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Should I keep my new IPad?

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Dh got me an IPad for Christmas :w00t: I wasn't at all expecting this (in fact, he got a hilarious picture of my shock and surprise upon opening said gift! :lol: )


He has heard me talk and talk and talk about how cool it would be for homeschooling to have an IPad. I have a bunch of apps on my IPod that the kids use a lot and it seems that I'm constantly wanting to look things up on the computer, from PDF's to YouTube, etc.


So, he decided to surprise me with one for Christmas - a 64GB one, no less. But after getting it I jsut started feeling like it's so terribly expensive and really not something that I need. I felt guilty for ever coveting one and have realized that I really am blessed beyond measure and shouldn't have been "complaining".


We each have IPods, have a fairly new laptop and we have recently ordered a Kobo ereader (dh is taking a class and could get his books digitally for a fraction of the price for hard copies - making the ereader the sensible solution). I was so excited about the Kobo because I can put PDF's on it and figured between the Kobo and the IPod I could make do and stop wishing for an IPad. Then I got one :tongue_smilie:


So - should I keep it? He is being very gracious and understanding as I wrestle with this but maintains that he has never regretted his purchase and hopes that I will keep it. He isn't being financially irresponsible (as in, the money was available) but obviously that money could be used a million other things that seem so much more practical.


Basically, I feel like a spoiled brat :glare: I really, really don't know whether or not I should keep it or just return it, count my blessings and learn to be content.

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Are you one of those moms that never gets for herself and always gives to everyone else before herself? This situation sounds like a case of that! You shouldn't feel guilty for getting an amazing gift. I am sure you deserve it!


The iPad is an amazing new toy that you will come to LOVE. It won't just benefit you, but (the very reason you originally wanted it) is a wonderful resource for schooling. When we are doing Science and the kids have a question about something, I grab the iPad and look up whatever they want to know on YouTube or Google. The same for Science and even sometimes Math, Art, etc. It has been a wonderful resources for the classroom. I also use it to play games (some of which are very addicting). I love playing Suduko and a few different Word games like Words with Friends. The Time Management games are also a blast.


You should sit down with it for a couple hours and explore. Enjoy it mama! You deserve it! :001_smile:

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I think you should keep it. You have the money and your dh wants you to enjoy this.


It was a gift. Let go of the guilt and enjoy it. :D /my alternate answer.


I know - it seems kind of silly and even ungrateful to be debating this, doesn't it? But I feel like I put the idea in his head and now wish I had just kept my mouth shut!!


It is very sweet that he's willing to do this (he is actually a very frugal guy and would NEVER do something like this for himself) and I do see him wanting me to enjoy it. I haven't even opened it yet!!

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Are you one of those moms that never gets for herself and always gives to everyone else before herself? This situation sounds like a case of that! You shouldn't feel guilty for getting an amazing gift. I am sure you deserve it!


The iPad is an amazing new toy that you will come to LOVE. It won't just benefit you, but (the very reason you originally wanted it) is a wonderful resource for schooling. When we are doing Science and the kids have a question about something, I grab the iPad and look up whatever they want to know on YouTube or Google. The same for Science and even sometimes Math, Art, etc. It has been a wonderful resources for the classroom. I also use it to play games (some of which are very addicting). I love playing Suduko and a few different Word games like Words with Friends. The Time Management games are also a blast.


You should sit down with it for a couple hours and explore. Enjoy it mama! You deserve it! :001_smile:


That sounds a lot like the way I envisioned using an IPad for homeschool. I'm not generally a techie kind of person although I do spend quite a bit of time on the web. There's a part of me that's afraid of over-using it with the kids for games and apps. We already have television and Wii and I don't want them in front of a screen all day!! I should probably teach them face to face sometimes! ;)


Thanks for the encouragement. I do have a hard time spending money on myself - if this was a gift from someone else I think it would be easier but from dh it feels like the whole family is sacrificing for me.

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This makes me laugh because I have absolutely no good reason for coveting an iPad as much as I do. I know my husband will get one for me as soon as the newest version is released (because that's just how he is). In the meantime I'm feeling both guily for wanting one and for the fact that I'll have one eventually. ;)

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I understand how you feel. I'm the same way and would be teetering back and forth on whether to keep it or not (and actually did last May when my DH bought me one).


