes, I am aware that this illness also means limited choices for the "well" kid...yes, I am aware that I am probably creating a lifetime of hypocondria" :001_smile: I am doing the best that I can. It may not be perfect but this is as good as it gets.

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:iagree: Yeah, I had to eat a lot of crow. At least, mentally. I almost never voiced my clearly superior parenting strategies. Gosh, I was a moron. :glare: :lol:


I was just thinking the same thing :lol: I'm grateful all the time that I managed not to put most of my stupid opinions into words, because SO MANY of them have come back to haunt me.

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Hmm. Not sure what being adopted has to do with it.




But I certainly understand your sentiment.


Aunt M. never was pregnant, or had to deal with waking up at night, as she got the child when almost a year old and sleeping through the night. A very placid little baby. Yet suddenly she was an expert on babies and childcare.

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Here's a pet peeve of mine.


If you don't have babies, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't toddlers, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have children, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have pre-teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.

If you don't have teens, don't tell me how to raise mine.


I don't mind advice from folks who have btdt. I have a hard time passing the bean dip to people who don't even have children, or the new parent with a two week old baby that knows it all.



And if you haven't done any of those things in close to 40 YEARS don't tell me how to raise mine either! Especially if you were hardly every home doing the raising almost 40 YEARS ago!!

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If you don't have a kid with ADHD, don't tell me it isn't a "real" disorder, that I just need to discipline better.




Also, stop being so d@mned nosy. I know you don't ask how my mentally ill kid is doing out of concern, you just want to know the details because you're nosy and you want to go gossip with others in our social circle. Moron. You just keep up with your phony, concerned front, and I'll continue to pretend I actually like you.


ETA: did I really say/type that? :lol: Boy did it feel good! :D

Edited by Denisemomof4
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