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woah baby! (a bit CC)

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On Thursday July 12, I was in a small auto accident that sent me into L and D for observation. At midnight, my OB called in and said he wanted to induce my vbac since I was 37 and 1/2 weeks, had gestational diabetes that wasn't being controlled by the pill form of med (they were considering insulin the last two weeks) and there was a question about a possibility of a small placental tear from the accident in an area I had some pain. (I had no bleeding, but there was a shadow on the U/S.)


I started out the Vbac and then had some anxiety about two hours in because I was worried about trying the vbac under those conditions. I stopped it myself and waited until morning so I could discuss things with both the OB and my DH (and a priest from pastoral care as well since it was a Catholic hospital and I am Catholic and this was a hard decision for me.)


I ended up choosing to do a repeat c section, which I kind of regret a bit now because I had a blood pressure reaction the spinal and felt my heart slow down and then heard all the commotion going on, and then my BP went too high from the correction. It was very frightening. I did get to see the baby right away though and feed her in recovery unlike my last c section where I didn't see baby for 7 hours.


I had to stay in the recovery area for 24H of observation to check for a stroke from the BP spike, low oxygen, and horrible headache. Baby went to the nursery on the next floor and they brought her for all her feedings. I eventually was cleared to move to the floor though and had baby room in with me. She needed supplements, but they are very pro-breastfeeding and worked with me on everything with cup feedings and syringes. She did have to stay for jaundice after my release, but I could room-in and nurse her or supplement her after pumping.


We are home now and recovery is going very slow. We are watching for infection in me and her weight gain is too slow, but both her ped and my OB are helping. She nurses great and then gets tired and needs the extra supplement, and she might have a milk protein allergy that I am learning to work with.


It's been a crazy ride, and I thank everyone for all their prayers and good wishes.


I am struggling with the idea that having two c-sections and the difficulties with this c-section means I am done with childbearing, and if I'd gone though with the vbac attempt, I wouldn't have that hanging over me. However, way back while I was in observation only, before any mention of induction by my OB, I was flipping channels and watching a discussion on EWTN (Catholic network). The entire topic was about how 7 is a number of completion and brought up various examples and theology about this. I kept thinking, "This is my 7th baby; it's like he is talking to me."


Now I wonder if He is trying to speak to me. It's weird because I have been dealing with some anger right now because my DH still has not found a job despite many interviews, and we have only 2 months left on unemployment. This means we are still living with family and I will still have to send my children to public school this fall until we can move. I keep telling myself to trust in God while struggling with this, but I have to admit, without losing his job and needing to leave our sub-par rental, I would never be in this spot- in a comfortable central air conditioned house in a very hot summer within walking distance of a Catholic hospital with a sliding fee clinic with a pregnancy requiring weekly shots, biweekly NST tests, weekly ultrasounds from 30 weeks on, g. diabetes counseling, major emphasis on breastfeeding support, free babysitting for all these visits... it's funny how things work.


I have much to pray about and have many things to consider, but I feel pretty good right now though a little drugged up :tongue_smilie:(trying to edit my grammar in this post is hurting my brain :lol: and I have to stand to type still.)


Sorry this ended up so long! I guess I had quite a bit to get out!

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I just discovered I am expecting #7. My DH is fine with this, just worried about my own health, but we are in such a patch of economic hardship that EVERYONE ELSE in my life is going to come down on me like a reign of terror.


Because my DH lost his job and we lost our home two months later, we are currently living in my in-laws basement- DH, I, my 6 other children. It was our last option before being homeless as I do not have much family. This was traumatic for me as I had to give up homeschooling (their rules) and they do not like me, even after years and years. I am still afterschooling around their local public school and plan to homeschool when DH finds a new job and we move.


I am a practicing Catholic- something that is mocked often by my ILs (even though they claim to be Catholic). DH and I use NFP- but since we moved here 4 months ago, we've been abstaining except for 1 particular :D during my 'safe' week because of the entire situation. Well- God clearly wanted this baby to be here, and I'm not going to question that.