Go ahead and open it. While it has some uses now, more and more will become available with time. It's nice to have it now. Others in the house, including DH, will find uses for it.


Enjoy it and give him a hug. :grouphug:

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This makes me laugh because I have absolutely no good reason for coveting an iPad as much as I do. I know my husband will get one for me as soon as the newest version is released (because that's just how he is). In the meantime I'm feeling both guily for wanting one and for the fact that I'll have one eventually. ;)


You have a great attitude about it! I bet it's super fun for your dh to buy you things :D

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I understand how you feel. I'm the same way and would be teetering back and forth on whether to keep it or not (and actually did last May when my DH bought me one).


Go ahead and open it. While it has some uses now, more and more will become available with time. It's nice to have it now. Others in the house, including DH, will find uses for it.


Enjoy it and give him a hug. :grouphug:


Thanks for understanding. When dh bought me an IPod Touch for my birthday I was hugely surprised but accepted without second thought - with excitement, enthusiasm, all the things he was hoping for in a reaction. This is just SO expensive that it's giving me pause. We recently sold a tractor (we've moved from our farm) and the IPad is only a "bit" of that money so I understand why he felt he could do it and I really do appreciate his thoughtfulness.


I'm sure he'll find uses for it as well. I bet he's looking forward to Angry Birds on a big screen!! :D

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On another note, if you open it and use it for a couple hours to see if you will even enjoy it, Apple will still take it back if you decide you want to return it. Trust me though....I doubt you will wanna return it after playing with it for a couple hours! :D


I love my IPod so much and use it daily I'm convinced that I'll love using the IPad - it just feels indulgent in light of the other technology we have I guess. Good to know that it can still be returned - I should open it tomorrow - I think it's hard for dh that it's still sitting in the box!!

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I love my IPod so much and use it daily I'm convinced that I'll love using the IPad - it just feels indulgent in light of the other technology we have I guess. Good to know that it can still be returned - I should open it tomorrow - I think it's hard for dh that it's still sitting in the box!!


It sounds like your DH put a lot of thought into this and really wanted you to have it. You should go open it and stop contemplating whether to return it or not. Be content and enjoy it. Be thankful that you have an awesome DH.

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I vote for keeping it and enjoying it. My DH loves to give gifts and would buy something like that if we could afford it, just so he could surprise me and make me smile. I'd wrestle with the "it's so expensive" thing too, but after the past couple of years, where DH and I couldn't afford to spend much on each other, I've decided that if we're ever in a better financial place, and he wants to buy me something semi-frivolous, if I like it, I'm going to let him. Use it, enjoy it, and know that he loves you. :)

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My reaction was similar when my DH got me one for my 40th birthday (it is also my anniversary and Christmas present). I got over my guilt over the cost pretty quickly when I started using it! It isn't selfish or covetous simply to want something nice. Your husband wants to bless you by giving you something you want and that he has the means to provide. I think you should accept it instead of rejecting it.

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I totally understand the feeling as I received one for Christmas from SIL andBIL too and then I received the kindle I asked for also (never ever ever would have expected or asked for the IPad). I have wrestled with wether I need both and if they are practical. I never would have bought both for myself. my husband and I had just decided we would buy a Fire for a combination devices it is sooooo much cheaper especially instead of two devices! I just feel sooo totally blessed and spoiled! All that to say it was a gift and he meant you to have something you REALLY wanted that would be extra special for you and you should enjoy it I think! You will love it for school PDFs and for education apps and for browsing this curriculum!

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It sounds like your DH put a lot of thought into this and really wanted you to have it. You should go open it and stop contemplating whether to return it or not. Be content and enjoy it. Be thankful that you have an awesome DH.


Keep it and appreciate his generosity! My dh spoils me rotten but I no longer have guilt about it. Your dh is showing you how much he appreciates you, IMHO, so let go of the guilt and enjoy the iPad!




Sounds like the family wants to treat you-- enjoy!


I guess I know now that I have issues! :D I will try to let go and enjoy it. It's coming out of the box today.

