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Fix It and Forget It cookbooks


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I have two from that series, both were gifts. They remind me a lot of the church cookbooks my mom had growing up, where people submit their favorite recipes to be included. There isn't a ton in it that is super healthy. A lot of it is more "cream of mushroom soup"-based and whatnot. It is comfort food stuff for me, because I grew up eating it. But it is not much that I would feed my family now as we are trying to eat much healthier. Oh, and the recipes themselves are hit and miss on their quality. Some are really good, some are not. Mostly I use them now if I am looking for a recipe of something similar to what I had growing up.

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Does your library have it?


I have one and I got my marinara recipe from there. I got the idea of pulled pork from there, but I've kind of made up my own version. Have tried a few things that only got made once, but I like having the book around for those times when I think using the crockpot will make my life so much easier (and it really doesn't, by the way!).

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it's really hard to find *the* recipe in it since all of the recipes sound about the same! I ditched my copy long ago, but I remember seeing something like 12 recipes for pulled pork. I mean, all you really need are one or two for really GOOD pulled pork. I haven't seen the America's Test Kitchens cookbook on crockpots, but I have three other ones they published and they are all good. So, I second that suggestion, sight unseen!



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I have several Fix It and Forget It cookbooks, including this one, and I LOVE them! Not everything in them is unhealthy, but if you want healthy, there is one called Fix It and Forget It Lightly: 600 Healthy Low-Fat Recipes for Your Slow Cooker and another called Fix-It and Forget-It Diabetic Cookbook: Slow-Cooker Favorites to Include Everyone.

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I had the original and the one for entertaining and ended up getting rid of both. As others said, the recipes aren't healthy and are all quite similar. Most use cream soup as a base. :tongue_smilie:I found a few keepers in each one, but not enough.


I also checked out Fix it and Forget it Lightly from the library and wasn't impressed. It seems that they think the way to make a recipe healthier is to use fat free cream soup. :lol:

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I got one as a gift a few years ago and never used it. I actually just pulled it out of the drawer the other day and tossed it into the Goodwill pile. I don't like them because there are no photos of the finished product. I like to see a visual of what I'll be eating when it is complete to see whether I think it looks tasty or not.

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