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Day four with no wheat.

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I've been eating as much as I want, just no wheat. I have tried to limit grains to 3 servings a day. That's the only changes I've made. I didn't not

notice anything different till yesterday afternoon. Suddenly, I lost my appetite and got a mild headache which lasted till 4:30 this morning when I took something for it. This morning, the thought of food is not appealing and I've lost 1/2 an inch in my waistline! I measured 3 times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. My weight is down very slightly, but my scale is wonky so I can't be sure it's accurate.


I'm really excited about this and am going to stick with it for now to see what happens. If it really makes a difference, I guess I'll be wheat free for life. I never thought I'd say that.

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Did you read Wheat Belly, or something?

Can you clarify this? You mean, rice and corn? What grains are you eating? Wheat is a grain.


I haven't read Wheat Belly yet, but I've gone to the author's blog to get the general idea of the diet. He gives enough information on there to not really need the book.


Yes, I mean rice, corn, and oats. In the past I've eaten waaay more than 3 servings of grain a day. I wasn't ready to cut it all out yet.


I know wheat is a grain. :001_smile: My understanding is that wheat is the big bad wolf and the other grains are his henchmen. If you knock out the boss, it makes it easier to take down the little guys. Corn would be next for me. I don't know if I'll ever cut out oats and rice.

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If you don't mind me asking (I might have missed a previous post), are you doing this purely for weight loss? Or other health issues?


I posted a few days ago about my "thickening waistline." Someone recommended the Wheat Belly diet. I was doing it solely for that, however, I have been anemic and cold natured. I did notice that the circulation in my hands has visibly improved. They have felt warm and slightly itchy. Then I realized that they looked normal, not pale like over the last six months. I'm hoping that's a positive side effect that lasts.


Other than that, I have no real health issues. I just wanted to lose a flabby belly, and exercise wasn't working.

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Ah, right...


I haven't read that book, but I've suspected that there might exist some kind of low level 'sub-intolerance' to wheat products that many people have (in addition to the more severe intolerance/allergies). I seem to tolerate it fine most of the time, but if I have a lot of wheat (like three wheat based meals in one day) I feel revolting. It's hard to pinpoint the cause, though, because for me eating too much wheat usually happens along with eating too little protein and vegetables (think vegemite sandwich instead of meat and salad!). Fwiw, I also have a mild tendency toward anemia, and have always suffered from poor circulation and feeling the cold a lot.


Off to check out that bloke's theories :auto:

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I was thinking of checking out that site...last night I had cinnamon raisin bread for a snack, I have been suffering all night and still this morning. I think I have a dairy prob, so I usually blame that, but ezekiel bread bothers me too.


I'm chronically anemic. I've been avoiding doing this, because I know wheat is in everything.


I'd like to hear more about oats- they bother me unless I soak them overnight and then cook them.

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Very cool! :)

I started a similar trial a week and a half ago, not really expecting anything to happen because I don't think I am *allergic* per se to wheat, but- WOW. The difference in my body and my mood has been amazing. I haven't lost a statistically significant ;) amount of weight but my "pooch" (flabby/distended belly) is way, way down. I fit smoothly into my jeans, no muffin top- and again, I have not lost any weight to speak of.

I had the carb withdrawal slump a few days in, too, but stuck through it and my energy now is much higher and my emotional stability throughout the day has been impressive :tongue_smilie:.


Another thing I've noticed is that I am craving healthy food now- rather than wanting a sandwich for lunch I really, really want spaghetti squash! :001_huh:

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I've been eating as much as I want, just no wheat. I have tried to limit grains to 3 servings a day. That's the only changes I've made. I didn't not

notice anything different till yesterday afternoon. Suddenly, I lost my appetite and got a mild headache which lasted till 4:30 this morning when I took something for it. This morning, the thought of food is not appealing and I've lost 1/2 an inch in my waistline! I measured 3 times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. My weight is down very slightly, but my scale is wonky so I can't be sure it's accurate.


I'm really excited about this and am going to stick with it for now to see what happens. If it really makes a difference, I guess I'll be wheat free for life. I never thought I'd say that.



Just thought I'd mention, because a lot of people don't realize this, soy sauce is made from wheat. So if you're trying to avoid wheat altogether, make sure you get wheat-free soy sauce.

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I think this is a really interesting conversation. I have a son that is at the very least gluten intolerant, if not full blown celiac, so I have been thinking about this stuff a lot.