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I vote for keeping it and enjoying it. My DH loves to give gifts and would buy something like that if we could afford it, just so he could surprise me and make me smile. I'd wrestle with the "it's so expensive" thing too, but after the past couple of years, where DH and I couldn't afford to spend much on each other, I've decided that if we're ever in a better financial place, and he wants to buy me something semi-frivolous, if I like it, I'm going to let him. Use it, enjoy it, and know that he loves you. :)


He loved the surprise of it - had the camera ready and was thrilled with my reaction. As we've been talking about it his sentiment has been open it, use it, and know that he loves me.

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keep it! He can use it a lot it too. Your whole family will use it as well. - does that make you feel better?!


It does make me feel somewhat better :tongue_smilie: I know it's very, very useful - just can't quite make it feel like a "need" in my mind. Probably doesn't help that I have a SIL who is on a crusade to convince us all that we should be saving starving children instead of exchanging Christmas gifts at all.

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My reaction was similar when my DH got me one for my 40th birthday (it is also my anniversary and Christmas present). I got over my guilt over the cost pretty quickly when I started using it! It isn't selfish or covetous simply to want something nice. Your husband wants to bless you by giving you something you want and that he has the means to provide. I think you should accept it instead of rejecting it.


I totally understand the feeling as I received one for Christmas from SIL andBIL too and then I received the kindle I asked for also (never ever ever would have expected or asked for the IPad). I have wrestled with wether I need both and if they are practical. I never would have bought both for myself. my husband and I had just decided we would buy a Fire for a combination devices it is sooooo much cheaper especially instead of two devices! I just feel sooo totally blessed and spoiled! All that to say it was a gift and he meant you to have something you REALLY wanted that would be extra special for you and you should enjoy it I think! You will love it for school PDFs and for education apps and for browsing this curriculum!


We justified ours as an education tool. Five people in the house use it almost every day. Embrace the generous gift and keep it. I frequently tell my dh how grateful I am for our iPad.:001_smile:


I cried when I got mine this weekend! I totally understand how you feel, but kee it!


Lots of votes for keeping and enjoying it - accepting it with grace and gratitude, right?

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I'm just wondering if you opened it yet and what you have decided!:bigear:


I am going to open it. We've been travelling since Christmas afternoon so this morning has been spent opening toys, playing games, putting in batteries, etc. We'll have some quiet time this afternoon and dh and I will open it up!

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Dh got me an IPad for Christmas :w00t: I wasn't at all expecting this (in fact, he got a hilarious picture of my shock and surprise upon opening said gift! :lol: )


He has heard me talk and talk and talk about how cool it would be for homeschooling to have an IPad. I have a bunch of apps on my IPod that the kids use a lot and it seems that I'm constantly wanting to look things up on the computer, from PDF's to YouTube, etc.


So, he decided to surprise me with one for Christmas - a 64GB one, no less. But after getting it I jsut started feeling like it's so terribly expensive and really not something that I need. I felt guilty for ever coveting one and have realized that I really am blessed beyond measure and shouldn't have been "complaining".


We each have IPods, have a fairly new laptop and we have recently ordered a Kobo ereader (dh is taking a class and could get his books digitally for a fraction of the price for hard copies - making the ereader the sensible solution). I was so excited about the Kobo because I can put PDF's on it and figured between the Kobo and the IPod I could make do and stop wishing for an IPad. Then I got one :tongue_smilie:


So - should I keep it? He is being very gracious and understanding as I wrestle with this but maintains that he has never regretted his purchase and hopes that I will keep it. He isn't being financially irresponsible (as in, the money was available) but obviously that money could be used a million other things that seem so much more practical.


Basically, I feel like a spoiled brat :glare: I really, really don't know whether or not I should keep it or just return it, count my blessings and learn to be content.

awwww what an awesome husband!!!!!!!


Be spoiled and enjoy it.

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Do you have credit card debt? If you have no CC debt and have the money to pay for the iPad then keep it. Otherwise, take it back and get out of debt.


No - no credit card debt. The only "debt" we have is a mortgage and we do have some degree of savings. It's not that I feel like we can't afford it, just that it's a lot of money that could be used in so many more ways.

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