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Another name thread

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I've got an unusual name. I was named after my greatgrandmother and her twin, and I go by both names.


When I google it I can find less than ten others with the same name. And a fair few of those are Asian, which is weird because it's not an Asian name at all. Four in the US. But what I think is funny is that one of them is a mom on this board. She spells it the same too! She uses her name here, but hasn't posted in years.


So there are a few of me around. How about you?

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I had a very unique maiden name. We even got something from White Pages one time saying how our name was 1 in 1,000,000 or something. :lol: Now I have very common last name and it always surprises me to see someone with my exact name. lol I guess I am not so unique anymore. :confused:

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To my everlasting joy (sarcasm) I found out in high school that I share a first and middle name with a porn star who goes by both names together. It was odd when a group of boys started calling me by both names and laughing their heads off, so I asked a good friend (male) what was going on. With much blushing & stuttering he told me. I ignored it and it stopped eventually except for one or two die-hards who called me that for all four years. The really obnoxious part is before that started, only my dad & grandma called me by both names and I was so upset after hearing it all day at school as a dirty joke that I asked my dad to stop. My grandma called me by both names and I knew there was no explaining the issue to her, so she used both names until she passed away last month.


My maiden name is unusual enough that I am related to the only other people with my first and maiden last names, and my married name is even more unusual that I'd have to name a child or have someone in my family name a child after me to encounter it again.


Amber in SJ

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I have a pretty unusual name. All my names (first, middle and, obviously, last) are surnames and my first name isn't so uncommon as a surname, but it's not common and I've never met anyone outside my family who has it as a given name.


I like having an unusual name though. Unusual names rock.

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I have a biblical name that wasn't popular at all until the past few years. I hear it more often these days. I'm sure it doesn't help that one of MTV's Teen Moms named their kid the name *rolls eyes*


My middle name (that I go by with family) is hard for most people to remember how to spell and impossible for those who have never seen it to read, so I doubt it will ever be popular.

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Well, I'm the only FEMALE I know with the name I was born with. I was raised using my middle name, which is not unusual, but not common either. When people hear my full name, I usually get, "HOW did YOU get THAT name?! You're not black, male, 6'5", and don't play basketball...and you're not Muslim."

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I have met tons of Jeans but never another Jeannie. When I was in college, my maiden name was the same as the richest family in the state, I got asked all the time if I was related but alas no. My married name is also the last name of a very prominant politician in our county and all of us get asked ALL THE TIME if we are related to him, we are not

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There are a ton of people with my first name around, there are even a few people with my first, middle and last name about. If I had taken DH's last name I would be the only person around with that combination since DH's last name is so rare, but as it is my name is common.

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My first name is extremely common in my generation. It was in the top 10 the year I was born and is actually still fairly popular. My middle name was a popular "filler" middle in the time period, too, so my first + middle is also very common. But combined with my rare maiden name, I was easily identifiable. The only Google results were definitely me.


My first + married name is just normal. It's distinctive enough that it doesn't sound anonymous/fake (like Sarah Smith for example) but common enough that you couldn't track me down unless you had more information.

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There are 2 of me. Me and a lady in Ireland. My name is not Irish much to my consternation. Seriously, I'd rather be saddled with Aoibheann or Gormlaith or something just as different than have my given name.


My middle name is gaelic, and the absolute butchering of your name gets old after the 1200th time.


I have the same first name as my mom so I went by my middle name (and still do with my immediate family) for a long time. I switched to my first name after realizing people who had known me my entire life still couldn't spell it :001_huh:

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Not really an answer to your question, but I'm named after a great-great-grandmother whose middle name is the same as yours, Remudamom. I think it's a pretty name, but my parents chose the name of the town she lived in for me instead of her actual name.


Her first name was Ora, though. For *years* I thought both names together were one name.