I'd like to hear more about oats- they bother me unless I soak them overnight and then cook them.


I am really in to soaking grains and legumes and anything else I think needs to be. Soaking predigests the food and takes some of objectionable ingredients out (phytates in beans, eats up the sugars in grain). I soak in apple cider vinegar and water (tablespoon acv). It really works for the legumes. I have contemplated whether it would work as well for wheat. Ds eats Ezekial bread and hasn't complained but I'm not sure if that is because the pain is so much less, but still there, or if he simply does not have any pain. It is hard to tell.


What kind of oats do you eat? I mean, rolled, steel cut, etc. We always eat steel cut when we soak them.


I've been eating as much as I want, just no wheat. I have tried to limit grains to 3 servings a day. That's the only changes I've made. I didn't not

notice anything different till yesterday afternoon. Suddenly, I lost my appetite and got a mild headache which lasted till 4:30 this morning when I took something for it. This morning, the thought of food is not appealing and I've lost 1/2 an inch in my waistline! I measured 3 times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. My weight is down very slightly, but my scale is wonky so I can't be sure it's accurate.


I'm really excited about this and am going to stick with it for now to see what happens. If it really makes a difference, I guess I'll be wheat free for life. I never thought I'd say that.


So you are not eating the gluten free grains like rice flour, either?


Just anecdotally, over the summer I was eating very healthfully and was losing weight, but not around the waist. I thought it was strange but my goal wasn't to lose weight, just to get healthy, so while it was annoying it didn't bother me all that much. Ever since I have been cooking with gluten free grains I have noticed that my waist has gotten a little smaller. I suspected that was the reason.


I appreciate these posts. :001_smile:

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I noticed the same thing when I cut wheat out. Belly bloating is gone! I have been doing the IF diet and last night I ate a bunch after my time frame (PMS:glare:) and immediately paid the piper so to speak. It killed me to eat after 5 pm! Little things can make a BIG difference! Let us know how it goes.:)

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It's hard to pinpoint the cause, though, because for me eating too much wheat usually happens along with eating too little protein and vegetables (think vegemite sandwich instead of meat and salad!).


Can you buy quinoa? We're doing grain free at home these days, just buckwheat and quinoa which don't count as grains, though they look like 'em and fill the same spot in my belly. Quinoa is quite high in protein, especially the red stuff.



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:iagree: It is well known that oats are contaminated in the Celiac community- that is why the gf oats exist. Even then not all Celiacs tolerate the gf oats due to similarity in the proteins.


Yes, I have Celiac and you can't eat oats for that reason (wheat contamination - they are stored next to each other). I'm on of the ones that can't even eat GF oats, but that wouldn't affect a non-Celiac.

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What do eat for your lunches? I have breakfast down, and I can make dinner wheat-free, but I'm stuck on lunch.


Here are two lunches I enjoyed:


*egg salad with chopped red pepper and celery in a lettuce wrap (I had two)



*stir fried cabbage, red pepper and onion, cooked with chunks of leftover pork.

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I've been wheat free for about a month. I read Wheat Belly and thought it was worth a try. Oh my! What a difference it has made for me! My migraines are gone, have tons of energy and motivation, no cravings. Best of all, I've been fitting in clothes I haven't worn in years. I can't say enough good things about how going wheat free has helped me out. :D

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I'm on day 4 of no wheat! I'm doing it to hopefully help with inflammation in my joints.


I was already eating dairy-free, and I also cut sugar.


I'm also eating all I want; it's all lean meat, fruits and veggies, nuts and beans, olive oil, and a bit of brown rice or quinoa with dinner. I'm not eating oats until I can get to WF and get some that are wheat-free. I'm also eating protein at every meal. We eat the DASH diet, which is high fiber and a lot of grains, so this is quite a change from the usual. I feel sooo sleepy, but I'm already able to avoid foods that would have been too big of a temptation for me before (my dc all ate a Panera shortbread cookie right in front of me yesterday :D.)


I'm having a big salad with some turkey or chicken on it for lunch everyday.

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I've been wheat free for about a month. I read Wheat Belly and thought it was worth a try. Oh my! What a difference it has made for me! My migraines are gone, have tons of energy and motivation, no cravings. Best of all, I've been fitting in clothes I haven't worn in years. I can't say enough good things about how going wheat free has helped me out. :D

:party:It is a wonderful feeling isn't it?

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