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dd's recent miscarriage :(

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My dd had a miscarriage over the weekend. She had a very small amount of bleeding and went to the L/D for a check-up. The L/D dr. said the US showed the baby still in the sac, but that there was a spot on the uterus that didn't look, OK. :/ He sent her home and told her to make an appt. for Monday (yesterday). She went to the appt. She had an in-office US where the tech told her "I see no baby, just abnormal material and fluid" :confused: She was then sent to have blood work done and sent home with no information about her condition or next steps. She called numerous times today and didn't receive all call back until I called and refused to get off the line until we got answers. They called her two minutes later and told her OVER THE PHONE that the US was conclusive of miscarriage :crying: and that she needs more bloodwork.


Does this sound right?? I am infuriated! I've never had a miscarriage, but I'm pretty sure you don't tell that to a patient over the phone. What should we ask about at the drs. appt. tomorrow. I am so upset I can't think straight :crying::cursing::crying:

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I am so sorry.


unfortuneately, I know they do tell you over the phone.



:grouphug: Yes, they will do it over the phone. I'm sorry.


How many weeks along is she supposed to be? Generally, they wouldn't do much for you, but rather have 'nature take its course' without a procedure. I would suggest that you schedule the blood work for final confirmation, but wait if they suggest a procedure to complete the miscarriage. If she is, indeed, going to miscarry, it will proceed on its own and she should have a complete exam to be sure it is finished and she is healthy.


Again, I'm sorry.

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Yes, could be a miscarriage ;( BUT, I'd insist on an US just to make sure. I had counts that were supposedly too low, that was a miscarriage they said... and he's 8 now.... Probably it's usually true, but in my case it wasn't.

Edited by NayfiesMama
PS, Yes, she shouldn't have a D&C unless it's an emergency, BTW.. carries some of the problems that having an abortion does:(
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:grouphug: Yes, they will do it over the phone. I'm sorry.


How many weeks along is she supposed to be? Generally, they wouldn't do much for you, but rather have 'nature take its course' without a procedure. I would suggest that you schedule the blood work for final confirmation, but wait if they suggest a procedure to complete the miscarriage. If she is, indeed, going to miscarry, it will proceed on its own and she should have a complete exam to be sure it is finished and she is healthy.


Again, I'm sorry.




That is a real shocker to me. I never would have thought... She's 9 weeks along. I just feel like this whole process is being handled in an impersonal and callous way, but perhaps I am in a highly sensitive state.


And thanks everyone for your comments.

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I'm sorry. Sounds like it might be a blighted ovum. I had that with my first pregnancy; the sac and placenta develop, but the baby doesn't, at least not enough to ever show up on the ultrasound. I hope the rest goes as easily and without complications as possible. She definitely should speak to her doctor, though. She'll need to know what to look for, and she'll need one or more blood tests to make sure her HCG drops back to 0.





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I would not assume anything just yet. My first pregnancy supposedly ended in a miscarriage, and while I did loose one baby, I was preggo with twins and the one that survived is 11. :D It was two weeks between the news of the miscarriage and the news of the surviving twin (I had no idea there were two until I found out the one survived). I was told I could have a d&c the day I found out about the miscarriage, and the thought now still scares me... It is better for the docs to be very sure before recommending anything.


:grouphug: Miscarriage is hard. I hope that is not the case for your dd.

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I've had four miscarriages (the last one was twins)...and yes, over the phone is how they tell you. I would suggest your dd have a follow-up appointment and then schedule a D&C. Waiting for it to happen naturally can make the whole situation more stressful and it can lead to infection if the miscarriage isn't complete. Not to mention, it can be quite painful.


I'm sorry for your dd's loss. :grouphug:

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Did the doctor at L/D see a baby with a heartbeat or just a sac with what looked like a baby but didn't look for a heartbeat? Also were both of these internal u/s?