My name is unusual but was popularized by a song. It's technically a man's name but isn't used that way any more (that I know of). Combined w/ my last name, it's pretty unusual. Whitepages.com lists 2 of us w/ the same first/last name combo, & the 1st p of Google results are all me except for the tombstone of one WWII vet.

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Not really an answer to your question, but I'm named after a great-great-grandmother whose middle name is the same as yours, Remudamom. I think it's a pretty name, but my parents chose the name of the town she lived in for me instead of her actual name.


Her first name was Ora, though. For *years* I thought both names together were one name.


My name is unusual but was popularized by a song. It's technically a man's name but isn't used that way any more (that I know of). Combined w/ my last name, it's pretty unusual. Whitepages.com lists 2 of us w/ the same first/last name combo, & the 1st p of Google results are all me except for the tombstone of one WWII vet.


I had a great-aunt whose name was Ora too! She also went by the first and middle name: Ora Nell. One of the coolest ladies ever!

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My first name was fairly popular when I was born, there was always someone with the same first name in school. No biggie, though. My last name (married) is not super common (like Smith or Johnson), but not unheard of or unusual.


In the last few months I have discovered that there is at least one other person with the same first and last name in my town. The first time I was getting my hold books from the library and there were books with my name, but different middle initial. I had the librarian add my middle initial to my account to hopefully avoid confusion in the future.


Then last month I went for my yearly "girl check-up" and the receptionist asked me to verify my birthday because they have another patient with the same name.


After the second indecent, I got a bit :mad:. While I know it's not the other woman's fault, I worry that we will get confused on something important, like banking or medical info. I was here first! She needs to move. :tongue_smilie:

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There may be one other person with my maiden name, likely a distant relative, also with the same middle initial and same age. Either that or it's really me and records have gotten confused somehow. I think I have a distant cousin in CA with a similar first name, but I thought her name was spelled differently. My maiden surname is quite unusual, so there aren't many of us out there, and even fewer with the same spelling.


Since I married, my name is hyphenated: First Middle Maidenname-Marriedname, which is unique.



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I have met only three people with the same first name as me, but that's because I live in America and not Russia (I was named after my great-grandmother.) On google searches with my maiden name I'm the only one. But if you look it up on facebook with my married name, there are around 10, which is weird because everyone who reads our last name says it wrong (it's ward, not ward-E.) And everyone who hears it spells it wrong, which makes me think it is very unusual.

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My name was really only popular during the time I was born, so just about everyone with my name is about my age. :) I once worked in a group that had 10 people: me, 5 guys, and 4 other women named Karen. It was pretty funny. There is someone else at my company with my same first, middle, and last name - we get each others email all the time. I've also gotten speeding tickets and parking tickets for the wrong person based with my name. However, I've never met anyone much older or younger named Karen.

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My married name is fairly common....at least several other people pop up with the same name when I googled it. (I had never googled myself before. Weird.)


My maiden name (first, middle, last) is almost entirely unique, as far as I could tell. (I'm the only person that came up on my google search. Never googled my maiden name, either.) My maiden name is really different - think Ellis Island spelling screw-up of an eastern European name and you'll get an idea. My sister-in-law has the same first/last name now that she married my brother. Of course, I don't use that name now, and she takes good care of it, so we're good.

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Dh has met a few guys with his first name, but it's not common. It sounds like it should be common, it is certainly not unusual. Our guess is that it just isn't popular.


Our last name is spelled incorrectly most of the time. It's not that it is hard to spell, it's just that our is Danish, not Swedish and the Swedish ending is the most common. Also, people pronounce it incorrectly and the distinction in articulation is somewhat subtle, though if said correctly, is the clue to how to spell it right.


My name has not been popular in many a moon! It's not an unusual name, just not popular. From K-12, I never knew another girl with my first name, only one in college, and currently, two women with that name besides my mom, but none of them use it fully...they all go by a shortened version.


My board name, Faith, is one that I like and identify with quite well. Frankly, if people IRL called me that, I would easily respond to it!



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