If possible though, keep me in your prayers a bit so that I may have strength to face all the negativity, the "Well, I hope you miscarry," comments, "don't you know how that happens", the "why didn't you get your tubes tied during your c-section," the "pregnancy after a c-section can endanger your life," type comments I'm going to get from everyone else? I know I'm more of a lurker, but this board has been very comforting during all this stress going on in my life right now. I got many of those types of comments when I was expecting #6, and we were in a comfortable situation two years ago; I don't want to know what they'll all say now.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I can't believe someone actually said to you "I hope you miscarry" What a ghastly thing to think let alone say aloud to a pregnant woman's face!! :eek: That has to be one of the worst things I've ever heard! I'm so so sorry honey. I'm praying for you! Congratulations on your pregnancy! God will work it all out. He will never give you more than you can handle. Trust in Him and he will direct your path. :grouphug:


ETA: I didn't realize how old the original post was. :blushing: Congratulations on your baby girl. I pray you have a speedy recovery and that you and baby are healthy and well. Congratulations mama! :)

Edited by Ibbygirl
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:grouphug: Glad everything is ok/better now. I'm praying that the right job comes along soon! Hang in there. God is good.



bumping this!



On Thursday July 12, I was in a small auto accident that sent me into L and D for observation. At midnight, my OB called in and said he wanted to induce my vbac since I was 37 and 1/2 weeks, had gestational diabetes that wasn't being controlled by the pill form of med (they were considering insulin the last two weeks) and there was a question about a possibility of a small placental tear from the accident in an area I had some pain. (I had no bleeding, but there was a shadow on the U/S.)


I started out the Vbac and then had some anxiety about two hours in because I was worried about trying the vbac under those conditions. I stopped it myself and waited until morning so I could discuss things with both the OB and my DH (and a priest from pastoral care as well since it was a Catholic hospital and I am Catholic and this was a hard decision for me.)


I ended up choosing to do a repeat c section, which I kind of regret a bit now because I had a blood pressure reaction the spinal and felt my heart slow down and then heard all the commotion going on, and then my BP went too high from the correction. It was very frightening. I did get to see the baby right away though and feed her in recovery unlike my last c section where I didn't see baby for 7 hours.


I had to stay in the recovery area for 24H of observation to check for a stroke from the BP spike, low oxygen, and horrible headache. Baby went to the nursery on the next floor and they brought her for all her feedings. I eventually was cleared to move to the floor though and had baby room in with me. She needed supplements, but they are very pro-breastfeeding and worked with me on everything with cup feedings and syringes. She did have to stay for jaundice after my release, but I could room-in and nurse her or supplement her after pumping.


We are home now and recovery is going very slow. We are watching for infection in me and her weight gain is too slow, but both her ped and my OB are helping. She nurses great and then gets tired and needs the extra supplement, and she might have a milk protein allergy that I am learning to work with.


It's been a crazy ride, and I thank everyone for all their prayers and good wishes.


I am struggling with the idea that having two c-sections and the difficulties with this c-section means I am done with childbearing, and if I'd gone though with the vbac attempt, I wouldn't have that hanging over me. However, way back while I was in observation only, before any mention of induction by my OB, I was flipping channels and watching a discussion on EWTN (Catholic network). The entire topic was about how 7 is a number of completion and brought up various examples and theology about this. I kept thinking, "This is my 7th baby; it's like he is talking to me."


Now I wonder if He is trying to speak to me. It's weird because I have been dealing with some anger right now because my DH still has not found a job despite many interviews, and we have only 2 months left on unemployment. This means we are still living with family and I will still have to send my children to public school this fall until we can move. I keep telling myself to trust in God while struggling with this, but I have to admit, without losing his job and needing to leave our sub-par rental, I would never be in this spot- in a comfortable central air conditioned house in a very hot summer within walking distance of a Catholic hospital with a sliding fee clinic with a pregnancy requiring weekly shots, biweekly NST tests, weekly ultrasounds from 30 weeks on, g. diabetes counseling, major emphasis on breastfeeding support, free babysitting for all these visits... it's funny how things work.


I have much to pray about and have many things to consider, but I feel pretty good right now though a little drugged up :tongue_smilie:(trying to edit my grammar in this post is hurting my brain :lol: and I have to stand to type still.)


Sorry this ended up so long! I guess I had quite a bit to get out!

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Congratulations!! I am sorry your delivery was so scary. That's how mine was with DS. Reactions to the epidural and other meds, blood pressure in me amd heart rate in baby....scary stuff. But you are both healthy and at home! I hope your recovery is quick.

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How scary! Congrats on the baby! Hang in there. Just when I had given up hope in a job coming along for my dh (16 month layoff) he found a job. It's been 18 months now and I'm still not over the fear of him losing his job again. I don't know if I ever will be, but things are much, much better. And with the distance, I can see a few positives from his layoff, which is nice.

Cuddle that little one and trust your faith that everything will work out.

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Oh, and even though I'm a huge VBAC advocate, and have had one, and am planning another, I too would have been uncomfortable with inducing given the situation. I don't blame you. Pitocin on top of a possible abruption seems dangerous to me.

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