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Remember the thread where we were discussing gift exchanges and the up and down's?

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Today my DS CC group did a gift exchange. Can I just say my son and his friend talked about how awful it was for over 40 minutes. Yikes! You could take a gift but had to give yours to the person you took. My DS needless to say ended up with a knitting kit. The other boy ended up with something he didn't like either. Somone else was also upset.

I suggested to my DS he try exchanging it. He said, "None of those girls will trade with me". So, DD took the gift around and someone traded with her. :D I talked the boys about being a good sport. it is ok to be upset or angry but you still need to be a good sport and be gracious. This is how these games work. Ya know- I hate these games even as adults. I understand totally what is like to end up with the dreaded gift no one wants. It's hard for adults to be good sports let alone kids. So, another life lesson learned today!

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I don't see the point of such games. It's really kind of anti-the-spirit-of-Christmas if you ask me. I also HATE white elephant gift exchanges since some really embarassing/inappropriate stuff can pop up at these. I've seen men stuck with used breast-pumps, people going home with bed-pans, etc. appalling what people think is funny to pawn off in a public setting.


So, I am with your son. It is awful and a waste of money.



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I find those games fun, and my dd is going to one tonight. Maybe if the game were more white elephant like where everyone brings something truly funny like a roll of toilet paper or something where the kids know they are going to end up with something ridiculous, it might help? They would at least all be laughing about all of the gifts.

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I find those games fun, and my dd is going to one tonight. Maybe if the game were more white elephant like where everyone brings something truly funny like a roll of toilet paper or something where the kids know they are going to end up with something ridiculous, it might help? They would at least all be laughing about all of the gifts.


I'm not picking on you, dwkilburn1, but


No.it.wouldn't.help those who.simply.do.not.like that sort of gift exchange. We had them at 1 place I worked and I sat out every year.

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I'm not picking on you, dwkilburn1, but


No.it.wouldn't.help those who.simply.do.not.like that sort of gift exchange. We had them at 1 place I worked and I sat out every year.


I'm agreeing. I'm not going to the women's Christmas dinner at church this year because it includes a gift exchange. I absolutely detest them.

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I find those games fun, and my dd is going to one tonight. Maybe if the game were more white elephant like where everyone brings something truly funny like a roll of toilet paper or something where the kids know they are going to end up with something ridiculous, it might help? They would at least all be laughing about all of the gifts.


I think they're fun too. :D

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I think they are fun. Even when I got stuck with something dumb, I still got enjoyment out of the game. FWIW, my girls brought Nerf guns to the last exchange they did. Last year my middle dd traded a boy the game she received for the bead set he had ended up with.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I think for kicks organizations or families who want to do these types of swaps should offet that or an alternate sincere Secret Santa in which you buy for one known person and that person gets to keep it...I bet most would opt out of the mean version. Most people I know don't like the Dirty Santa vetsion, and just go along to be polite or to not be thought of as humorless.

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I think they're fun too. :D

I love white elephant gift exchanges.


I think the person who gives the nicest gift ruins it for the group, honestly. I love seeing or getting items that are "white elephant -- $5 or less item" and the exchange game that ensues. No one really cares about what they get, it is a competition to get rid of what you got for something less/more sillier. And that part is fun in a team building competition or staff party.

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I don't see the point of such games. It's really kind of anti-the-spirit-of-Christmas if you ask me. I also HATE white elephant gift exchanges since some really embarassing/inappropriate stuff can pop up at these. I've seen men stuck with used breast-pumps, people going home with bed-pans, etc. appalling what people think is funny to pawn off in a public setting.


So, I am with your son. It is awful and a waste of money.





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MERRY Christmas!?! Indeed. I really dislike those types of "crowd mixers".


