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This might be TMI, but I need some help with the bedroom situation


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in our house.


DH and I have had separate bedrooms for over 5 years. There is nothing wrong with our marriage, really there isn't, but I apparently snore horribly and he toss and turns and jolts me awake several times a night.


So, our problems are two fold. I honestly think that if I can lose the 30 pounds I have gained I won't snore anymore. I didn't snore 30 pounds ago. I am starting a pretty strict diet as I am more motivated to get there now.


However, the bed situation is an issue. This has been an issue since we got married really. I used to do better with waking up a few times in the middle of the night. Not any more! Once I am jolted awake, I am awake and I then am exhausted when morning comes.


I have a couple of ideas but wondered if you all might have a solution I hadn't thought of yet.


Here are my ideas:


1. Remove the bed frame and put the box spring and mattress directly on the floor. That seems to have the bed move less when shaking on it.


2. Just sleep in separate beds for sleeping purposes. Move another bed in that room, or even a mattress/pull out or something.


Any other ideas?


We really need the room I have been sleeping in for a bedroom for the boys.





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My husband doesn't jolt me awake at night, but I can't sleep well if I feel crowded.


We have a BED room. It contains two double beds side by side and not much else. We each have our own bed, but can easily roll from one to other. Also if our youngest comes to join us in the night I can sleep a little on each bed and still have enough space.


My dh is 6 foot 2. When our youngest stops coming in to bed at night we are going to sleep on it so that are heads are on one bed, and feet on another. That way he will stop complaining about his feet hanging off the edge.

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What size bed is in there now? If not a king, can you afford to upgrade to a king? Can you afford the one that doesn't transfer motion? (I think they're Sealy Posturpedic. All I remember is a commercial with a glass of wine on one side and someone jumping on the other). If not, I would probably put two twin mattresses side by side on the floor and see if that would help.

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Two beds or a temperpedic style mattress. We got the mattress and you really can't feel the other person move, it's wonderful.


And a CPAP for you until you lose the weight and/or stop snoring.


DH was the one keeping me awake for years and years; I still have to sleep with the tv on or earplugs in to block out noise but finally his thrashing around doesn't wake me and he's much more rested too now that he has the CPAP.

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I have not had a sleep test. I do know that I am overweight and I also know I have a deviated septum.


As for the beds we currently have: We have a CA King in there right now. DH is tall and wanted the CA King because it is longer for him. It is also a higher end mattress so not sure DH will go for a new bed, BUT I may still try.


I have a queen in my room but I am willing to part with that one forever because it was given to us and has always been uncomfortable. I even have a topper for it because I couldn't stand how uncomfortable it was.


Do you have to get a sleep study to get the CPAP?



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I think it is the Temperpedic?




What size bed is in there now? If not a king, can you afford to upgrade to a king? Can you afford the one that doesn't transfer motion? (I think they're Sealy Posturpedic. All I remember is a commercial with a glass of wine on one side and someone jumping on the other). If not, I would probably put two twin mattresses side by side on the floor and see if that would help.
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Is this one that sits on top of what you have now?


Do you really not feel the other person moving around?




If you're a member of Costco you can order the tempurpedic knock off they have. We bought one for a fraction of the cost and love it. It's the best bed I've ever had.
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Ah, so not on anything?


Did you try it on top of a current box spring and mattress on the floor without the frame?




yep it's the temperpedic. Depending on the frame you can still feel *some* movement but when we had ours on the floor I couldn't tell if DH was over there at all. Heaven after 14 years of getting tossed and turned...
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I have not had a sleep test. I do know that I am overweight and I also know I have a deviated septum.


Do you have to get a sleep study to get the CPAP?

You have to have a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea. You have to have the diagnosis to have a prescription for a CPAP. Your CPAP has to be prescribed, because it will be calibrated just for your needs.


If your insurance will cover it, you should have one.

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I have always wondered about doing this. I don't sleep that well in new places anyway.


Do they just put you in a room to sleep by yourself?




You have to have a sleep study to diagnose sleep apnea. You have to have the diagnosis to have a prescription for a CPAP. Your CPAP has to be prescribed, because it will be calibrated just for your needs.


If your insurance will cover it, you should have one.

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My DH, the toddler, and I share two queen size mattresses on the floor. Pretty? No. Awesome? Absolutely. My DH and I usually start the night next to each other, but on our own beds.


We only have beds on floors. (Except my youngest who has a queen size bed which is also the guest bed.)


Once we have a King next to a twin extra long. It was wall to wall, to wall bed. Great for sleeping and wrestling on.

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I have always wondered about doing this. I don't sleep that well in new places anyway.


Do they just put you in a room to sleep by yourself?




When I had mine, they put electrodes on your head and legs (they'll check for restless leg syndrome). You go to sleep and they monitor how well it goes. If you have an issue, they will wake you to start treatment, if neccessary. It's really not all that bad.


Talk to your pcp about getting a referal to a specialist.

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I have always wondered about doing this. I don't sleep that well in new places anyway.


