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So for my fellow spelling and grammar police...

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Would it have made you a little itchy, too, to hear a group of cheerleaders in a local Halloween parade go by chanting: "R-O-W-D-I-E, that's the way we spell rowdy!" lol


Oh my...I just had a flash back to middle school cheerleading and we did that exact same cheer!!! I never thought about it not being spelled correctly and nobody ever pointed it out to us. How funny!


(I guess "R-O-W-D-Y, that's the way we spell rowdy" just doesn't have the same rhyming affect)

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When I was in pep club in high school, someone painted a banner for a basketball game that said, "It's our perrogative to win!" (Thanks, Bobby Brown. :tongue_smilie:) I told the girl it was spelled wrong, and she just stared at me and shrugged. I don't think she believed me, and she sure wasn't going to do anything crazy like look it up in the dictionary.

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Oh, these things tend to make my face twitch!


But, the best, the most sublime, it was so bad that you just had to laugh until you cried, was a church banner made for a special event and it had the lyrics to the hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" on it.


The lyrics go like this:


All Hail the Power of Jesus Name,

Let Angels Prostrate Fall



The banner read, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name let Angels Prostate Fall".


The banner was being held up front by some little parade of teens while the congregation sang and THEY ALL SANG PROSTATE!!!!!!!!


Meanwhile, I and the principal of the Lutheran school I was teaching at, sat there giggling so hard tears ran down our faces. Her husband just didn't get it and kept elbowing her. Dh was busy with one of our babies and wasn't paying attention so eventually he asked, "What's so funny?" and I pointed to the banner. He laughed so hard he had to sit down.


Oh for the love of an "r". :D



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Oh, these things tend to make my face twitch!


But, the best, the most sublime, it was so bad that you just had to laugh until you cried, was a church banner made for a special event and it had the lyrics to the hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" on it.


The lyrics go like this:


All Hail the Power of Jesus Name,

Let Angels Prostrate Fall



The banner read, "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name let Angels Prostate Fall".


The banner was being held up front by some little parade of teens while the congregation sang and THEY ALL SANG PROSTATE!!!!!!!!


Meanwhile, I and the principal of the Lutheran school I was teaching at, sat there giggling so hard tears ran down our faces. Her husband just didn't get it and kept elbowing her. Dh was busy with one of our babies and wasn't paying attention so eventually he asked, "What's so funny?" and I pointed to the banner. He laughed so hard he had to sit down.


Oh for the love of an "r". :D




:lol: Just showed this to dd. We'll never get through that hymn with a straight face again.

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