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Is there a way to erase all threads we've ever written?

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My daughter is upset that I talk to the forum (once) about her not being ambiitious in attending college. I'm upset that she looked through my homepage and read everything. Not that there is anything to hide. So wondering if I can erase my threads. Maybe I need to change my name.

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My daughter is upset that I talk to the forum (once) about her not being ambiitious in attending college. I'm upset that she looked through my homepage and read everything. Not that there is anything to hide. So wondering if I can erase my threads. Maybe I need to change my name.


Well, I don't know how a name change would work. She knows what's out there now. I know moderators can delete threads and even responses within a thread.


I'm sorry your dd did that. It was an invasion of privacy and if you did that to her she would likely be very upset with you! Even adults need to talk to peers about life issues.

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Well, I don't know how a name change would work. She knows what's out there now. I know moderators can delete threads and even responses within a thread.


I'm sorry your dd did that. It was an invasion of privacy and if you did that to her she would likely be very upset with you! Even adults need to talk to peers about life issues.


:iagree: Amen.


Yes, what goes on the web, stays on the web, blah, blah, blah. But it would be nice if people realized that trolling after someone else's web habits is, in a way, like eavesdropping. Yes, it's possible, it's just kind of rude. Just my two cents on the issue.


OP, you can ask to have your account deleted, I think. PM the moderators.

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My daughter is upset that I talk to the forum (once) about her not being ambiitious in attending college. I'm upset that she looked through my homepage and read everything. Not that there is anything to hide. So wondering if I can erase my threads. Maybe I need to change my name.



There is a sticky on the first page of this forum called "Think before you post."


Maybe they should put that in 4" high lettering and require every poster to re-read it before we are allowed to log on to the forum.


This whole thing of changing names, backtracking and deleting posts has just become ridiculous. :001_rolleyes: If you posted it, own it and accept the consequences.

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Changing your name doesn't help. Let us say that I changed my name to "Mrs Crazyhouse." Someone would probably think "huh, this person sounds like Mrs Mungo" or "I wonder what happened to Mrs Mungo." They would realize "Mrs Mungo" was gone from the member list and do a search. A search would show where I had been quoted as Mrs Mungo by someone but the post would bear my new name. I don't get why people do it for privacy reasons. :confused:

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Well, I don't know how a name change would work. She knows what's out there now. I know moderators can delete threads and even responses within a thread.


I'm sorry your dd did that. It was an invasion of privacy and if you did that to her she would likely be very upset with you! Even adults need to talk to peers about life issues.



Go back into your name, look up your posts under statistics and posts made, then select the ones you want to erase. Just put a . after you erase it.

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:iagree: Amen.


Yes, what goes on the web, stays on the web, blah, blah, blah. But it would be nice if people realized that trolling after someone else's web habits is, in a way, like eavesdropping. Yes, it's possible, it's just kind of rude. Just my two cents on the issue.


OP, you can ask to have your account deleted, I think. PM the moderators.


:iagree: Just because you *can* do something, doesn't mean you should. And it certainly doesn't make it right. ITA w/ thinking before you post, but I also understand the frustration and irritation of having a family member "stalk" your online life. It is akin to eavesdropping.

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My daughter is upset that I talk to the forum (once) about her not being ambiitious in attending college. I'm upset that she looked through my homepage and read everything. Not that there is anything to hide. So wondering if I can erase my threads. Maybe I need to change my name.


Actually, she needs to "woman up" (yes, I just coined that). You did not disclose deeply personal information about her. And I'm assuming because I didn't bother to look up your post, that you didn't put her full name and address so that anyone can identify her.

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My daughter is upset that I talk to the forum (once) about her not being ambiitious in attending college. I'm upset that she looked through my homepage and read everything. Not that there is anything to hide. So wondering if I can erase my threads. Maybe I need to change my name.
One of the important criteria that I use when posting is to try to gauge whether any of our children would be offended/hurt to read what I have written about them. I'm sure I don't always get it right, but hopefully I do MOST of the time. I expect that at least some of them will do exactly what your daughter has done. Our postings here are public, after all.
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With a nod to Audrey and Mrs M, please note that my suggestion was to DELETE your ACCOUNT if you want those posts to go away. Hanging around with a new name will not solve the privacy problem.


But yeah, family members with too much time on their hands and questionable intentions... I have problems with that angle, too.

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With a nod to Audrey and Mrs M, please note that my suggestion was to DELETE your ACCOUNT if you want those posts to go away. Hanging around with a new name will not solve the privacy problem.