Do they just put you in a room to sleep by yourself?




I am going through this now. I had the sleep study last week and received the phone call today that I do have sleep apnea. I now have to go back in to have the cpap study. They put me in a room by myself hooked up with like 30 wires. This next time I will be hooked up with the cpap machine. I wasn't looking forward to doing these studies but I get so little sleep because of the snoring and obviously stopping breathing that if I can get a good nights sleep again it will be well worth it.


BTW, my study wan't done in the hospital. The hospital has a place(off site) for you to go. The room looked like a hotel room.

Edited by ugamom11
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Darn, when I saw the title, I thought this was going to be a salacious thread. ;)


James Bond is a foot rocker, meaning he has to shake his foot in order to get to sleep and sometimes does it in his sleep. OMG, it drove me insane. It ept me awake and kept waking me up. I must have said "quit rocking your foot" 800,000 times during the first few years of our marriage. Seriously, I said it at least 10 times a night. Five years ago we got a king size Tempurpedic mattress. Sweet goodness it is wonderful! He can rock his foot until his heart's content and it doesn't bother me! I can feel him moving around if he rolls over, but nothing like before.

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I have always wondered about doing this. I don't sleep that well in new places anyway.


Do they just put you in a room to sleep by yourself?




I had sleep studies in two different hospitals. In both I was put in a room that was more like a hotel room than typical hospital room. My son's was in a typical hospital room as I remember. That said, they hook you up to wires and such and no one sleeps well. That's ok because all they need is for you to fall asleep and go through a sleep cycle. I imagine nearly everyone does that.


If at all possible it would be very good to get a sleep study. My mother had snoring but she also had that restless sleep...your husband may have a diagnosable and treatable issue too.


Do you have room for a nice air mattress on the floor? You could share the bed for "together" and then slide out the air mattress to sleep perhaps. Or even a regular mattress.


FWIW, I'm thin with apnea. Weight loss may eliminate the problem (I hope it does!) but there may be other causes as well. CPAP will likely help with the weight loss too. You'll feel so much better when you get solid sleep.

Edited by sbgrace
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I have always wondered about doing this. I don't sleep that well in new places anyway.


Do they just put you in a room to sleep by yourself?




DH just had his last year-he stayed in a hospital room for the night. When they checked him in they hooked him up to a lot of wires and machines. He said it was difficult to fall asleep and was only able to get a few hours of good sleep but it was enough for them to see he was choking out about one minute out of every five. He came home with a CPAP and even though it took a little getting used to he is much more rested and comfortable with it. He's thin too, weight isn't what causes his problems-the doctor said he has big lungs and small sinuses so basically he is a human bellows. lol


We just put our bed on a frame and now we can feel just a little movement. While we were building the frame it was on the floor and then we didn't feel anything at all. Had we not gotten this temperpedic I was going to go the twin beds side by side route.

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My husband doesn't jolt me awake at night, but I can't sleep well if I feel crowded.


We have a BED room. It contains two double beds side by side and not much else. We each have our own bed, but can easily roll from one to other. Also if our youngest comes to join us in the night I can sleep a little on each bed and still have enough space.


My dh is 6 foot 2. When our youngest stops coming in to bed at night we are going to sleep on it so that are heads are on one bed, and feet on another. That way he will stop complaining about his feet hanging off the edge.


What about getting a California King?

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Definitely two mattresses side by side so movement isn't transfered, You can get beds made like that, usually those ones where you can alter the position of the mattress, like have it in a slightly upright position. Or you could get two divan type beds and put them next to each other and fix them together so they don't move apart. And the visco elastic matresses dont transfer movement as much.

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I don't know what to say about the bed situation, but I did want to mention that turning on a fan in our room for some reason miraculously stops my husband from snoring. I initially started to use the fan as white noise in hopes that the snoring wouldn't bother me as much, but he will stop snoring as soon as I turn on the fan. I put the fan on my side of the bed and have it blow directly on me, but he gets some air from it too.



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When I lost weight, I did stop snoring, so there's hope!


FYI, two extra-long twin mattresses = 1 king, so if you ever wanted to sleep with the same bedclothes, that's an option.


We have a king mattress on the floor (DH & I) with an XL twin next to it (DD1). DD2 sleeps on a futon mattress across the room. We moved to the floor when our early crawler kept trying to crawl right off the edge of the bed. That's no longer a problem but we still think sleeping on the floor is great!

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My inlaws always had two single beds put side by side so that they looked like a king size bed. My MIL said that this took care of the problem she had with my FIL, who made the same sort of jolts you mention, apparently. Theirs were touching, however, and I'm not sure if touching will work for you, or not. Theirs looked just like a king size bed....

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I have always wondered about doing this. I don't sleep that well in new places anyway.


Do they just put you in a room to sleep by yourself?




Yes, you get your own room. It was tough to sleep with all of the equipment but they only need a couple of hours of actual sleep to get a diagnosis which is well worth it. Sometimes they can do a study at home but it will not give as much info as a regular sleep study.


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