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As a guest in someone's home, would you do this?

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I wouldn't change it in someone else's house. That is weird. I change it in my house though if DH or one of the kids put it on wrong! As someone else posted, I would straighten crooked pictures in someone else's house though...at least if I thought they wouldn't care and they weren't watching!

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The way it's "supposed to be" in my house is the way I like it! (I am deliberately refraining from indicating the direction I like my toilet paper to unroll :tongue_smilie:)


See, but there *is* a right way, you're probably just too young to know it!


Back in the "olden days" they used to sell tp with little pastel-colored flowers printed on it. If you faced the roll with the hanging part away from the wall/cabinet, you could see the flowers (OBVIOUSLY the right way, lol!). If you faced the hanging part closest to the wall/cabinet, then you couldn't see the flowers.


Also, if the tissue is closer to the wall, then your wall gets dirtier faster, from people inadvertently brushing their hand/fingers on the wall, AND, if you happen to have one of those old-fashioned slightly recessed tp holders, if you put the tissue hanging closer to the wall, sometimes you can't reach it at all! :001_huh:


There's a method to my madness. :tongue_smilie:

(I hope you can read my sense of humor here, because obviously in your house, I think you should hang it however you want to!)

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My grandma and grandpa could never agree on which way to hang a roll of toilet paper so grandpa installed a second hanger that way they each could have their own.


That's hilarious!


OP, it makes me wonder if your guests are conspiring to tease you. Are you at all known for being picky about things like that? Or maybe they're trying to subtly convince you of the error of your ways in an effort to avoid a TP intervention??:tongue_smilie:

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Of course they shouldn't change it!








Unless you hung it the wrong way. In that case it is justified. Since it happened so often with multiple guests YOU are clearly the problem.



I'd do it just to mess with someone :D


:lol: That's what I thought too!


You aren't having it hang down from the back of the roll against the wall are you? That would explain your guests correcting the situation. :D


I wouldn't change it in someone's house, but I'd want to. :lol:

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:lol: And all this time I've thought it was ridiculously easy to grab the toilet paper regardless of which way you put it on.

:iagree: Discussions regarding the proper way to hang toilet paper crack me up. So no, I would never switch the roll around at someone's house or even notice if they changed mine.;)

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I would hang a calligraphy above the roll in the bathroom:


Dear Guest,


We have placed this roll here for your use. We hope you find it in an acceptable position. However, if at anytime, the manner in which it is hung disturbs your OCD sense of propriety, please feel free to adjust the situation.


Yours Truly,

Manager of the Home




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I will be really honest. My obsessions and compulsions might lead me to change the roll in someone else's house although I'd exert effort to leave it be... However, if they then changed it back, I would feel horrible and embarrassed and would do everything in my power to not change it again. :001_huh:


ETA: If someone switched it at my house I would probably hyperventilate lol

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That's hilarious!


OP, it makes me wonder if your guests are conspiring to tease you. Are you at all known for being picky about things like that? Or maybe they're trying to subtly convince you of the error of your ways in an effort to avoid a TP intervention??:tongue_smilie:


That might be hilarious--if people liked seeing my eyebrows twitch :lol:


DH knows I have a preference, but I don't think that information has made its way to all of these populations through him.


(I actually thought it was him at first--we disagree on tp direction, and I thought he was changing it to how he thought other people would want it.)

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:lol: I would never change someone else's roll, but I would silently judge them for hanging it wrong. :D


Everyone knows the correct way is over the top...:lol:



At our house - it is a "chore" for one of the kids to go around the house and make sure that each bathroom has toilet paper on the holder as well as extras on the back of the toilet.....I am always switching the TP to MY way.....


Time for me to be more specific on the directions for this particular chore :D

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I would hang a calligraphy above the roll in the bathroom:


Dear Guest,


We have placed this roll here for your use. We hope you find it in an acceptable position. However, if at anytime, the manner in which it is hung disturbs your OCD sense of propriety, please feel free to adjust the situation.


Yours Truly,

Manager of the Home





My mother collected funny bathroom signs. When I was growing up, we had:


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.

We aim to please. You aim too, please.

In case of air raid, hide in here: it hasn't been hit yet.


and so on....


When new friends would come over, they would always take forever in the bathroom. As a teen, I was less than impressed by my mother's sense ofhumour, of course. :D


All she was missing was a sign about the TP. :D

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See, but there *is* a right way, you're probably just too young to know it!


Back in the "olden days" they used to sell tp with little pastel-colored flowers printed on it. If you faced the roll with the hanging part away from the wall/cabinet, you could see the flowers (OBVIOUSLY the right way, lol!). If you faced the hanging part closest to the wall/cabinet, then you couldn't see the flowers.


Also, if the tissue is closer to the wall, then your wall gets dirtier faster, from people inadvertently brushing their hand/fingers on the wall, AND, if you happen to have one of those old-fashioned slightly recessed tp holders, if you put the tissue hanging closer to the wall, sometimes you can't reach it at all! :001_huh:


There's a method to my madness. :tongue_smilie:

(I hope you can read my sense of humor here, because obviously in your house, I think you should hang it however you want to!)


:iagree: Thank you!


I would hang a calligraphy above the roll in the bathroom:


Dear Guest,


We have placed this roll here for your use. We hope you find it in an acceptable position. However, if at anytime, the manner in which it is hung disturbs your OCD sense of propriety, please feel free to adjust the situation.


Yours Truly,

Manager of the Home





Love it!


My mother collected funny bathroom signs. When I was growing up, we had:


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie.

We aim to please. You aim too, please.

In case of air raid, hide in here: it hasn't been hit yet.


and so on....


When new friends would come over, they would always take forever in the bathroom. As a teen, I was less than impressed by my mother's sense ofhumour, of course. :D


All she was missing was a sign about the TP. :D



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