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Other hs families near you: classical, traditional, unschooly, other...?

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Most of the hs'ers I've met lean toward school-in-a-box, with the next largest group leaning more unschooly and/or Waldorfy.

But I did just post some books on our local "garage sale" site, and 2 people have expressed interest in Writing Strands, with one also expressing interest in VfCR and CT 1 and 2. I'm trying to resist asking if I can hug her. :D

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We live about 15 miles outside the city, and our county has the largest percentage of homeschoolers in the state. We have a large group of just about anything you can imagine - classical, textbook, unschoolers, etc. The people outside the city itself tend to use something structured, while those inside are more "hippie" unschoolers. The co-op at our church alone has over 350 kids, and there is another one in town just as large. There is also a large Catholic homeschool group.

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Most of the time at hs gatherings, it feels like I'm surrounded by unschoolers.


I get seriously embarrassed sometimes, admitting that my dd6 even does schoolwork - let alone my ds4. At a recent gathering before Xmas, I had some old school stuff out on my bake sale table (to sell) and another mama said, "oh, you're into THAT," like it was porn. :lol:


Does anyone have a nice community of classical hs'ers around them? Who are the majority of hs'ers in your area??


I'm the only classical hs'er I know of in my area...


A Beka/A Beka Academy and ACE are the big hits with the majority of hs'ing families I know. (I know one family who calls themselves "unschoolers".)

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We have a fairly good sized homeschooling population here and from what I can tell they run the gamut from radical unschooling to very structured, but the majority of people that my ds participates in activities with lean more towards the unschooling side. I know that there are plenty of people who at least use ideas from classical home education though because our library has every Peace Hill Press/SWB book written (plus tons of other HSing books, that's how I originally discovered BFSU) and they're always checked out/waitlisted.


Myself? I fall somewhere in the middle. Unschoolish about some things, more structured with others. I've noticed that when there are HS gatherings (park days, field trips and such) that the mothers NEVER talk about curricula or actual HSing (at least not when I've been around) but I would imagine that many of the families who are more quiet about their HSing methods are also fairly middle of the road. I could be wrong though seeing as it's not something I've actually heard discussed, LOL.

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As far as homeschool group diversity, there is none here. Not many meet any more, but the ones who do, and have all these years, are about the same. I've never met a Catholic homeschooler or a LDS one. Orthodox is non-existent as well. There may be a secular person here and there but none who really claim that they are.


I'm looking forward to the move. I'm hoping the SW portion of Ohio has more diversity - even a little diversity is more.


not to hijack...but i'm in sw ohio!!!!:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile: i'd be up for a get together when you get moved:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:

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Mostly Christian homeschoolers using boxed curriculum.


This. I know there is a CC group that meets about an hour away from here but I've only met one person in my area that goes. I know one unschooler (who is really more of a non-schooler). All of the others that I have met are conservative Christians using Abeka, BJU, etc.

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I know there are conservative Christian groups, and most of them used boxed curriculum. There's a Catholic group, and an unschoolers group too.


The group I belong to broke off from a group I used to belong to. We are truly inclusive. Our members are all over the map in religious (or not) beliefs as well as homeschool styles. When I read this and other forums, I realize how lucky I am to have a local group that's so accepting.

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The majority are relaxed with some unschoolers (a few real ones and most others who claim the term incorrectly) and a very few rigorous school-in-a-boxers.


I tried to start a classical community, but even the people who say they are classical just mean they have done a half year of Latin at some point and read SOTW. :confused: They didn't want to really do classical unfortunately. We joined a co-op that has some pretty academic folks in a neighboring city, but it's very school-ish and worksheet-driven, and my classical ideals don't fit. :D

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Among people I know personally, they're mostly classical (probably what a lot of people here would consider "light" classical, me included) or relaxed/eclectic. I know some unschoolers too. My kids have playdates with three different Hive Mind families. :D

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Well in my State it is pretty hard to be a hardcore unschooler because we have to gain permission from the Education department to HS and to do that we have to follow their guidelines which includes following the public school curriculum to some degree. We have to cover certain content, we have to cover 8 subject areas and we have to provide samples of the work and lesson plans.


People here do what is termed "Natural Learning" where they allow the child to pick their own topics according to interests and then try and wrangle it to meet the requirements but to totally unschool as in letting your child play Lego's all day or play video games would not work - you wouldn't be allowed to continue homeschooling.


In my area most are classical/traditional learners - and most are Christian.


I try to do more project based learning where my DD picks and designs her own topics and projects but we also do classical/traditional because there is content I have to cover she is not interested in and I can't just let her learn to read and write when she wants to learn because I have to make sure she is at least making progress towards her supposed grade level in all her skills KWIM.


It's tough when you have a kid who learns better in the unschooling mode.


Lucky for me my 2nd child is a die hard traditional workbook fan :D

Edited by sewingmama
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Does anyone have a nice community of classical hs'ers around them? Who are the majority of hs'ers in your area??


Ever since I started a monthly classical Moms support group last spring, I have been meeting some other classical-ish Moms. I've also discovered that two or three Moms whom I already knew are interested in classical-style education.


There are quite a few unschoolers in my area, some traditional schoolers, and some eclectic schoolers. Of the homeschooling families in my church, there is this variety as well. I am very good friends with at least one Mom of each "group," because these ladies are the ones with whom I started out this homeschooling journey (and had friendships with before I had my first baby). We may differ now somewhat in our educational philosophies, but the friendships remained because, well, we are friends who love each other.

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I think it'd be fun to meet you :) I can't remember where you said you are, but even if just for a field trip, I'm always up to meeting someone :) My son is 8 and he loves new friends.... OMSI or Gilbert House are common places for us to go :)


What is Gilbert House?


We always love OMSI trips. Do you have membership? I think I get 2 guests on mine if you don't. What days are good? Wednesdays are good at the moment as my 4 year old little terror is in preschool that day.

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