I'd have a hard time thinking the in office u/s was correct if at 9 weeks the L/D doctor saw a baby but the tech didn't and just saw a sac with material. It would be hard for a baby to be in a sac one day and the next for them to see a sac but no baby. If she lost the baby the sac would have gone with it.

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I won't go into horrific detail, but my first miscarriage was handled with complete lack of regard for a woman's fear and mourning. Yes, it is a frequent thing for medical professionals. It's NEVER "routine" for the woman (or her partner and family). Medical school could use a few more courses in bedside manner.



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Did the doctor at L/D see a baby with a heartbeat or just a sac with what looked like a baby but didn't look for a heartbeat? Also were both of these internal u/s?


I'd have a hard time thinking the in office u/s was correct if at 9 weeks the L/D doctor saw a baby but the tech didn't and just saw a sac with material. It would be hard for a baby to be in a sac one day and the next for them to see a sac but no baby. If she lost the baby the sac would have gone with it.


:iagree: This doesn't add up:


My The L/D dr. said the US showed the baby still in the sac, but that there was a spot on the uterus that didn't look, OK. :/ He sent her home and told her to make an appt. for Monday (yesterday). She went to the appt. She had an in-office US where the tech told her "I see no baby, just abnormal material and fluid"


It's hard to miss a baby on a vaginal ultrasound, but it has been known to happen. If it were an abdominal ultrasound, it would be easier to miss at 9 weeks. I wonder (a) why the first doc didn't say whether or not he saw a heartbeat, and (2) how accurate is the dating of this pregnancy.


The "spot" in the uterus that "didn't look ok" was probably a blood clot, and the source of the bleeding. It's not exactly good news, but far from necessarily being a big deal (BTDT myself). It's also possible that the baby was "hiding" behind the clot on the second ultrasound. I'm ever the optimist, and I hate to prolong the uncertainty, but I wouldn't be so sure that this is a miscarriage yet. The bloodwork may or may not provide useful information - at this late time, the betas no longer double and are probably leveling off. Only time, and another ultrasound, will tell.


Sending hugs and prayers :grouphug:

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I'm sorry. Sounds like it might be a blighted ovum. I had that with my first pregnancy; the sac and placenta develop, but the baby doesn't, at least not enough to ever show up on the ultrasound. I hope the rest goes as easily and without complications as possible. She definitely should speak to her doctor, though. She'll need to know what to look for, and she'll need one or more blood tests to make sure her HCG drops back to 0.





This was the case with me too. He saw a sac but the ovum just sort of stalled. he did blood work and called me to confirm that the numbers were way too low and to expect bleeding. I did not need anything further in the way of testing and actually became pregnant again 4 weeks after the bleeding started-he is now 5 1/2:).

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:grouphug: I'm sorry for your and your daughter's loss. Unfortunately they do tell you over the phone. With one of my miscarriages, the doc's office called with lab results and the perky little back office girl said, "Your HCG is back down to zero, so everything is good!" I wish that I had replied back that no, it was NOT good, we had lost a very much planned for and wanted baby.

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Thanks everyone for the info and well wishes. She has an appt. for Mon. for blood work. After this is over, whatever the outcome, she plans to find a midwife for future care. I had a midwife for my last birth and loved the personal touch and genuine care I received.


:grouphug: Tanya



FYI Midwives are limited on what they can do with a miscarriage. My second mc was under the care of a midwife. Her suggestion was go to the ER, we opted not to as I knew what to expect and it was raining/hailing ect and we had 2 small boys sleeping. The next day she did arrange for me to get an U/S though it was 3 hours away. We stopped by on the way home and saw her and she offered some herbs. She did follow up with a phone call in a few days to check on me and I think I had one more appt with her. With my last mc under the care of a midwife she hadn't done an initial HCG blood test so she was rather puzzled and suggested I see a DR. I saw my primary doctor who I love and she just ran an HCG test and it was 0 so she told me I was fine. I made sure this pregnancy to get an HCG test first off.


So even if she has a midwife with miscarriage they may or may not be able to be of assistance as they deal with normal pregnancy as a rule.

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