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Did you watch the Doctor Who Christmas special?

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I did, and I almost cried at the end. The whole story line that led up to the finale just didn't sit well with me so that made the ending of the special last night just a bit bizarre. But it was touching, I'll concede that point. The story line of the special seemed a bit rushed to me. The mom would change her attitude in a heartbeat that left me kind of puzzled each time. I kept saying 'really?' and I don't usually do that during a Doctor Who episode too much.

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Saw it when it was on last night. I actually thought it was good and I have been hating Doctor who for a while. Only watch it because dh is a mega fan. I think it was better than many recent episodes simply because the story was fairly simple and felt complete where as usually Dr Who is full of messy plotlines that either don't get resolved or require something ridiculous in the last scene. Especially Russell T Davies and his how many times can I rewrite the same story or pinch someones elses plot and get away with it approach. The plot holes in his stories are usually gaping so its nice to see a christmas episode not written by him and that is actually watchable and we don't spend the next few days trying to figure out the finer details of.

Edited by lailasmum
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We watched it last night. I really enjoyed it, as I do all the Christmas specials, because they are a return to the old-style shows where the Doctor and his companion have an adventure and all (or most) is resolved in the end- none of this three-season-long soap opera plot that makes you want to pull your hair out business.


I was kind of hoping that there would be a couple more C.S. Lewis references in there, though! Oh, well.

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Loved it! Especially the line the soldier said "Please tell me we can tell the difference between wool and sidearms." I got a good giggle out of that one!


:lol: One of my favorite lines of the night!


We watched it last night. I really enjoyed it, as I do all the Christmas specials, because they are a return to the old-style shows where the Doctor and his companion have an adventure and all (or most) is resolved in the end- none of this three-season-long soap opera plot that makes you want to pull your hair out business.


I was kind of hoping that there would be a couple more C.S. Lewis references in there, though! Oh, well.


:iagree: completely. I think that's what I enjoyed so much about it. It was a throwback episode!

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This is probably a great place to ask a question. I'm watching Dr. Who on Netflix right now. I'm about to watch the episode titled "42". Will I spoil something very serious if I watch the Christmas special I recorded? Will it even make sense to me? I'm really enjoying it. :)


Which season is that? If you're anywhere in Matt Smith, it'll make sense as the only reference outside of the episode itself is to Amy/Rory/River at the very end.


But there are Christmas specials every year - if you haven't watched the others, personally I'd watch the ones that correspond up to where you are, and save this one for later. :)

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This is probably a great place to ask a question. I'm watching Dr. Who on Netflix right now. I'm about to watch the episode titled "42". Will I spoil something very serious if I watch the Christmas special I recorded? Will it even make sense to me? I'm really enjoying it. :)


Heh, you are *exactly* where we are. I watched the Christmas special, and enjoyed it. Nothing was spoiled, except I am looking forward to finding out what happened with Amy.



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