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Feeling disappointed (vent)

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Possum will be 1 on 30/9 so i organised an afternoon tea at my parents home (2 hours away) for 1/10 and invited all our family and friends. Most of them live in the city so my parents home seemed like the best idea if we wanted them all to join us (which we did/do). I couldn't imagine them all driving the distance to our place.


We told everyone no gifts, please make a donation to WIRF Angel Breaths campaign in celebration of Possum's 1st year. We've set up the donation page etc.


30/9 also happens to be Chicky's Birthday and she will be turning 4. So we advised people we'd be doing cake & Happy Birthday for her too.


We sent invitations 2 months in advance and told family months before that, that we would probably do 'something special' for Possum's Birthday.


So DH's parents plan a trip to Europe, they left on 8/9 and wont be there. One brother plans to take his family away on holiday as it's the first day of school holidays (they have not met Possum yet) leaving 1/10. The other brother says it clashes with the AFL grandfinal so his family wont be coming. His sister says she's organised her daughter's 18th party for that day even though her birthday isn't until 21/10 (they live 2 hours from my parents place in the opposite direction to us) so they wont be there. None of them have offered to give a donation.


I just feel SO DISAPPOINTED that no one in DH's family seems to care how important this is to us. My family will all be there! It stirs up lots of emotions as his family were not supportive at all in the early stages of our NICU journey. I feel like the people who will be there (my family & a few of my friends) are the people that truly care for us and i told DH that. Really i'd love nothing more to do with his side of the family. I feel like this is the ultimate slap in the face!


I'm also REALLY angry that we are putting my parents out by having the party at their place because i thought it would be more convenient for DH's family. None of our local friends are going to attend but all would have if we'd had it at our place and i know my family would have travelled, because they wouldn't miss this celebration for the world!


Sorry, i know this has gotten long, but i needed to vent.

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Wow, Amber, that really stinks. I'm so sorry. Is there anyway you can move it back to your home since his family isn't attending? That way more of your friends can come. Either way, I hope you have a wonderful celebration!


Unfortunately we have already made arrangements for cake, food etc in the city and can't move the party now.

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Oh... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so, so sorry this is happening. You know that if there was a magical way to have a WTM party we'd all be there with party hats on :) As hard as it is, just try to look at it as a celebration with the people that really care (and will be there to cheer him on in the future) Happy Birthday, little Possum! :party:

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I just feel SO DISAPPOINTED that no one in DH's family seems to care how important this is to us. My family will all be there! It stirs up lots of emotions as his family were not supportive at all in the early stages of our NICU journey. I feel like the people who will be there (my family & a few of my friends) are the people that truly care for us and i told DH that. Really i'd love nothing more to do with his side of the family. I feel like this is the ultimate slap in the face!



I would be hurt and disappointed, but I don't know that it is a slap in the face. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. You just got some.

:grouphug: to you and your husband. I would be especially hurt if I was him.

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Oh... :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am so, so sorry this is happening. You know that if there was a magical way to have a WTM party we'd all be there with party hats on :) As hard as it is, just try to look at it as a celebration with the people that really care (and will be there to cheer him on in the future) Happy Birthday, little Possum! :party:


Thanks Lucy :001_smile: I'm really trying to focus on that.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I can imagine how it must make your dh feel as my MIL was the same. We learned to be thankful for the family that WAS in our lives. THe friends who stood by our side during the bad times, THOSE are our true friends. I would be thankful for who will be there, and I'd no longer make arrangements to accommodate his side of the family.


Could you move the party to your house so your local friends could attend? Would your parents care? Maybe have two parties, one local and one not?:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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