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??? Where do you keep your kitchen knives

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Weird question I'm sure! We've recently moved and I finally convinced DH to get rid of the old knife set he had for 20+ years (the set was in the wood block that sits on the countertop). So now we are in search of a new set of knives. We have 6 year old twin boys that, so far, have not been nosy messing around in kitchen drawers and that is where our couple of knives currently are. DH is thinking of another block for the countertop. I'm weird, but I have issues not being able to sanitize those knife slots on occasion (even though I know we are cleaning the knives really well). DH also thought of a set that we can undermount to the kitchen cabinets. We also have an empty drawer where I can just get an organizer and put them in there.


What do you guys do and are worried about the kids getting into the knives?


Thanks much!

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Ours live in the back of the top drawer, out of reach of the little one.


Short story of why I will never have another knife block. We moved here last year and found out all of our things had gotten soaked - blankets, toys, computer..right down to the kitchenware. I opened up the package with the stainless steel and black wood knife block and the entire thing was filled with green mold.


Never again. We also now have a rule of one piece knives and kitchen utensils to avoid THOSE getting moldy or rotten.

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By 6 I would not worry about the kids, however if you have visitors it can be an issue. We had these magnetic tot locks from the childproofing section od the hardware store. A lock screws into the drawer, and a giant magnet is used to open it. They worked great! Regular magnetic toys don't open them.

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Thanks so much for all the great responses. I am now on the hunt for a set od good knives for him for Christmas (all he's asked for). Curious about the magnetic blackspash though. We have tile up to the cabinets so do the magnetic strips need to be screwed into the tile?


Thanks again!

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In a drawer. (I much prefer counter space over having a knife block.)


When my dc were younger, we put them in the very back of the drawer. After they moved out of toddler stage, we moved the knives into the front of the drawer, explained why the knives needed special handling (& that they needed permission before touching them when they were young), and taught them how to safely use knives for cooking. We often set the table in a somewhat formal style, so our dc have had sharp knives at their place settings for years. We never had a problem w/ the dc misusing them. W/ your dc being 6, I think you would be fine having them in a drawer.

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We just store ours in the girls' bedroom in the tubs that hold their dress up clothes.













Ok, not really.

we keep some in a knife block on the counter, some in a drawer. The knives that came with a cover still have them. The girls know not to mess with the knives because they are sharp.

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I use a Kapoosh universal knife block too, but a more "traditional looking" model: http://www.target.com/p/Kapoosh-Universal-Knife-Block-Woodgrain/-/A-10537205. I LOVE it-- the rod insert can be washed, and it holds more knives than a traditional block, including knives of unusual sizes, shears, etc. I like the magnetic strips, but we don't have the right kind of wall space (nor do we have drawer space for a drawer block insert). Our knife block is jammed into a leftover corner behind the microwave. Can you tell we have a space problem???


One thing you might find useful is Cook's Illustrated's online knife ratings. You need an online account to access most of their info, but you can create a free 14-day "trial" one that would let you look at them.

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