I was answering the OP, she was the one wondering about a name change. I have seen lots of people do it and get all POed when they are "exposed" by fellow posters.

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But yeah, family members with too much time on their hands and questionable intentions... I have problems with that angle, too.
Curiosity, perhaps? I figure it might be perfectly natural for a child to wonder why Mom (or Dad) spends so much time and effort participating in this forum.
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Curiosity, perhaps? I figure it might be perfectly natural for a child to wonder why Mom (or Dad) spends so much time and effort participating in this forum.


There's an old adage, "Eavesdroppers never hear well of themselves."


This is a board for parents who are homeschooling. We come here for help with curriuculum as well as how to deal with certain issues pertaining to educating our children at home. If our teen isn't motivated, we may come and ask for help and ideas to get them going. That is the point, yes? Support, encouragement, advice, opinions, etc.


If a teen is that worried about what is being written on an anonymous forum about them, their options are:


Step up and quit giving your parents concern enough to post about your lack of motivation (or whatever the issue is)


Don't cyber stalk and read ill of yourself because you are being nosy


"Woman up" (as was recently coined ;) ) and own that if you are going to be unmotivated AND cyber stalk, you may not like what you come across so suck it up.

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If a teen is that worried about what is being written on an anonymous forum about them, their options are:
While it could happen with a teen, as in the case of the OP, I expect it may be more likely to happen later once the child is an adult. What if one or more child grows up, starts a family and comes here for advice for homeschooling? They might run across threads from their parents here.


Regardless of how or why it happens, I do not wish my children to come here and to be hurt by what I have written. As such, I just assume it will eventually happen, even though I have no knowledge that it ever has.

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With a nod to Audrey and Mrs M, please note that my suggestion was to DELETE your ACCOUNT if you want those posts to go away. Hanging around with a new name will not solve the privacy problem.


But yeah, family members with too much time on their hands and questionable intentions... I have problems with that angle, too.


I understood you, AuntieM. If I accidentally responded under your post, I apologize. I wasn't implying your advice was unsound. Deleting the account is a viable option if the mods are acquiescent.


I was answering the OP, she was the one wondering about a name change. I have seen lots of people do it and get all POed when they are "exposed" by fellow posters.


Yes... as if we are all supposed to keep track of everyone's online lives and tiptoe around at their whims. :glare:

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I understand wanting to share and get feedback on a situation. There is also the sticky, yet important part where you want a child's life remain to private. I think this is a brave new world.


Of course, it would have saved President Obama quite a lot of aggravation had his mother participated on a list where she announced his birth from a Honolulu hospital. :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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:iagree: Amen.


Yes, what goes on the web, stays on the web, blah, blah, blah. But it would be nice if people realized that trolling after someone else's web habits is, in a way, like eavesdropping. Yes, it's possible, it's just kind of rude. Just my two cents on the issue.


OP, you can ask to have your account deleted, I think. PM the moderators.


:iagree: Talking on my cell phone outdoors means anyone can hear my conversation. Fine. If you lurk behind me, listening to the whole thing, and then have the audacity to comment on it? Still rude.


Life lesson: if you don't really want to know what people think, don't dig into their stuff.

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I don't see any violation of privacy. Unless you are using your own name, tell others your forum name, use your child's real name etc. then it is an anonymous homeschool mom with a anonymous homeschool graduate (or soon to be graduate). How many of those are there?


Now in my case, lots of people do know that I'm Jean in Newcastle in real life. I share about learning difficulties but not emotional/personality difficulties in my kids.

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It will be interesting to see where all the ancient web crawl stuff ends up. In 20 or so years, what commentary might reporters find the presidential running mate's mother said about her as a wee babe? Will it matter? Will anyone care if they had an awesome cloth diaper stash? Will 'journalists' troll the WTM boards for feedback on crappy 9th grade essays?

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It will be interesting to see where all the ancient web crawl stuff ends up. In 20 or so years, what commentary might reporters find the presidential running mate's mother said about her as a wee babe? Will it matter? Will anyone care if they had an awesome cloth diaper stash? Will 'journalists' troll the WTM boards for feedback on crappy 9th grade essays?



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I understand wanting to share and get feedback on a situation. There is also the sticky, yet important part where you want a child's life remain to private. I think this is a brave new world.


Of course, it would have saved President Obama quite a lot of aggravation hadhis mother had participated on a list where she announced his birth from a Honolulu hospital. :)


No, it would have been a democratic troll laying tracks for their future illegal candidate.

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