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how much do you spend on stocking stuffers??

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I know the answer to this is all relative...but I just was curious. I just added up what I WAS going to put in my 3 kid's stockings and the total was over $100....that just seems crazy...and it's not like I bought big items either...I had 12 different items for each kid...but boy did it add up quickly. What do you put in your stockings that are very inexpensive, but also are enjoyed.

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I don't usually buy soda or chips, so each kid gets a bag of their favorite chips, and one of those little half-size cans of soda. They also get a package of their favorite pens/pencils, some candy, a magazine, a new toothbrush, sometimes a paperback book, girls get hair ties, boys might get an air freshener for their car, and each kid gets an air freshener for their bedroom.


I'm not sure why, but my kids enjoy their stockings more than their regular presents.


ETA: I forgot some things--they also get fingernail clippers. Seems we can never have too many of those. Girls get cute decorated nail files, and usually a purse pack of Kleenex in a holiday design.

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Well, my mom insists that an orange has to go in the toe...we have brought that tradition over to our house.


Usually I put things they need as well as things they like in their stockings...the Tall Bald Guy gets his bandana handkerchiefs and the Boy gets kleenex pocket packs... they both get their favorite pens for school and work...lip balm, but in a crazy flavor--one year it was Mountain Dew, one year it was Corn Dog--usually a crazy pair of socks (this year from the Joy of Socks)...and they get a new wallet if they need one that year.


I usually put their favorite candies in there...my son likes Ferrero Rocher and Bottlecaps, and my husband likes Reeses...they also get nuts in the shell, if they aren't too expensive that year...a gift card for Little Caesar's (which is really for me, because then I don't have to cook!)...maybe a silly little pocket game (one year it was Potato Guns)...and definitely beef jerky--for some reason that's the first thing in their stockings that gets devoured.:001_smile:

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More that I plan to every year. Perhaps I should up my expected amount to meet reality. :lol:


I get the kids gift cards to a few places, because they love to pay for their own stuff when we go out. This year they are getting fun stuff from think geek.com too, so umm...somewhere around $75 I think.

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Usually a bit more than I would like. OTOH, I include toothbrushes, sometimes fancy toothpaste, socks, and things that they would need anyway.


Stockings are also the only gift Santa brings (unless he misjudges the width of the stocking) and the kids only get one present each from their dad and I, something about the price of a Barbie. If we get a more expensive gift it is combined.

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I always think that the stocking are going to be cheap, but it ends up costing probably $50 each. There are new toothbrushes, panties, socks/tights, special candies, hot wheels ( yes, they are girls ;)), McD's gift cards, little jewelry, and more. They have more fun with their stockings than with the other 2 gifts they get. :)

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Stockings for us are what we do while we wait FOREVER for Dad to be ready to open packages.


I've done the cheapie stocking before and then ended up with kids hopped up on candy or throwing too much broken plastic stuff away. It wasn't worth it.


I do still get a lot of stuff from Target for the stockings but I try to make sure it's not going to end up in the trash can 10 minutes later. :lol:

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More than I expect each year. Glad to see it's not just me. I refuse to buy the plastic junk typical of stockings that breaks on Christmas day and ends up in a landfill almost instantly.


It probably averages out about $50 each. I always buy more than what will fit though, and am going to try and cut back a little this year.


My mom did the orange thing. How could I forget that? I may have to try something similar, but we always have oranges around in Dec.

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I always end up spending more than I mean to on stockings.


Ditto, especially since my husband tends to consider any item that is small enough to fit into a stocking as a stocking stuffer, regardless of cost.


As I said in the other how-much-do-you-spend thread, the truth is that this varies considerably from year to year. We've had slender years when the stockings were stuffed almost entirely with goodies I made and large, cheap items like cans of soda. We've had other years when we easily spent $100 on each child's stocking stuffers.


This year seems likely to be a middling kind of year. The big items will likely be a couple of inexpensive DVDs in each stocking, with some microwave popcorn packs and a few other, small items along with some candy. Of course, because of the vegan thing, I can't just run down to Walgreen's and snag the inexpensive candy. Instead, I have to go to the health food store and buy the specialty stuff. So, even that adds up.

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We do cheap on the stockings. Usually there is some candy, toothbrush, lip balm, maybe some pens or pencils. I usually put a notepad or something in there. We wrap anything that would be considered a present, stockings are for fun stuff.


This year ds would be happy with anything food related.

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It varies. Often small gifts go in the stocking; other times it's mostly inexpensive stuff like socks. I already bought a few stocking stuffer gifts for dh and ds this year from thinkgeek. I always put in those little bags of chocolate coins from Trader Joe's, and sometimes a special Pocky flavor or some other treat from the Asian grocery store for ds. (Last year, I also put special chopsticks in his stocking.)



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I love stockings!! It's my favourite part of Christmas morning. :D We usually stuff with some chocolate, craft supplies, a new card/travel/trivia game, socks, tooth brushes, lip balm, a mini lego kit or similar, and any other little do-dads I come across that seem like fun. It's usually a lot of practical stuff, or things we'd use anyway, but for some reason it's the most fun for me (to give, to receive, and to witness). And yes, it sure does all add up!

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Ditto, especially since my husband tends to consider any item that is small enough to fit into a stocking as a stocking stuffer, regardless of cost.


As I said in the other how-much-do-you-spend thread, the truth is that this varies considerably from year to year. We've had slender years when the stockings were stuffed almost entirely with goodies I made and large, cheap items like cans of soda. We've had other years when we easily spent $100 on each child's stocking stuffers.


This year seems likely to be a middling kind of year. The big items will likely be a couple of inexpensive DVDs in each stocking, with some microwave popcorn packs and a few other, small items along with some candy. Of course, because of the vegan thing, I can't just run down to Walgreen's and snag the inexpensive candy. Instead, I have to go to the health food store and buy the specialty stuff. So, even that adds up.


Depending on the flavor, I think Jelly Belly jelly beans may be vegan (of course not the cheesecake etc) You might be safe with the sours or fruit bowl blend.


Of course they are also expensive. :001_unsure:

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Depending on the flavor, I think Jelly Belly jelly beans may be vegan (of course not the cheesecake etc) You might be safe with the sours or fruit bowl blend.


Of course they are also expensive. :001_unsure:


According to their website, they use beeswax in the coating. And we're careful about sugar, since bone char is sometimes used in processing.


But thanks for the idea! There are vegan jelly beans available through assorted online suppliers. My favorite is Pangea (www.veganstore.com). Neither of my kids is crazy about them, though.

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