Another option is to re-gift the unwanted present to an extended family member!:)


so do I. I really dislike the party games where one can demand a prize from someone who is clearly happy with theirs. :glare:


That said, our work holiday party will feature a white elephant ornament exchange for those who would like to participate. That, I think, will be fun. I can't imagine how incredibly horrid an ornament could be, but even a truly ghastly one will be fun to hang on the tree each year, along with others I've received as gifts and cause me to remember funny stories of the givers when I pull them out.

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Absolutely despise the "Dirty Santa" game and have chosen for the past several years to go wash dishes rather than participate when my extended family started doing this at the Christmas brunch in place of exchanging gifts at all with anyone 6th grade and up. I suppose we are the ones who "ruin" it for everyone else because, frankly, we didn't want to get junk, so we didn't bring junk, even with a $5 limit. Funny, if the "good gift" ruins it (ie something that anyone might actually want), why is there such cut-throat competition to get it and outright anger when someone doesn't? I am skeptical about it really working as "team-building," as well. We tried to go along as "good sports" but when I got accused of cheating and told I "didn't deserve" to end up with the gift I did (a $5 gift card that I had actually brought rather than the lace covered birdhouse that person ended up with, I think it was), that was the end of it. It's better that I sit out and let those that enjoy that sort of thing take part. Guess I'm just not a "fun" person in that way.


Ironically, this is the part of the family where everything is very vocally supposed to be about honoring Jesus at all times (we are the non-Christians in the group)---definitely the ones where it had better be "Merry CHRISTmas," not "Happy Holidays," "Jesus" plastered all over everything they own, and we have a mini-sermon about being grateful to Jesus and honoring him in all we say and do at every family gathering. This game seems the antithesis of that, IMO.

Edited by KarenNC
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We play Christmas Bingo...and I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't. We also do Christmas word search and word scramble...


People do things at Christmas that aren't necessarily religious.


I know many people do, it wasn't a blanket statement. My point was that my particular family is incredibly vocal about *everything* needing to honor Jesus very explicitly. That's why I find it ironic in this situation, particularly that the group in general gets so, frankly, mean and cut-throat about it when they've just spent an hour on how "this is a day when we especially honor Jesus in all we say and do and show his love to others" and "Jesus is the reason for the season," vehemently denouncing anyone saying "Happy Holidays" for "taking Christ out of Christmas" and "denying God." Seems a pretty big disconnect to choose this particular game as a way to celebrate this particular day, IMO. FWIW, even when I was a Christian, I didn't enjoy the game.;)


It also doesn't help that a couple of them will go around at Thanksgiving loudly demanding that people should bring "good gifts" because they don't want to get bad ones. It's just an all around negative experience, at least for us, so we don't participate.

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Yuck. Our co-op is doing a gift exchange. We will each bring a coffee mug filled with a sweet or candy. We will wrap them and number them and then everyone will draw numbers and that's the mug they'll get. No stealing, no trading, no knitting kits. (Who would bring that to a gift exchange with both boys and girls??)

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:iagree: I skipped Saturday's party because they always end up like this...and I just don't enjoy watching people embarrass one another.


I don't see the point of such games. It's really kind of anti-the-spirit-of-Christmas if you ask me. I also HATE white elephant gift exchanges since some really embarassing/inappropriate stuff can pop up at these. I've seen men stuck with used breast-pumps, people going home with bed-pans, etc. appalling what people think is funny to pawn off in a public setting.


So, I am with your son. It is awful and a waste of money.



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Maybe the fun of this game depends on the group you play it with? I don't think I'd advise the game for kids. But I've always found it fun. if I get junk at the end, that's fine. just toss it and go on. I especially like the ones where you bring something from around the house to get rid of! I did NOT appreciate the risque nature of the game in one group we played it with. But shrug. It had to do with the group (Newlyweds). And it was not all that way.

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I've done a few over the years. Have never been to one where someone wasn't upset in the end by either the comments or something disgusting given.


The 'team bldg' part is that you expose the bullies and mean-spirited..as if you didn't know who they were already. I'll pass; not what I consider holiday fun.


We could rename it the "Socialization Game.";)

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